2,284 Mickk Comments

  • Help please 6.2 years ago

    Check your centers, as in CoM, CoL and CoT. Press the SPACE bar or whatever serves that purpose on your machine to bring them up.

    I'm guessing that it goes nose up and starts flipping nose over tail.

    There are at least two things wrong.
    The CoL (the blue line) is in front of the CoM (the red line).
    Try making the main wing smaller, this will make the CoL move toward the back of the plane.
    The CoT (yellow line) is too low on the fuselage.
    This will force the nose of the aircraft upwards under power.
    Try using less power on take off, just enough to get off the ground usually works.
    When you are airborne you will need to trim for level flight at full power.

    As usual, my advice may be WRONG, but that is all it is, advice. Use at your own risk.
    If it is wrong I'm sure someone will say so. :P

  • (Fixed) Automatically Leading/Locking Multirole Turret 3.9 years ago

    That's very interesting. I have a.... lets call it a space ship (Star Wars) that can use this, as long as I can find a way to make it fit. It is very much a WIP and a couple of years old now (I've been out of the game), but it's flyable. Fairly sure I uploaded what I'm talking about. *goes to check

    EDIT: Yep, it's been uploaded. It's a ISD II and was a very ambitious project for me to take on at the time. It's quite large(!!), but I think the turret would be ok in place of the main turrets alongside the central tower.
    I'll have a look at that soonish, even though I'm on holidays, I have a buttload of stuff to do in RL. lol

  • Smol Ame with a Gun 3.9 years ago

    LOL, just.... LOL.
    Ame needs to see this in action.

    Downloaded it, had a play with it.

    Totally useless as a plane, but FUN!

    Needs pantsu. lol

    EDIT: Made a short movie and uploaded to Youtube.
    Link ---> Video link

    Did not do a new post, because I don't care if anyone actually watches it lol

  • Porsche 911 930 RWB 5.9 years ago

    It's a Porsche!
    *re- installs "NFS: Porsche 2000"

  • Help please 6.0 years ago

    If you need help, it helps if you post what the problem is.
    Ignore this post if you are doing that while I am posting here. :P

  • flying Aircraft carrier 6.0 years ago

    A novel use for winches. Nice!


    EDIT: Now you reminded me of an aircraft from a book I have.
    It had a 'towed radar array' I think it was.
    You could also use it for a towed decoy launcher.
    Some interesting possibilities.

  • Lockheed P-38J "Skidoo" 6.1 years ago

    @Johndfg A lot of work went into this.
    It took a while to spawn into the game for me, but it DID work and looked great in game on high settings, although my PC struggled a bit at points.
    I love the old warbirds, but I'm not good enough (yet!) to do justice to them.

  • TIE Fighter 6.2 years ago

    @Treadmill103 Well, working off of the overall wingspan, an ISD (or ISD II) would be 4.7 times the size.
    An ISD is 1600 meters long (1.6 km), so 4.7 x 1600 = 7520 meters or 7.52 km long.

    Roughly half the size of a Super Star Destroyer (15km long!).

    Also, this is more like a T/I, TIE Interceptors have 4 lasers, not two like a TIE Fighter. ;)

  • Finals | Thunderdome III 5.8 years ago

    @AtlasSP Well then, that is much, much earlier than I expected.
    Also, Real Life stuff is more important, so it is all good.

  • Finals | Thunderdome III 5.8 years ago

    @AtlasSP Yep, a new Thunderdome.
    Not right away of course, it takes some effort to put them together and do the video work after all.

  • Finals | Thunderdome III 5.8 years ago

    I'm waiting for the next one to be announced.

    With the quality of the builds in this one, the next one could be rather interesting.

  • Dogfight: Thunderdome III 5.8 years ago

    Looks like we have a bunch of good planes again this time around.
    Excellent fight 8 vs 9 too, it shows that the AI will NOT give up while it still has an aircraft it can make fly.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.8 years ago

    Well, a lot of my propeller driven aircraft also carry missiles, but that does not mean they will be allowed here.
    The final decision lies with @EchoWhiskey11 and @AtlasSP , so I'll leave it to them.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.8 years ago

    Well, if past 'parts' + propeller driven challenges are any example, I would say that missiles are not to be used.
    Also knowing @EchoWhiskey11 just slightly, if they were allowed, I think it would be in the rules.
    Just saying.

  • Dogfight | Thunderdome II 5.8 years ago

    Number 7 was flying VERY oddly.
    I think I know what was going on there and I'm not sure it was fair to the other competitors.
    However, if the person who designed it to do that could do it, other people will eventually be able to figure it out.

