315 MvxAeronauticsIndustries

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joined 4.0 years ago

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I'm also known as Maverix25 in other places
I also have a YT channel with same name as above.

Might not be active here all the times.

The Maverix Aeronautics Industries (M.A.I) is a branch from the Maverix Air Force (M.A.F) with a task of manufacturing domestic aerial vehicles, improve existing ones, or even make licensed copy of an existing model (such as our classified JF-17 and Su-35 variant)

The A.C.C. (Anime Control Center) is another military branch under the Maverix Industrial Armed Forces (M.I.A.F.) acting as a Task Force which consists of some of the best fighters and weaponry to counter, as mentioned, Anime. [Watch Bocchi The Rock, very funny anme!]

Previously known as MaverixAircraftIndustries, MvxAeronaticsIndustries