6,701 Nassassin Comments

  • Mosquitoes! 10.1 years ago

    Wow, very nice.

  • Sailing Boat 10.1 years ago

    "I should build a sailboat, I wonder if someone beat me to it." Literally the newest aircraft. Very nice work, works great!

  • (beta) Bottlenose Dolphin 10.1 years ago

    "So long and thanks for all the fish!"

  • (beta) Orca. "killer whale" 10.1 years ago

    get a good bob going and a sea world boat pops out and throws a net around you

  • (beta) Orca v Dolphin racing 10.1 years ago

    Here, take all of the stars. Very fun to play with.

  • F-105G Thunderchief 10.1 years ago

    Welcome to the top user spot

  • Pod Racer - Skywalker v1 10.1 years ago

    Wow. Just, wow. Very nice!

  • Geoffs Ultralight 10.1 years ago

    I accidentally pressed detach 1. Poor Geoff

  • Amazing Jetpack Geoff Joyride 10.1 years ago

    Oh Geoff, you and your wacky flying machines...

  • Antonov A-40 Kryla Tanka (flying tank) replica 10.1 years ago

    I love it, You'd have to be a crazy person to give it anything less than 5 stars

  • Geoff the Dragon Rider 10.1 years ago

    This Geoff sure does lead an exciting life: hang gliders, jetpacks, paragliders, and now dragons. Can't wait to see what he flies next

  • Maverick Flying Car (paraglider, replica) 10.1 years ago

    Fun, relaxing craft to play with. Go slow and have fun with it for best results

  • Cessna Model Airplane 10.1 years ago

    I absolutely love it

  • Lambda Shuttle, deployable wings (Prototype) 10.1 years ago

    What the what?! Brilliant, just brilliant. When the wings come down, the COL is in front of the COM so she flips over. She actually flies for a few seconds when I move the COM/COT forward although the wings give me some problems

  • F-15 Eagle 10.1 years ago

    This taught me how to intersect parts way back when. Has to be 5 stars since it taught me something new even though the COM update killed it

  • Ancient Dragonfly v.1.3 10.1 years ago

    Got me started with making bugs, have to give it 5 stars

  • Sea Duck (Tale Spin) 10.1 years ago

    You beat me to it. Very nice! Can't wait for floats possibly in the next update

  • Alpha Jet - Patrouille de France 10.1 years ago

    I remember your first alpha jet. This is a huge improvement :) Great work!

  • Vickers Vimy 10.1 years ago

    Your replica planes are quite amazing

  • Rocket launching practice 10.1 years ago

    Spent way too long playing with this to not give it 5 stars. Nice work!

  • ULM (fly with soft link between body and wing) 10.1 years ago

    5 stars for innovation plus it's super fun to play with

  • First TRUE glider 10.1 years ago

    5 stars for innovation

  • Yukikaze (FFR-44) 10.1 years ago

    This is quite the plane. Took me a while to figure out a way to lose control (pitching down too fast) but stabilizes incredibly fast. Very nice work

  • Simple Mobile Suit Gundam 10.1 years ago

    I don't know how you made this on a tablet. I was trying to make it fly and, even on my computer, there is way too much lag to properly do anything; I just don't have the patience to do it. Good job though, looks awesome

  • Flying Toaster 10.1 years ago

    @WalrusAircraft I was looking at some of your control surfaces inside the toaster. Remember to invert any pitch surfaces that are in front of the COL otherwise they pull it in the wrong direction and take away from the overall pitching ability

  • Flying Toaster 10.1 years ago

    @WalrusAircraft I'll upload it if you want me to, but it wasn't hard to do so I'd rather you make it and get the points

  • Flying Toaster 10.1 years ago

    like this http://www.imgur.com/a/YPovl :)

  • Flying Toaster 10.1 years ago

    I only gave it 4 stars because I was really disappointed that the toast didn't pop out when you press detacher 1. Other than that, it's funny and is very stable in the air. Nice work EDIT: I'm upping it to 5 stars because I love playing with it sooo much

  • Glider + Launcher 10.1 years ago

    Deserves 5 stars for being the first glider in the game. Way before we had detachers too, good job

  • T-34/76 Mod1943 Medium tank 10.1 years ago

    I was going to give you 4 stars for not writing a description, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. This is pretty awesome.

  • The space station 10.1 years ago

    Only 4 stars because it doesn't fly and you didn't write a description. It looks amazing though, nice work!

  • Sikorsky S-40 10.1 years ago

    The number of wing segments makes it lag sooo much. Very nice plane though, probably be even better once floats get released

  • Northrop XB-35 10.1 years ago

    Good looking and mostly stable. But it needs it needs some more vertical stabilizers somewhere to stop that little wiggle; that's more 1940's Northrop's problem than yours though

  • P-51 Mustang for XWING 10.1 years ago

    Wow, that's pretty good. Very maneuverable, nice work!

  • flying pig challenge 10.1 years ago

    Great starting point for a fun little contest. Everyone should give it a shot, it's not terribly hard to make the pig fly; the challenge comes from trying to do it well

  • Flying Pig! 10.1 years ago

    Pig on a hang-glider. Very nice, flies great. I just wish I thought of it first

  • "hermes" space glider 10.2 years ago

    Fun and very challenging to fly (especially landing). Switch to orbit view before you start the engines and try to keep the rockets speed below 300 mph for a smooth flight.

  • zeppelin with pusher propellers 10.2 years ago

    This is pretty fun to play with. 4 stars because it needs a bit more power to make it over the mountains, + 1 bonus star for innovation. Great work!

  • Chen 10.2 years ago

    Didn't even have to look at the username to know exactly who made this. Great work ConSon

  • SpaceShipTwo & WhiteKnightTwo 10.2 years ago

    Very cool and fun to fly as long as you don't pitch down too hard. Great work, Thanks for posting

  • Coccinellidae 10.2 years ago

    Yeah, mainly so I could pull the center of mass forward. Otherwise, there is no way I could get these to fly

  • Mosquito 10.2 years ago

    This one I had to do almost completely by editing the XML by hand. I think the only part I didn't change was the initial cockpit

  • Beater Airplane(yes, it flies... sort of) 10.2 years ago

    First attempt at an asymmetrical airplane that I've seen

  • F/A-18 F Super Hornet 10.2 years ago

    With only few slight adjustments, it flies amazingly well.

  • SpaceShipTwo 10.2 years ago

    Only 4 stars because I'm eagerly awaiting whiteknight2 release :)

  • Gru's Aircraft 10.2 years ago

    Very nice replica

  • Batplane 10.2 years ago

    started as an ornithopter but I decided she looks better as a bat :)

  • Santa's Challenge 10.2 years ago

    @Allotmentman have you tried it on low settings? Once you get the box out of the way, it shouldn't be too processor intensive

  • First TRUE glider 10.2 years ago

    One of the funnest planes on the site, thank you for uploading!

  • Big Bird Bomber 10.2 years ago

    Lol "Awful handling" Yeah, it's a bit slow on the turns like bombers and heavier planes generally have to be. But feel free to make the control surfaces bigger if you want to turn faster.