818 NhanKeijunKaij

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joined 4.7 years ago

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You can call me just Keij, because <Nhan Keijun-Kaij> can be too long :P
I'm from Russia, speak 3 languages No... Only two, Japanese is in the progress. So, Russian, English (+-okey, 3\5) and Japanese > I've already said about this... It's really bad. But I'm trying to fix it).
I love jets of the 3-5th generation and non-standard (ne, and standard too, but not so as non-standard) propeller planes. At the moment I have much free time, so I can do many things here.
Mmm, A little about me? >
Ne, I think that SP's forum it's not "that" place to write here my autobiography, kh?)
I always glad to make new friends, so don't be shy to write me here of somewhere else... Hm, I've said it like now I want to leave here some contacts, but no)

Previously known as Jefer, KeijunKaij