128 MrEpic Comments

  • Bug from years ago still exists. Solutions? (I have updated the game) 4.0 years ago

    I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game (which im shocked I didn't think to try earlier, or maybe I did try it and just forgot) but that didn't fix it. Also, some clarification:

    When I mouse over a button in the editor, the icon (and/or text) on the button disappears, but when I click the button, the whole button actually disappears.

    As somebody who uses the Unity engine on almost a daily basis, this sounds to me like it might be a null reference error. It sounds like some internal code may be trying to access the variations of the button sprite (like a mouse-over variation and/or a button clicked variation) and be unable to find them or possibly have a incorrect/invalid sprite assigned to those Image class variables.

    That is just my speculation based on my experience but, without seeing the internal code itself (which I probably won't be able to do for legal reasons) I can't speculate any more than that.

  • RFS Natalia Poklonskaya Command Cruiser 8.0 years ago

    You also forgot to include the NLSPDS (Near Lightspeed Photonic Drive System, or, in laymans terms: the Warp Drive)

  • RFS Natalia Poklonskaya Command Cruiser 8.0 years ago

    sorry. im a master at coming up with cool-sounding sci-fi backstories. Also, all the materials mentioned in my post below are real.

  • RFS Natalia Poklonskaya Command Cruiser 8.0 years ago

    Thats some pretty weak armor you got there. you should have used collapisium (collapsed star matter) and neturonium (atoms with all their neturons forcefully striped away) armor with a lattice-style ferrocrystal (semi-organic, bone-like structure assembled atom by atom by nanites. Is tougher than any other substance, but very hard to make) proton matrix.

  • Normandy SR2 In the game MassEffect 8.0 years ago

    Thats not a hyperspace engine... a hyperspace engine is like the one i made that goes from 0 to 5,000,000 mph in about half a sec. it also accelelerates so fast that, dispite needing over 9,000,000 units of force to break, it shoots itself through the middle of your plane about half the time you use it. lol.

  • Refitted Mars Rover 9.1 years ago

    Not to be a super critic, but It is missing the following things:
    1. He had 8 solar panels, not 1. and they were on the roof.
    2. Most of the inside, (chairs, airlock, extra Suits, laptop, etc...)
    3. The RTG (radioactive thing he dug up to use as a heater)
    4. The other rover that he dismantled and the used as a trailer.

    BUT: considering you madeit in a game designed to make airplanes, not rovers, Good job. I coulden't have done it.

  • Refitted Mars Rover 9.1 years ago

    @aerodummy Saw it and loved it. I'm bummed that they left out the Massive storm that He went through on this way to the other landing site in the book. They also didnt show what he typed right after nasa told him to watch what he said because the whole world was watching. He typed: (.Y.) <--- BOOBS!!!

    other that that it stuck to the book pretty well and overall was a really good movie.
    Good job on the rover. It looks pretty accurate.