and the mir isnt even correct the progress craft was never there if a Soyuz craft wasn't there progress crafts would dock at the back of the station Soyuz crafts would dock at the front
At the same museum they also have a b-1A a b-18 an a-7 an uh-1 huey gunship an f-4 phantom an f-86 an f-104 an f-100 and an f-14 just to name a few @Awsomur
and does it have to be a successor
would you consider the agm-114 hellfire missile as an at weapon as it was originally designed as an anti armor missile @shipster
what will likely be used so any rewards I may earn are to be split
ok it will likely be the exploration helicopter that has kind of unintentionally become a colab @shipster
can I use an old build as the base of my weapon like an old heli for a new missile @shipster
thats why you can use them as a way around asking for up votes
I've also sat in a t-38 cocpit @ACEPILOT109
if you dissabled physics calculation on every part it will run better @KiVZ
I've seen inside the cocpit of the Texan II used to train pilots today
I downloaded it on my phone but was laggy as hell
here is the comment I put the link in @Viper3000ad
ill try to find it @Viper3000ad
this thing can sink all the ships at Wright and still have some left over @randomusername
I've got pictures with text explaining it all somewhere on here
Idk @Dllama4
np @Vortex1
+1its [ before (@Dllama4
+1large control surfaces
im voting to paint it to look like arf n arf@ACEPILOT109
thx @ACEPILOT109
I lost the Soyuz craft @Randomdoggo
they are working on adding wnp78's mods to the stock game as he is now a Dev @Galpinju01
I forgot your a Dev @WNP78
tag me on it please
its also the day the great war album came out
and the mir isnt even correct the progress craft was never there if a Soyuz craft wasn't there progress crafts would dock at the back of the station Soyuz crafts would dock at the front
I have an old pilot helmet but it has a modern mask @Randomdoggo
im working on growing it @JamesBoA
this baby but dont forget the smoke
t you should also make an arf n arf version
it also has an airstrip they used when testing the sr-71 and might still have some planes there
congrats my dude @WNP78
+1but if your interested in more info on the planes they have on YouTube check out there series called behind the wings @Awsomur
I haven't been to the museum In a few years @Awsomur
I did some research it was his grand uncle @Davisplanez
I cant remember @Awsomur
Language @Destroyerz117
At the same museum they also have a b-1A a b-18 an a-7 an uh-1 huey gunship an f-4 phantom an f-86 an f-104 an f-100 and an f-14 just to name a few @Awsomur
Thx for letting me @JohnnyBoythePilot
+1I’ve seen a prowler before and it was the cag plane and was flown to the airport near the museum it is in right now
Tag me on the prowler and harrier
That’s what the screen record function on iOS is great for you can just record every flight and delete the non interesting ones afterwards
And the chance of you being in a crash is around one in a billion now days planes are so safe @Squirrel
It was a bit of an inconvinience for me when I did it but it wasn’t too bad I also did it to my shoulder that was not fun
Your profile pic @JamesBoA
Lol I got it only a few days ago and have spent three years on iOS @0n33
I also cant forget Game theory and lazarbeam
captain Joe grain rslash darkfluff Brandon herrera and mark Rober
I dont know what my least favorite is