@mikoyanster Would you make a Pearl Harbour fight with many Zeros(below 100 parts) trying to destroy the Hawaii island(also the player s' plane) and many ww2 Japanese destroyers 20 miles far from the island
@Gestour can you make a mod that we can set ai as allies so they can help us to deroy the detected target or the set al as enemy so it will be automaticaly find anh kill us
@CRJ900Pilot oh!That's your plane.But why don't you try to make it yourself?Your OS is OSX,if you can you would get more points from that.
The FineTuner mOD WILL help you a lot
This is what I have waited fpr months
+3@nicolascolissi14 have you installed all the mod?
+3@mikoyanster Would you make a Pearl Harbour fight with many Zeros(below 100 parts) trying to destroy the Hawaii island(also the player s' plane) and many ww2 Japanese destroyers 20 miles far from the island
+2can you give me the glass mod download link?
+2i mean this plane will fly after 6 hours
+2your flying plane from me will exist soon
+2It is a Tu-144
+1I 'd like to say to you this plane destroyed my country
+1@nicolascolissi14 fine
+1@Gestour can you make a mod that we can set ai as allies so they can help us to deroy the detected target or the set al as enemy so it will be automaticaly find anh kill us
+1the free download link
+1could you give me the free download mod?
+1@Yoyoyooo it does man
that looks interesting
@MegaFox the link down the description
@BoeyingOfficial you mean thank what?
@Franticmatty I hope you fly this plane on your Youtube video
@hackk xấu dã man luôn đó
@hackk chiếc su xài mod pc sao làm đc
That is what want to say @Dann
@jamesPLANESii would You like me to make a non mod version?
You mean the android players ? @jamesPLANESii
@Gestour you might like this
@jamesPLANESii do you not agree that?
@hackk như vậy có chết người ko?
@jamesPLANESii what do you mean?
@GenrichTitov Thanks
@deusalgor can you upload that mod from your PC to the cloud and give me download
@deusalgor what designer theme are you using
@costr can you speak engish
@SmashGrabJr your age?
@CRJ900Pilot oh!That's your plane.But why don't you try to make it yourself?Your OS is OSX,if you can you would get more points from that.
The FineTuner mOD WILL help you a lot
@CRJ900Pilot you mean what?
@TimeTraveler you should see this
@TimeTraveler Excuse me,can I put the glass into your plane?
@Aeroman77 What is CQC
I'm your big fan
@TimeTraveler Thanks
@TimeTraveler hope you got the real PC version soon
@TimeTraveler try to get the free crack in somewhere in the web that I don't know
@TimeTraveler I hope so but you should buy a laptop instead
@valaszki I hope you see this
my game aways crash when I open your plane
@Bo123 You might love this too: https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/679341/Metric-Conversion
@nicolascolissi14 make sure that it is Su33 by MOPCKOEDNISHE
Version 0.8 (1/4/2018 2:22:51 PM) 's mod
smart bombs?
@dootdootbananabus you should get a pc instead
@IzzyIA ok fine