9,642 Mixx Comments

  • CameraAndDisplay 1.3 years ago

    @IamAGuyi1 because phone too dumb and no like extra game bits

  • CameraAndDisplay 2.4 years ago

    @Enderman1462 @Jamesthethird @Tommy16
    Mods aren't typically supported on mobile devices, I know it sucks but take that up with the devs

  • ArtiElf Type I 2.7 years ago

    Such engineering, much programming

  • 2001 BMW M3 GTR LM (E46) 4.3 years ago

    (Created On Android) 🤯🤯🤯
    Like how, my phone starts eating it at 400, and this is almost on 4K...... what phone do you have

  • Interesting pseudo-reality projection display 2.4 years ago

    @ASBE that's honestly impressive as heck, I would love to have the code for those texts if you don't mind

  • T-72B3 (improved ver) 2.5 years ago

    Nice work using glass, that doesn't explode, as armour plates...

  • CAMERA AIM Phalanx CIWS 3.2 years ago

    How did you add the variable outputs the the camera....?
    Cuz I'm busy building mechs and this'll help so much for a lot of things...

  • First Person SHooter?????? 3.3 years ago

    You could actually place this inside a larger aircraft and use it like a player and control the plane with the new beta parts....

  • Eclipse Hornet 4.3 years ago

    @Baldeagle086 .....huh...yeah, like the salt flats

  • [v. 1.9.202] - Funky Trees Explanation Addendum 1.7 years ago

    This'll turn itself off
    ((clamp01(Activate1)) - smooth((clamp01(Activate1)),0.1))

    This'll stay on until you switch it off
    (clamp01(clamp01(Activate1) + smooth(clamp01(Activate1) ,0.05)))

  • CameraAndDisplay 2.5 years ago

    @PlanariaLab OK I've been messing around with the mod a lot, it seems that everything is working on the ol MAC-OS, she does chug a lil but honestly idc cuz at least it works, again, huge thanks for bringing this mod back, Mechs, Yagers, Titans and Gundums are gonna be so sick now

  • CameraAndDisplay 2.5 years ago

    @PlanariaLab I will check it later today, when I get home, none the less, thank you so much for your effort, I appreciate it so much 🙏

  • Panoramic Monitor Mod Test on My Gundam GP03S (not finished yet) 2.5 years ago

    I've needed this for so long

  • Wolfszahn Outlaw V8 2.6 years ago

    Love it when people put in the effort to first build the frame and suspension

  • BANSHEE NORN (RX-0 [N] UNICORN GUNDAM 02) 3.5 years ago

    Using target distance as an activation method.... you solved problems that I didn't even know I had

  • Funky Trees Hover using Jets 3.8 years ago

    What I used in the past was HeliRotors but recently I started using a thruster with the input set to 0.1 and the engine to 10
    (Activate4) - ((AltitudeAgl/10) + (rate(AltitudeAgl/2))
    And this works great for me

  • LH1 4.3 years ago

    @Baldeagle086 yes....it is indeed a drawing of the almighty Cr1TiKaL

  • Ford Gt Herritage 5.0 years ago

    sexy and mobile friendly

  • 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 5.2 years ago

    @SkipperBing I found the problem with the front suspension, the rear shocks weren't connected and your axel needed some give, I fixed both, would you like me to upload it so you can download and reupload it?

  • Manual transmission kit 11 months ago

    @TheMouse it's been a while since I built it, but basic controls are Throttle as your gas pedal
    Pitch for the Techtonic shifter and I think it was VTOL and Trim for the stick
    The digital display will tell you when to shift up an down and I've added a speedo and a tachometer for more functionality, every part is kinda linked together so be careful about deleting parts

  • Mech arm fix 1.7 years ago

    Wait.... did you test it in VR?

  • Bobber hoverbike 1.7 years ago

    @TheTomatoLover ahhhhhhhh I'm glad I could bring back those memories

  • Bobber hoverbike 1.7 years ago

    @TheTomatoLover what do you mean?

