489 Nikitian Comments

  • Update on DMG model & others 2.8 years ago

    Привет! Ты есть в ВК? Я бы хотел, чтобы ты мне там описал как создать броню и пушки, если тебе не трудно

  • RT-1.3CT 4.1 years ago

    @DEN12345, I also thought so at first, and even tried to increase the power. But still, the maneuverability of the trailer has significantly decreased, so I decided to leave it as it is. In any case, you can edit it for yourself) I'm glad you care, too.

  • The Roman steamboat 4.2 years ago

    @BlackHole, Ahhh, I finally got it, thank you! You're a genius

  • How 3.1 years ago

    @BreadCarbs, Hello. You don't answer me, are you offended by me?

  • What happend to highest rated all time?! 3.2 years ago

    @BreadCarbs, Hey, Skyler! Happy New Year!

  • jet cockpit [FREE TO USE] 3.2 years ago

    @BreadCarbs, Hi! I've almost finished my initial part of working with the truck. A couple more items and I'll send you a truck

  • jet cockpit [FREE TO USE] 3.3 years ago

    @Skylerr, I think it's worth crossing our surnames, like Kenworth

  • jet cockpit [FREE TO USE] 3.3 years ago

    @Skylerr, Can you come up with the name of our company yet?

  • jet cockpit [FREE TO USE] 3.3 years ago

    only you will also need to make the interior, if anything, I will help you

  • jet cockpit [FREE TO USE] 3.3 years ago

    @Skylerr, Oh, great! So perhaps I'll start with the chassis, as I said. As soon as I make it, I'll send it to you, and you'll make a cabin for it. Ok?

  • jet cockpit [FREE TO USE] 3.3 years ago

    @Skylerr, Hi! I have a suggestion for you. Since I couldn't come up with a suspension for your buggy, I suggest starting our joint project to create a new (shared) truck! For example, I can do the chassis (make a frame, suspension, engine and decorative exhaust), and you could do the creation of the body (cabin, hood, cargo body, lighting), and we could work together on the interior.
    How do you like the idea?

  • Looking for a helper! 3.5 years ago

    @Skylerr, are you here?

  • Looking for a helper! 3.5 years ago

    @Skylerr, I'm glad I can help you!) Just what kind of car do you want to make: a buggy, a passenger car, or a truck? The fact is that I have never made a buggy. I would also like to know the dimensions: width, length.

  • Looking for a helper! 3.5 years ago

    @Skylerr, Hi, Skye! I haven't been online for a long time, I'm sorry for that. Can you be satisfied with a suspension of my type?

  • RT-2.1C 3.6 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, in theory, a tractor version should appear on this truck model

  • RT-2.1C 3.6 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, in what way is a new one?Should I make a new design at all?

  • RT-2.1C 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, now I am developing a truck with a container(box)attached to its frame

  • RT-2.1C 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, The fact is that my previous truck models have gained more downloads, and I'm interested in your opinion on this: which is better - RT1.3C or RT2. 1C?

  • RT-2.1C 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, Yes, it's okay, answer when it's convenient for you) Do you think this truck is better than the previous ones? I'm just confused by the small number of downloads

  • RT-2.1C 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName,By the way, why don't you write to me in the mail?

  • RT-2.1C 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, waiting for him? He's finally out

  • RT-1.3D (BETA) 3.7 years ago

    @DEN12345, Thank you for your advice, I've already checked everything, it works! Well really I don't want to re publish

  • RT-1.3D (BETA) 3.7 years ago

    @DEN12345, I think I understand you. But strangely, I tried via auto-connect

  • RT-1.3D (BETA) 3.7 years ago

    @DEN12345, I think I've tried it, if I understand you correctly.If it is wrong, please explain in more detail, I am a little slow-witted

  • RT-1.3D (BETA) 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, Here, I have the same problem ... The most interesting thing is that I even copied from your truck, but I couldn't do anything...

  • RT-1.3D (BETA) 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, by the way, fortunately or unfortunately, but most likely this is the last generation of this truck model. Further improvements will occur on the restyled 1.3 (in other words, 2.1)

  • RT-1.3D (BETA) 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, Can you help me with a technical problem? For some reason, my mudguards do not wobble when moving like you do, do you know what this is due to?

  • RT-1.3D (BETA) 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, my mail - nik302004@gmail.com or

  • RT-1.3D (BETA) 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName, I've been making it for a long time, now you can look at it

  • RT-1.3C 3.7 years ago

    @iNeedANewName,Hi, I am very happy to hear you(or rather read), really! I sooooo long did not write to you, a lot of things have changed since our last connection. I thought you'd forgotten me already)

  • RT-1.3CT 3.9 years ago

    @SkyIer, Hi! Do not think that I have abandoned my work, now I am working on the creation of a dump truck, but I have a few shortcomings, one of which prevents me from publishing my creation(

  • RT-1.3CT 4.0 years ago

    @SkyIer, Oh, I just noticed that you called yourself by your own name, and you used to be Sims and Nintendo

  • RT-1.3CT 4.0 years ago

    @SkyIer, hi! It's okay, I also rarely visit the site, since most of my time is spent studying and road to home

  • Whistleing turbos and Loud enginebrakes! 4.1 years ago

    @Nintendo, Well, do you have a favorite song from a genre of country music? I just wanted to listen. Well, or from any genre, it's just that my albums are no longer very interesting to me

  • Whistleing turbos and Loud enginebrakes! 4.1 years ago

    @Nintendo, I love country music! I don't understand the lyrics because it's in English, but I like the sound of it, and there's something about it... Do you have a favorite country music? I just searched the Internet for a long time for something good, but I didn't find anything

  • my dad’s peterbilt 379! 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, Are these new photos?

  • my dad’s peterbilt 379! 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, Wow, it looks really cool! For some reason, I thought that it was red on the outside, as in the interior, but black suits him more

  • RT-1.3CT 4.1 years ago

    @Concordo, Thank you, I'm glad you like my work and try my best for you!

  • Whistleing turbos and Loud enginebrakes! 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, Skye, I've been meaning to ask you for a long time, what kind of music is currently popular in America?

  • Whistleing turbos and Loud enginebrakes! 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, Ah, I see now. That is, " Ya " = " Yea", Thanks!

  • Whistleing turbos and Loud enginebrakes! 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, Hey, what's the difference between" Ya " and "Yes"? I just never understood it

  • Whistleing turbos and Loud enginebrakes! 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, All right, I'll be waiting. (You beat me by a second again)

  • Whistleing turbos and Loud enginebrakes! 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, Can you take a couple of photos of the truck inside and out on the road?I would be very interested to see it, because I never saw it from the outside

  • Whistleing turbos and Loud enginebrakes! 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, Ooh, that's really cool!I would also like to travel with my father in a truck, but he has not worked in the field of cargo transportation for a long time(since my younger brother was born, that is, for 14 years)

  • Whistleing turbos and Loud enginebrakes! 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, You went with your father in the truck, didn't you?"

  • Some of my drawings 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, strange, I don't have a button to create a new forum

  • Some of my drawings 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, How do you create dialog posts without attaching airplane models? Please try to explain, I am very interested

  • Some of my drawings 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, I'm sorry I didn't write for a long time. As the last time I started to get very tired for no apparent reason, and so I have to go to bed earlier. (how did you attach so many pictures?)

  • Some of my drawings 4.1 years ago

    @Simps, Skyler, this is really cool!

  • RT-1.3CT 4.1 years ago

    @Simps,This is difficult to understand. I can imagine what would happen if I confused the tachometer with the clock)