255 Ntgblast76 Comments

  • 20mph plane 4.8 years ago

    @Panthers4741 only if you want do anything with it

  • 20mph plane 4.8 years ago

    It definitely can't fly at 99+ mph or the wings glich

  • 20mph plane 4.8 years ago

    I never said how fast it flys tho

  • Small Helicopter Mk 2 5.3 years ago

    Is it alright if I use this and make a jet aircraft out of it?

  • BV238 5.8 years ago

    I can't even get the cockpit on it what use is it if I can't even do that help please??

  • Give me a challenge 5.8 years ago

    Do the Iron giant (the robot)

  • Boring pan 5.9 years ago


  • Boring pan 5.9 years ago

    Is it alright if I use the pan for something (flying pan) I'll make it the best I can

  • Infinite X-20 5.9 years ago

    @Diloph there's going to be some changes it'll technically have the cockpit like the fuslage like a Cessna is what I mean

  • Infinite X-20 6.0 years ago

    Is it alright if I used the cockpit bit of this aircraft

  • USS Orville ECV-197 6.1 years ago

    And the next Orville ship you should make is the krills destroy if I think correctly

  • USS Orville ECV-197 6.1 years ago

    Correction Ecv-197 not ecv179

  • Huge P-51 6.3 years ago

    I did what you did just 10 times it's well it falls out of the sky while taking a turn or doing a flip and is it alright if I use your p-51 and post it

  • AW.681 STOL 6.5 years ago

    Hey TangOfive is it alright if I use the wings of this aircraft for one of mine?

  • Launch Escape System 6.6 years ago

    @tsampoy thanks really appreciate it alot

  • Launch Escape System 6.6 years ago

    Hey tsampoy is it alright if I use this if I do use it for one of my creations

  • Bring back the old prop, please! 6.7 years ago

    @Baldovino thanks 😊

  • Bring back the old prop, please! 6.7 years ago

    Baldovino is it alright if I use this for one of my creations if so thank you I hope people will like it

  • Jupiter from Lost in Space 2018... kinda 6.7 years ago

    Finally I was waiting gor some one to do that it flys nicely as well thanks man

  • omg 6.7 years ago

    😮how did you do such an amazing thing

  • USS Limitless 6.7 years ago

    Nice now I'm going to try to land something on it