All you added were too cockpits, im sorry but this is a copy not a successor. Please either make a major improvement or delete it
Thank you @Average3323
Thanks @Average3323
Nice paintjob
@Jettison just checked it out: pretty funny
@Jettison that gravitar is hilarious
@Cadillace no i knew it was an engine i meant what the plane looked like, and no problem
@DeezDucks i definitely seen that before, is it an su-80?; and awesome gravitar
Well the cover photo is terrible i didn't know what it was, because the plane is cool
@Coen1888 hahaha
@Coen1888 thank you
@Coen1888 You gotta press view image then copy link
@Coen1888 @jsaret Example. ![] (image\gif link) no spaces
Thanks @ObsidianEagle
Thank you @amazingpersons124
@amazingperson124 yeah my mistake
Congratulations @JetstreemAeroEngineerin @MediocrePlanes @amazingpersons
Thanks @WahrscheinlichIch
@AviownCorp yeah
Thank you @EvilGenius
Thank you @SpartanAirplanes
Hot dang this is cool
Thanks @hadesrocksz @ronyseptian17
Thanks @Kimo
@RedstoneArmory @Stampede ![] (pic link) no space in between
I love the speed and look of it. And i see you finally got the update
@AviownCorp @grizziltn @Misha1004 @Zap210 thanks
Thank you @Zap210
This is really cool
Nice plane . My advice would be change the airfoil of the horizontal stabilizers to symmetric. And make it slightly longer
This looks really cool
Thanks @grizziltn
Thanks @Misha1004 @Kimo
So amazing so fun to fly i even landed it on my second try
This is pretty cool
@AviownCorp @Aeroengineering thank you
Thanks @RocketLL @hadesrocksz @JacobHardy64 @Chemicalau
@Halfstrike yup the app works
@Halfstrike ill try the app
@Halfstrike Android nextbook 8 i believe
But sadly my device doesn't support everyplay
Thank you @laSoul
@salvador3031 and thank you
@goboygo1 thank you very much
All you added were too cockpits, im sorry but this is a copy not a successor. Please either make a major improvement or delete it
Thank you @Average3323
Thanks @Average3323
Nice paintjob
@Jettison just checked it out: pretty funny
@Jettison that gravitar is hilarious
@Cadillace no i knew it was an engine i meant what the plane looked like, and no problem
@DeezDucks i definitely seen that before, is it an su-80?; and awesome gravitar
Well the cover photo is terrible i didn't know what it was, because the plane is cool
@Coen1888 hahaha
@Coen1888 thank you
@Coen1888 You gotta press view image then copy link
@Coen1888 @jsaret Example. ![] (image\gif link) no spaces
Thanks @ObsidianEagle
Thank you @amazingpersons124
@amazingperson124 yeah my mistake
Congratulations @JetstreemAeroEngineerin @MediocrePlanes @amazingpersons
Thanks @WahrscheinlichIch
@AviownCorp yeah
Thank you @EvilGenius
Thank you @SpartanAirplanes
Hot dang this is cool
Thanks @hadesrocksz @ronyseptian17
Thanks @Kimo
@RedstoneArmory @Stampede ![] (pic link) no space in between
I love the speed and look of it. And i see you finally got the update
@AviownCorp @grizziltn @Misha1004 @Zap210 thanks
Thank you @Zap210
This is really cool
Nice plane . My advice would be change the airfoil of the horizontal stabilizers to symmetric. And make it slightly longer
This looks really cool
Thanks @grizziltn
Thanks @Misha1004 @Kimo
So amazing so fun to fly i even landed it on my second try
This is pretty cool
@AviownCorp @Aeroengineering thank you
Thanks @RocketLL @hadesrocksz @JacobHardy64 @Chemicalau
@Halfstrike yup the app works
@Halfstrike ill try the app
@Halfstrike Android nextbook 8 i believe
But sadly my device doesn't support everyplay
Thank you @laSoul
@salvador3031 and thank you
@goboygo1 thank you very much