@Treadmill103 I also really enjoy canard planes. I am proud of the gear setup too. It was educational to say the least. But I learned some good lessons for future builds. I am not very familiar with the movie other then some YouTube clips. Mostly just seen pictures. It has spectacular action sequences from what I can tell. Don't know much more then that.
@ThePilotDude I wish I could've made it sit right in the water like you have yours. Mine would just nosedive or just not be able to lift off so I settled for floating out a little bit.
@RailfanEthan Ha! I am glad you liked it! Thanks as always. Especially for the spotty!
That is one big baby!
@stig27 thanks anyways!
@stig27 Ok cool! Can you modify a gyro to deactivate by "raising landing gear" ?
@bjac0 ha!
@Irobert55 I am not familiar with that aircraft but I will look into it. I like most of the aircraft from that movie, so I will probably like it!
@Kaos Thanks! Much appreciated.
@Treadmill103 I also really enjoy canard planes. I am proud of the gear setup too. It was educational to say the least. But I learned some good lessons for future builds. I am not very familiar with the movie other then some YouTube clips. Mostly just seen pictures. It has spectacular action sequences from what I can tell. Don't know much more then that.
@bjac0 Thanks! Lol! I think you been hitting some tree!
@RodWan Thanks! Glad you liked it.
@Marine What a beauty!
That is spectacular!
Soooo cooool!
Great stuff!
@ChiChiWerx they are cool! The older ones look like they shouldn't be able to fly.
@Treadmill103 @Baldovino @CrazyCatZe Thanks a lot!
@grizzlitn np!
@Awsomur Lol! Thanks
@RamboJutter Np!
@hopotumon np!
@FastDan Rocket?
Very cool!
@TMach5 Np! Great build!
@Pianoman Thanks so always for the upvotes. Much appreciated.
@Greekempire2 np!
@Greekempire2 I used one that someone else made. I credited them in the description. They have a "decal".
@Tessemi Lol! You described that movie perfectly! The dogfight scenes are really cool. They are really unsportsmanlike to the people ejecting!
@Tessemi Lol! You described that movie perfectly! The dogfight scenes are really cool. They are really unsportsmanlike to the people ejecting!
@MethaManAircraft And also to you!
Very nice!
@Tessemi No. It is based off the movie, but I have not seen the movie yet. Kind of my version I guess.
@Treadmill103 I am proudest of the moustache!
@Carbonfox1 Thanks! A lot of my builds are inspired by crimson skies. This one is for sure.
LEGO should pay you. I don't know what, but they should. That is amazing!
What a sleek fighter! She handles very well, and looks beautiful as he\!
@Phoza That is a good point. Thanks!
@CommieMatt1991 'merica!
Very cool!
@Treadmill103 Thanks! It doesn't actually sit right in the water though. It should sit with the wings almost in the water. But it works!
@ThePilotDude I wish I could've made it sit right in the water like you have yours. Mine would just nosedive or just not be able to lift off so I settled for floating out a little bit.
@RamboJutter Yes. It made easier to control and balance. I really like your version. It is a lot truer to the original concept. It flies great too.
@Roswell Thanks!
@Treadmill103 Thanks a lot! I had never seen the Gee Bee R3 until right before I built this. I would love to see one in action in real life.
@RailfanEthan And sweet beans to you. Glad you like it.
@CRJ900Pilot Thanks!
Super cool!
Very nice!