  • Konosuba reference 5.8 years ago

    Megumin would love this, but say she could do it better.... and she could! :P

  • Mega Ducc 5.8 years ago

    The strangest airc..... flying thing I've seen here for quite some time.
    Points for giggle factor. lol

  • The Slow Plane 5.8 years ago

    Working on something that is a little slower, just for giggles.
    I may even post it.
    Currently 76 mph top speed and not falling out of the sky, mind it deosn't exactly take off either.
    You sort of run it off of a convenient cliff and cross your fingers that it becomes stable before hitting the water.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.9 years ago

    Entry uploaded. ;)
    Oberon MK II
    If there is something wrong with it, let me know what it is and I'll sort it out.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.9 years ago

    @AtlasSP If you are talking about the Forward Swept Spitfire, no, it's not, although it could be.
    I would just need to swap out the cockpit for the Thunder Dome III one.
    The one I plan on entering is 'waiting', all I need to do is put the TDIII cockpit on it and upload it.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.9 years ago

    Yep, fair enough.
    I looked but I couldn't find any lightened parts.
    Pretty much the only parts I ever lighten are engines and I checked them and they were full weight.
    My entry is basically finished, but I'm going to wait until it is a little closer to fight time before uploading.
    I retro-fitted a couple of extra engines and while they look a little odd where they are placed, they do the job.
    On a similar note, have a look at my latest thing.
    Forward Swept Spitfire
    I wanted to make something that looked a tiny bit like a Spitfire, but had that mad wing on it.
    I need to try harder on the body. lol

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.9 years ago

    @0n33 That's interesting.
    I did that glider vs a powered plane thing and got an interesting, if predictable result.
    The powered plane won all matches.
    However, the glider did manage to get a number of serious hits in during most fights.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.9 years ago

    Evil Grin
    Looks like I get to tweak or rebuild Warrior for the new specs of this contest.
    It could be interesting by the time I'm finished with it.
    Warrior MkII. ;)

  • Final Round | Thunder Dome Challenge| 5.9 years ago

    Good video.
    Final fight was pretty close, it could have gone either way.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.9 years ago

    Yep, next Tournament.
    I'm in.
    Idea for next one.
    Have the champion of the next one fly vs the winner of this one or just store the winners then when you have half a dozen or so, stage a 'Champions Tournament' where they each fly against every champion from previous tournaments.
    Edit: Working on a upgraded version of Warrior (Mk II) as we speak.
    Hopefully I'll be able to make it more stable and scrape some more power out of the engines.
    I'm thinking a jet powered version would be quite interesting.
    Also, Twin fighter is getting an engine replacement.
    Turbo Props will change things around a bit.

  • Strange Wing 5.9 years ago

    *Downloads because someone added a body.
    That went well, better than expected in fact after I looked at the centers.
    Good job and a little imaginative too, never would have thought of putting ailerons on separate wings like that.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.9 years ago

    I used all 3 of your suggestions and it worked a treat.
    I had forgotten to max out the horsepower on the engines. D'oh! /Homer off
    It flies quite nicely now, even though it does need some trim to flight straight and level and I reckon it will scare the poop out of a lot of the aircraft it will be facing.
    It did well against most of the aircraft I tested it against.
    Sometimes I wish there were PM's on this forum but it is good there isn't, all communication between players is out in the open. ;)
    I'd like to formally request of removal of the Nobler Twin Fighter from the challenge.
    I will upload my new aircraft after adding some eye candy.
    Good luck everyone!

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.9 years ago

    Thanks for the reply.
    I figured that would be the case, but I wanted to check anyway.
    I might withdraw my entry for a replacement, if I can get what I am working on to not have folding wing syndrome, otherwise it will be a good learning experience.
    Pretty sure the wings won't fall off of my entry, I tested it against a few of my more agile aircraft and they managed to hang on.
    Forgot to take the missiles off of the Oberon and died pretty much in the first 10 secs, not that it lasted much longer without them lol

  • Mickks Vertical Launch Box 5.9 years ago

    As far as I know, there are only two places where you can target the Fleet from, Wright Airport and Wright Isles North Runway, but from the North Runway you will have to add more height to be able to get a target.

  • Anti vaccine people are idiots 5.9 years ago

    Upvoted because being vaccinated is important.

  • Issues with Countermeasures 6.0 years ago


    In 'dogfight' mode with the PC flying both planes they seem to be automatic.
    However, as I found out, if you are flying the plane, they are not.
    I learned something new with this post, so everyone wins.

  • I'm in the hospital 6.1 years ago

    No fun there.
    I had a triple heart bypass late last year. Unfortunately I hadn't found SimplePlanes yet, so I spent two months going stir crazy.

  • Ring Wing 6.1 years ago

    I could have, yes.
    It is an entirely experimental design and covering it up would make it harder for people to see how it works.
    I was not even sure it would fly at all when I started.
    The panels making up the wings have been made a little wider, but are no longer than what they are when you take them out of the box.
    The difference in angle between one panel and the next is exactly 18 degrees.
    If the panels were a different length or the angle was different, even by a little bit, it doesn't work.

    Edit: what I mean by "doesn't work" is that you would end up having to use an odd sized/angled panel in order to make the ring complete.

