6,701 Nassassin Comments

  • Cesna 414 10.1 years ago

    Nobodies rated the original yet? They liked it so much that they included it as a stock plane

  • please help! 10.1 years ago

    You've almost got it! I would suggest using VTOL engines http://www.imgur.com/nnckLE8&FGrXwDs#0

  • Twinjet Trainer Mk. 1 10.2 years ago

    Great plane, good enough to be one of the stock planes in the game. Good job

  • RC Car 9.6 years ago

    Thanks! @jimbojet Your stuff is the weirdest stuff I've seen which is awesome. @mattmck @kikasshes the mod stopped working for me, I'll throw up a new, better version soon.

  • Titanic 9.9 years ago

    @Mkenz http://imgur.com/wGaOe18 This happened the last time someone tried to use it on an iphone. @Gg1234 I don't think I can. The update should be out soon so the beta requirement will be dropped in the very near future. @Rattle13 Trying to make it sink was the hardest part.

  • Solar system 9.9 years ago

    WOW!!! Awesome! but no Neptune?

  • J7W1 Shinden 9.9 years ago

    Very nice.

  • 737 Bomber 9.9 years ago


  • POD RACER 1500mph 9.9 years ago

    Did you remove the predecessor? @Wakescar https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/qiNMO5/Pod-Racer-A-Skywalker

  • Simpleplanes plane 9.9 years ago


  • Simpleplanes plane 9.9 years ago

    @Lucky13 apparently, it's just "similar to the one built by Nassassin. But this is my own invention." Yeah, very similar; right down to the very same xml edits that I made.

  • Inchworm fully functional 9.9 years ago

    Very nice. I couldn't get it to go forward so I added some weight to the tail

  • U.S.C.M. Exo-Suit vs. Alien 9.9 years ago

    pure awesomeness.

  • USS Tiny Research Vessel 9.9 years ago


  • ... Amusement park ride 9.9 years ago

    You beat me to it. Nice work.

  • K9 Replica 9.9 years ago

    I would throw some pylons on the side panels though. They keep falling off when I start the game.

  • K9 Replica 9.9 years ago

    Haha, cool.

  • Titanic 10.0 years ago

    @Geebers press 1,2,3 it was the best I could do :) @Awesomeplanes no new parts or anything, it divides the plane file into separate files for each plane so if one plane becomes corrupt, you don't end up losing all of your designs.

  • Titanic 10.0 years ago

    Thanks guys! @Teus oops, completely missed the 800 block part. @Authros I tried but it was a bit harder than I thought it would be so I was kind of just hoping no one would notice

  • Titanic 10.0 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 they are testing out a new beta version that stops people from losing planes. http://www.reddit.com/r/SimplePlanes/comments/30uov0/simpleplanes_beta_are_you_a_brave_soul/

  • Skyline 10.0 years ago

    Every time I hit play, a block pops out of the fuselage. I think you might have some overlapping parts somewhere in the middle.

  • PHOTON, German Megawatt laser 10.0 years ago

    Awesome. Nice job on the laser.

  • Northrop P-90 Turbinia (hypothetical '49 intrcptr) 10.0 years ago

    Great plane, nice work.

  • C5M Galaxy 10.0 years ago

    Still having a bit of trouble getting it to fly. Might just be the lag on my computer, I'll see if I can try it later on with a better computer.

  • Snow Speeder 10.0 years ago

    This is so cool. Great job!

  • AT-AT 10.0 years ago


  • Airbus A400M 10.0 years ago

    Great plane, putting the landing gear up occasionally makes it go crazy though.

  • C5M Galaxy 10.0 years ago

    Do you have some flight instructions for it? Like what each activator group does. I've been trying to get it airborn but it keeps trying to flip up on me. Also, it looks like one of your tail fins is a bit asymmetrical.

  • FS-22 Star Jumper (not working) 10.0 years ago

    that's pretty awesome. Great job!

  • Scissor tail 10.0 years ago

    Very interesting tail; it's cool to see how changing it affects flight.

  • Jet Bomber 10.0 years ago

    I like the look and it flies decently enough. Does it constantly torque to the left for you though?

  • SAR Seaplane & Dinghy 10.0 years ago

    Ugh, so close but the plane all of a sudden flipped around and blew up just as I was taking off. Very fun to play with, nice work.

  • SAR Seaplane & Dinghy 10.0 years ago


  • REAL Hang Man 10.0 years ago

    Love the little bend in the cloth-like wings

  • UFO 10.0 years ago

    interesting way of using the vtol nozzles instead of the rcn ports

  • second try2 10.0 years ago

    Nice, tends to pitch down a bit due to the CoT being higher than the CoM and CoL but still flies great.

  • Planet Express Ship 10.0 years ago

    @Boccia Yeah, it doesn't fly anymore after the dreaded CoM game update a few months ago. It's on my list of planes to upgrade though.

  • Schooner 10.0 years ago

    This is so awesome

  • U.S.S. Enterprise(NCC-1701) Model + Display Stand 10.0 years ago

    This must have taken forever to build with all the xml editing


    Very cool

  • Leopard 10.0 years ago

    Very agile, great plane. The only suggestion I have is to move the rear landing gear forward a little bit. It makes the plane take off slightly faster.

  • Ornithopter 10.0 years ago

    Very nice and innovative!

  • Rubik's Plane 10.0 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 yeah, the hardest part was getting it to fly. I think it would be a whole lot more stable if I could get the wings to stop wobbling on the rotators.

  • Blue ocean angel 10.0 years ago

    Impressive artwork! Just don't press detach 1.

  • "2-in-1" competition 10.1 years ago

    How about a plane that transitions into the exact same plane only slightly different colors? https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/SGbdOr/Rubiks-Plane

  • Panavia Tornado GR1, with variable wings n bombs 10.1 years ago

    Quite a bit of features packed in this little guy. I set the wing sweep to velocity to keep it from going forward too far.

  • WHY??? 10.1 years ago

    It's due to the moment. The propellers have a lot of mass concentrated at the center so it requires less force to rotate.

  • 4stroke model engine with working valves 10.1 years ago

    And once again @Katrina comes along and makes all the rest of our stuff look bad. :) Great work!

  • piston powered paddle boat 10.1 years ago

    Yeah, this is pretty damn impressive. I keep clicking on the area after the fifth star to see if I can magically make a 6th appear.