I've allready decommissioned it and am waiting for the compensation for it at which point ill Deorbit it and if anyone uses asat weapons against it they will split the compensation of over 150 billion USD @Trollium
so nukes which are against the Geneva convention are ok yet orbital bombardment which isnt against the Geneva convention or any space treaties is not ok @Strikefighter04
the cost of all the rods ill spare the one that I use and the station so 397k USD for the rods and 150 billion USD for the station that can only be used for orbital bombardment and will have to be Deorbited @SuperSix
I broke it with my XP-51 i think I pulled atleast 9g's on a loop@jamesPLANESii
backrelease shouldn't be too hard anymore@jamesPLANESii
looks like a dog-1000@SalemASaberhagen
how powerful was the p-51's engine then and dont look it up
oof @jamesPLANESii
that jelly fella was an interesting human @MechWARRIOR57
jet blue
it wouldn't be realistic as all they use are 737's @BlueCitrus
its fictional by north American the real company that made the real p-51 @Bman01
capitalization doesn't matter @Zoomzoom999
im the same @plane918273645
she just want the right girl for you
@andrewgarrison I think I found a bug
take a plane crash then go to the catapult location and luanch it a few times and it starts to break @Adityo0502
+1I got it in this air at 4 mph
nvm I found it on your profile @Zippy6
what is the name of the plane in your profile pic I forgot it @Zippy6
I've allready decommissioned it and am waiting for the compensation for it at which point ill Deorbit it and if anyone uses asat weapons against it they will split the compensation of over 150 billion USD @Trollium
and now ill just mass produce gbu-43's and use them instead of orbital bombardment and it will have similar results as they have similar yields
the catapult lance thing was missing and i couldn't connect to it @Zoomzoom999
yet no one thought to use them @Trollium
so nukes which are against the Geneva convention are ok yet orbital bombardment which isnt against the Geneva convention or any space treaties is not ok @Strikefighter04
ID prefer it to come from the un which I am receding from and there is no stopping me @SuperSix
dont launch it off the carrier catapult it breaks the LG
no hornet in the picture so no upvote from me but it looks good
the cost of all the rods ill spare the one that I use and the station so 397k USD for the rods and 150 billion USD for the station that can only be used for orbital bombardment and will have to be Deorbited @SuperSix
the explosion will only occur in a confined space @PointlessWhyshouldi
but then it wouldn't be realistic as hydrogen is very flammable @Oski
ill test
ill send support if needed
ill send troops to help with the investigation
but the blocks would have to be much more flammable @Oski
ill need compensation for the costs of it as this rule was made after I had the station in orbit so who will compensate me @SuperSix
+1I did @Chesty
ok I dont know what yo do @ArcturusAerospace
I know that they just recently made that rule only because of my station @Trollium
yeah and was it new @ArcturusAerospace
who can i deorbit it on @SuperSix
ok that idea won't work. how old is it @ArcturusAerospace
tablet @ArcturusAerospace
is there anything stored on it that is important to you @ArcturusAerospace
is there any planes you have on it that you are still wanting to work on @ArcturusAerospace
@eternaldarkness just letting you know about this it looks like its a first offense
make sure to give credit to the original creator
so does that mean if I have the orbital bombardment already can I keep it @Strikefighter04
can you backup your data and restore it @ArcturusAerospace
and its just a bit more powerful than a moab bomb butwith less risk of loss of human lives @DeidaraEnterprises