  • Microfighter-1 6.1 years ago

    @Falkenwut Cool. It flies pretty well, much better than my last travesty. lol
    Made the mistake of targeting one of my missile carrying things and got blown out of the sky for my trouble. heh

  • Microfighter-1 6.1 years ago

    Darn it, beaten to the punch. lol
    On the other hand this might be useful for a thing I'm working on.
    Credit if I decide to use it instead of making something that matches close of course.
    I'll d/l anyway because it looks like fun.

  • Mickk's Saucer 6.1 years ago

    Heh, I have one or two books that would make a conspiracy theorist very happy, one of them being "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good and another being "Cosmic Crashes" by Nicholas Redfern.
    Lots of really interesting stuff in both books, especially Above Top Secret.

    Of course I fully realize that a UFO would have weapons on it, even if they were for use vs spacejunk, but I've been putting weapons of various types on a lot my planes recently and figured it was time to give that a break.

  • Please help 6.1 years ago


    What I am seeing here is a huge bunch of guns on a structure, but no engines, wings or anything else.

    It 'waddles' when you fire those guns or just when it is sitting still?

  • UNSC PELICAN AT-88 with M12 WARTHOG 6.1 years ago

    @Texasfam04 I totally agree. People put a lot of work into some of these builds and get nothing and others go and put up something they threw together in a few hours up and they get lots of upvotes.

  • Biggest plane in the game (i think) 6.2 years ago

    @ClaudeTheB777 Nope, I think Gigantus has you beat by a bit. lol

  • HELP ME 2 6.2 years ago

    To kill wing flex, get the 'Overload' mod, use structural wings, then use Overload to add control surfaces to them.
    To do that, select the wing, then go to the 'wing' tab in Overload, scroll down a bit until you see 'allowControlSurfaces' and where it says 'false' change that to 'true' and you will be able to add a control surface to that wing.

    EDIT: Just saw you are on iOS, which is why you are asking for help.
    Maybe putting a structural wing under the main wing will help with wing flex, not a full wing, just a thin one.
    It seems making big wings that don't flex has always been a problem in game, I pretty much always use structural wings these days.

  • Fokker Blauer Vogel 6.3 years ago

    Looks pretty nice, must have!

    EDIT: Got it, flew it. Must be powered by fairy dust, it got airborne so fast. Love the wings, must have taken ages to get that looking right.

  • TBCcraft - cleaned and made pretty 6.3 years ago

    @TurkishAirliner No problem. I learned a little while I was doing it, so it is a win win situation.
    I mostly used the nudge tool built into the game to move things around where it was needed.
    There are three fuselage nosecones on that plane, the one you can see and the two used to make up the extra cockpit 'glass'. They both had to be placed manually and were a little tricky to get right, but that is one of the things I learned.

  • Game AI and Turret building. 6.3 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer Uploaded the aircraft I was talking about an hour or so ago. It's a bomber and it has nice blue wings. Feel free to mess with it.

  • Uhh... a little help? 6.3 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot Sounds like that method could also be used to turn a 'Cleaver' Air to Ground into a form of 'Harpoon' Anti-ship missile. Something else to try and mount on one of my mad inventions.

  • Game AI and Turret building. 6.3 years ago

    @CrazyChildEngineer Yeah, I do sort of. Definitely something to work on.
    Something I did earlier (my time) was put weapons on one of my big ships, including Air to Air. Being a boat, I ended mounting the cockpit on a block attached to a rotor, to get that up/down movement for the AA sight, it was very effective, but I need to mount the missiles further off the deck as they tend to drop a bit before going skyward. I did however kill a couple of planes with that boat!

  • Game AI and Turret building. 6.3 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer Yes, yours is the turret I was talking about. Shotgun is right, looks like fireworks going off, pretty effective in close though. The auto aim doesn't work with my plane, but if I 'sink' them into the hull of the aircraft they will at least look the part.
    For now though, lets just say my aircraft has a 'sting' in the tail. ;)

  • What is auto roll? 6.3 years ago

    @Hyattorama Thanks for the info, but I couldn't figure out what was causing the problem, so scrapped that and built a new one.
    The new one flies straight and level, but it is not pretty and has something I think might just be new, but has probably been done already.

  • What is auto roll? 6.3 years ago

    Interesting. I have just made an aircraft that does exactly that.
    I can't figure out why, but it rolls to the right, very slowly, like there is more lift on the left wing, which there shouldn't be as it's all mirrored from the right hand side.
    Is there a way to fix the problem?
    I'm going to try a few things, such as remove all the wings on the right hand side and mirror from the left or just completely remove and rebuild all of the wings from scratch. I'll let you know what works, if it works.

  • Star Liner 3.8 years ago

    @Louisianaboy2021024 @5k meters, best speed is around 1060 knots, in other words, well past super sonic speeds. Pretty quick for an airliner.

    Her 'sister ship' Peacemaker is capable of twice that at the same height.

  • TriJet 3.8 years ago

    Not quite, but yes, kinda inspired by that plane.
    It's been a long time since anyone has commented on any of my aircraft. Thanks!
    Have a look at some of my other planes, they can be a little surprising.