2,351 Oblivion Comments

  • Republic LAAT Gunship (Ground)modded 8.2 years ago

    Wtf do u want I was just transferring this to my computer from my mac I didnt mean for anything to happen I just didnt want too redo this when I could just transfer it easier same with the huey I think I changed the acts or controls on it but I didnt want to rechange it so I just transfered it

  • Defiant-I Class Star Dreadnaught 8.8 years ago

    No just no I made all the static guns on the colossus class actually be guns and all turn on their own groups but this just no no no rip my life if I tried....

  • MIB Monocycle X-5 8.8 years ago

    It crashes the game

  • Star Wars - MC80 Liberty Type Star Cruiser 8.9 years ago

    @Seeras IK none of them really use "bombs" for orbital bombardment but seeing as we don't have turbolasers that explode yet I just like to be able to park overhead of a base and make it a crater

  • Star Wars - MC80 Liberty Type Star Cruiser 8.9 years ago

    Hey I LOVE your star wars creations especially your fleet ships but can you please make them VTOL I have gone behind you and made every fleet ship you've made very stable vtol and hidden bombs in them for orbital bombardment.

  • Bell 204B UH-1B Gunship 8.9 years ago

    @Toscio56 I used the gyro mod and placed went from low all the way to 2 full power gyro stabs and it still didnt want to work right

  • Bell 204B UH-1B Gunship 8.9 years ago

    I mean I can barely keep it under control while flying it and just forget about locking the controls to hover pls tell me how to fix this

  • Bell 204B UH-1B Gunship 8.9 years ago

    So hard to fly this it keeps yawing to the left

  • Star Trek Galaxy Class By MKI 8.9 years ago

    @Ezri Na proton torpedos and turbolasers all the way. Plus my new modified colossus class has enough firepower to turn an island into a parking lot.

  • Star Wars Colossus-class Star Destroyer MkII 8.9 years ago

    @AchillesDeath I believe so

  • Star Wars - Colossus-class Star Destroyer 8.9 years ago

    @Seeras I won't but it must be done --

  • Star Wars - Colossus-class Star Destroyer 8.9 years ago

    Good build though and if I can I will do this one and your other one without gyroscopics so normal people can download them only downside is that it won't hover perfectly while dropping bombs

  • Star Wars - Colossus-class Star Destroyer 8.9 years ago

    I did this to your other star destroyer and it's one of my favorites now xd

  • Star Wars - Colossus-class Star Destroyer 8.9 years ago

    Ugh now im gonna have to add vtol hovering orbital bombs and make ALL the guns rotate and fire or I wont be able to sleep tonight

  • AC-130J Cannons 8.9 years ago

    @Johawks1976 Im not sure what's on it thats beta the site just seems to do that sometimes on non beta planes

  • Star Trek Galaxy Class By MKI 8.9 years ago

    Proof that star wars is better.... Taken down by my Imperial Star Destroyer

  • AC-130J Cannons 8.9 years ago

    @Johawks1976 Sorry this is about as small as it gets but ill take requests to add custom bomb cannons to different creations. Just ask

  • Imperium Of Man, Space Marine, Chalice battleship 8.9 years ago

    Taken out by Imperial star destroyer 1701

  • Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning 2 V.2. 8.9 years ago

    @TheGuyWhoFliesToGetHisPie NP its nice I took the lights off my AC-130 to make it non beta I figured anyone who can use them will put them on.

  • Steam Beta 8.9 years ago

    It has been done... Cthulhu is no more http://imgur.com/i3EiEdp

  • Steam Beta 8.9 years ago

    Update: Imperial star destroyer 1701 has been recovered and we have just returned from our mission,,, the entire reason the empire came to this hellish blue world..... to kill the one called cthulhu. It took many shots from the forward turbolasers and then we parked in a hover over its head on began a low atmosphere bombardment it took out entire payload but it was killed. I think the empire plans to make armor from its hide....

  • Steam Beta 8.9 years ago

    I am sad to say that me and Juno Eclipse are the only surviving members of star destroyer 1701.... We have crashed our Lamda shuttle in the water still hoping to get a compass heading to land.... If anyone is out there... Please help us

  • Steam Beta 8.9 years ago

    @DrowsyCob I have been trying someone please give us a heading Juno is starting to give up the clouds are jamming our signal.... or is it something else...