  • FlightSystem UI test 2.2 years ago

    Major BreakArts2 vibes

  • Can someone Curate this? 2.3 years ago

    The part count might bee to high for vr... not really sure tho

  • FlightSystem test3 2.3 years ago

    This is insane...

  • 1970 Dodge Challenger drag 2.4 years ago

    @Khanhlam @OrdinaryTankBuilder
    Mine starts chugging hard on 400, especially when I'm building my titans

  • AirSub concept 2.5 years ago

    @RDAdesigns oh, well if you need some code then just shout k

  • Doom Contest (CASH PRIZE!) (not a meme post) 2.5 years ago

    Man's paying people to make a game in a game... pretty soon we'll have SP in SP......one day you'll be able to sit and play SP in SPVR on a thing like this... why? CUZ YOU CAN

  • CameraAndDisplay 2.5 years ago

    It... it doesn't work on MAC OS...🥲
    All the mod parts are pink so that means that somewhere the Mac is being dumb...

  • CameraAndDisplay 2.6 years ago


  • Holographic projection probe 2.6 years ago


  • ST-1 2.6 years ago

    @CheezyRyrio 🤣

  • MECH 14-Banzoi 2.6 years ago

    Another nice walker
    @CheezyRyrio if you ever need help or custom leg designs, just shout, I'll be happy to help.

  • A Cockpit 2.6 years ago

    Still the cutest walker I ever done seen

  • Geek(stray) 2.6 years ago

    Looks gewd, glad I could help

  • Gun guban gun 2.7 years ago

    I dig it

  • Frame for SPVR 2.7 years ago

    @HTTPCREATION1O2 most chilled, I'll get it to work somehow... once I finish updating my mechs using all the 'new' features like cutting and cockpit parts

  • Frame for SPVR 2.7 years ago

    @HTTPCREATION1O2 well once you get the arms working, link me, I don't really need the legs, I'll Hava that on a separate system

  • Frame for SPVR 2.7 years ago

    @HTTPCREATION1O2 could I perhaps play with that?... i mainly want it to make controlling the arms in VR a little easier even thou I don't have a VR set so no way of testing in but hey😅

  • Frame for SPVR 2.7 years ago

    @HTTPCREATION1O2 yesssssssss, jeager battles

  • Frame for SPVR 2.7 years ago

    Say now I wanted to... implement this into... let's say... a massive titan, or mech, how difficult would the rerigging be?

  • Mech dog... 2.7 years ago

    @Axartar ummm... my phone starts chugging at like 400 parts... so unless you have a basic ass skeleton with only the moving parts... imma struggle till I get a PC again... but I'll try with this one

  • Mech dog... 2.7 years ago

    First thought[oh I'll upgrade the programming a bit]
    looks at part count
    [Nah ya know what... it's OK....]

  • RIFT DROCKET 2.8 years ago

    @Fadepug yeah the glitchyness is a pain, it goes away with higher physics settings...
    But slow? I mean it moves at a Max of 120kmh/74.5mph, that's more than you need really, like 4th gear is best for drifting smooth, but if you wanna go faster you can always tap the boost that's close to the base of the shifter...

  • Nissan R-32 Skyline 2.9 years ago

    @HelloX I'm gonna "finish" this for you, suspension rig, lil drift magic, the works

  • Help this girl walk. 3.0 years ago

    I'll give it a shot

  • hello 3.0 years ago

    Sah dude

  • RIFT DROCKET 3.0 years ago

    @Johnnyynf thanks, it was hellish trying to figure the body out before the cut tool and all the new toys got added

  • RIFT DROCKET 3.0 years ago

    @destroyerterminator you can use it on mobile, it's just that the unassisted steering is super steep, your need two fingers for the H shifter and the part counted is kinda high... so you phone chugs a lil... OK kinda a lot...