  • Steam Beta 8.9 years ago

    I have been rescued by a Lamda shuttle pilot Juno Eclipse they say shes the best shuttle pilot around but the longer we fly the more nervous she seems.... and the darker the clouds get... I believe she is doomed to the same fate as my crew on this blue hell. Someone please give us a heading to land Please I beg you

  • Steam Beta 8.9 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr Reactor status critical life support barely operational we are using repulsors to stay aloft but I do not know how long they will last.... May the force be with us

  • Steam Beta 8.9 years ago

    I write this to you in hopes of someone finding Star Destroyer 1701 as I captain Oblivion is lost in a great blue water wold and my reactor is failing me.... Please.... Send help

  • Comanche (Actual Heli Powered) 8.9 years ago

    @realluochen9999 Its in the steam workshop.

  • Ebon Hawk v3 9.0 years ago


  • Ebon Hawk v3 9.0 years ago

    OMG T4 my trusty repair droid I love that mate. He goes on every mission just cus.

  • First bomber 9.0 years ago

    @Weave22 Well I would recommend putting the engines in the body of your planes or at least putting inlets in front of them to give it a sleeker look.

  • First bomber 9.1 years ago

    Back in my day (always wanted to do this xd) we had to MAKE our own bombs and PROGRAM detachers to work them. Nice one tho

  • Helicopter Bo-14 9.3 years ago

    So many possibilities for fiery death.....My kind of heli xd

  • M1 Abrams v1.0 9.3 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor Is that supposed to be the Atlas logo from AW on the side

  • 1932 Ford roadster 9.3 years ago

    Also let it be known that I am the first to successfully drive a ford roadster off the end of a runway and circumnavigate through the air to the next runway over and land it again with 3 outta 4 of the wheels still attached xd

  • 1932 Ford roadster 9.3 years ago

    Ok so I did full throttle and then hit act 1 (without vtol forward) and it flew off on me and I was like WTF is this xd nice build btw

  • U.S. Coast Guard H-65 9.3 years ago

    I absolutely love how it looks but it does not fly very well tbh

  • House Destroyer!!! 9.3 years ago

    I will use my AC-130s 120mm cannon and use these houses as flyby target practice xd

  • Boeing V-22 Osprey v5 9.3 years ago

    @RedstoneArmory you have to do about a 10 percent tilt to start and let it get up too about 100 mph before you slowly continue tilt as it speeds up.

  • Boeing V-22 Osprey v5 9.3 years ago

    @NovaTopaz I basically did all of the balancing before this thing used vtol nozzles for takeoff which could not be used with the new probs and it also meant that it was very hard to land it before. I added flares the MG turret on the bottom and much more fuel as well as smoothing up some edges with the fuselage blocks. I also added the trim.

  • Corsair 9.3 years ago

    number one

  • Flexible Experimental V2.0 9.3 years ago

    who says you need ALL of the plane to land

  • avengers jet 9.3 years ago

    Isnt this just a modification of the original quinjet from long ago just using new parts?

  • Planetary Exploration Rover 9.4 years ago

    I am also going to give this more power "need more cowbell"
    cmon I know someone gets it

  • Planetary Exploration Rover 9.4 years ago

    If anyone has seen or read (you should read it first) The Martian this reminds me of something like what Mark did to the rovers

  • A.R.K 9.4 years ago

    Well still not lagging my PC but it is kinda unstable on pitch and roll is wayyyyyy too unresponsive I mean i see that you are giving it all its got to make it roll but i guess this ship was kinda made for space so props for making it fly at all.

  • Scorpion Gunship by SR 9.4 years ago

    Love it! Also just letting everyone know i'm back and just a hint SR try making a Warbird from AW if you can.

  • Battleship challenge entry 9.5 years ago

    @Eric314 yes

  • Movie Theatre Disaster 9.6 years ago

    Anyone remember this scene from the A-Team?

  • VTOL-1 9.8 years ago

    Great plane with good flight characteristics but jet engines are just not responsive enough for tricky vtol landings like in small places or uneven areas which to me personally is a big part of a vtol craft.

  • HB Y-2000 9.8 years ago

    Cool plane and it was a great base but there's no cargo and no vtol control as well as some balance issues. The jet engines are nowhere close to responsive enough for vtol landing and maneuvers either.