2,275 Oicraftian Comments

  • Project 33-2U Emergency Fix! 8.5 years ago

    Concept aircraft --> Project (#)
    Detailed Concept --> Project (#)U
    Improved Detailed Concept --> Project (#)BU

    Is the naming scheme being used here.
    Yes there will be a "BU" concept fighter. I think once I get it to pull Faster turns using it's flaps alone it should be ready for release...

  • 3D-Vectoring Sukhoi Su-30 8.5 years ago

    Hyper loop, could you perhaps, help me with an XVM modding? It's the post Project 33-2 on the forum for the specifications, and the Project 33-2U Emergency fix is the newest version.

    --> It's garbage yes, I know.

  • 3D-Vectoring Sukhoi Su-30 8.5 years ago

    Perfect as always...

  • Project 33-2U Emergency Fix! 8.5 years ago

    Hey mates, would someone kindly fix up the wings? They're a bit... Floppy and seem to be causing problems.

  • ATD-N Shinshong 8.5 years ago

    However the aircraft still shares more with the F-35 than the ATD-X... @DankDorito

    I nitpick sometimes, so if I do don't worry about it. Please just don't.
    --> Or maybe I'm jealous as it seems, due to my inactivity, I am dead to the simple planes community T_T

  • Type 1B torpedo carried by plane 8.5 years ago

    This is really old nonsense... @Jackhammer312

  • ATD-N Shinshong 8.5 years ago

    So why is it "based on" the ATD-X if it shares more with the F-35 and the Mig 29?

  • Project 33-2 8.5 years ago

    Atlantian Automatic cannons are usually chambered for pre existing ammunition if there is already a precedent. It's cheaper, it's also much cheaper to not design complex chain guns. So what did B&K resolve to complete? A modernized gas powered 37mm anti aircraft gun would be it's cannon armament. It's development cost was cut significantly and utilized prexisting equipment and technology and was quickly adopted for service. The same automatic cannon was redesigned to fire 37mm x 350mm ammunition for the Atlantian ground forces over a decade later.
    --> One may complain the 37mm is simply too big for a fighter to handle, but recall the rate of fire difference. The other automatic chainguns should have similar recoil. Also recall it's given the space between the air intakes and fuselage of the Project 33.

  • Sneak Peak!!! 8.5 years ago

    Are you sure it is an ATD-X?

  • F-15 Eagle 8.5 years ago

    Hey Lemoose. I pitched your F-15 against my Project 33-2U and... Well out of 6 fights, you lost 5 and the only "loss" by the Project 33-2U was due to the AI managing to put the aircraft into a flat spin. Which is surprising as it passed it's maneuvering tests with flying colours, in which I completely failed to put it into a flat spin of any kind.
    But that's off topic,
    For some reason it seems the AI can't hold a lock. Is there something wrong?

  • Project 33-2 8.5 years ago

    This version is behind the current model I have not yet posted. Various inferior categories, mostly range, visual appeal, armament, etc.

  • Kyushu J7W1 Shinden 8.5 years ago

    @BogdanX It shouldn't be too hard. You can play around with where you put the wings and get results simply from such a minor factor.

  • Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (1/1) 8.5 years ago

    Can't and won't. Rather play WOT or something @TemDesBur

  • Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (1/1) 8.5 years ago

    I said that wrong... I meant past tense. It didn't take me long to enter and leave. @TemDesBur

  • Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (1/1) 8.5 years ago

    Yes I do; why? @TemDesBur

  • Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (1/1) 8.5 years ago

    Definitely a Ki-43 I. Note the lack of mass, dual blade propeller and light armament as opposed to the Ki 43 II and or the Ki 43 III

    Personally, I don't particularly like the Ki 43's, though I prefer the Ki 43 III the most out of them all, for the look of the power plant. @TemDesBur

  • Yak-3T Tank Destroyer 8.5 years ago


    I think that's how you say it...

    Anyway how do you bring up the landing gear?

    Oh I forgot you can hit the gear key for the new homemade landing gear...

  • Type 77A Concept Development #1A 8.7 years ago

    Okay, here is something i do not understand. A defective turd that can barely fly gets three upvotes, but an IFV that I make with a working suspension, automatic cannon, gun elevation + depression etc, gets one.
    Explain this concept to me, please!

  • Westland Wyvern 8.7 years ago


  • Sukhoi Su-35 Super Flanker V1.5 8.7 years ago

    @FrogmasterAereonautics I think it's actually that the rear of it extends too far...

  • Sukhoi Su-35 Super Flanker V1.5 8.7 years ago

    Nose seems a bit too big... But I like really tightly built looks :P

  • Something for my 3D model 8.7 years ago

    @Hyperloop My Ipad can't even handle ~200 parts... I somehow managed to download it and stripped it down. Eventually you will see a plane based on this one, but I'm not sure if you will be able to recognize it... I've chopped off the nose entirely for a total reconstruction, I've started a reconstruction of the tail, started a reconstruction of the fuselage, and admittedly I might use only your construction techniques for this planned airplane. Yours was very innovative for me.

    But I was thinking... Maybe you could make a nice little jet for me, sort of like this, but with a blended wing body... Maybe... Just maybe... It is just a silly fantasy plane from elementary school, but I have tried many times to make it work...

  • Something for my 3D model 8.7 years ago

    @Hyperloop I have an idea... Make the central body shorter, reduce the height (on the back) of the cockpit, lengthen the nose, chop off the horizontal stabilizers and move the wings back and increase their size. Then make the engines more rounded... And so begins the Type 77A project :D

    Yes, I will try it, but I'm not sure if my Ipad can actually run it. Considering it couldn't even upload my Type 18 IFV in one piece >.>
    Anyway~ hopefully it will work, but dreams might only stay dreams lol
    I have this thing for really tightly built aircraft...

  • Type 18 IFV Armament and protection kit 8.7 years ago

    I will see if I can actually upload this as a singular piece. But it doesn't seem to be working at all.

  • space fighter with micro-missile hive 8.7 years ago

    No problem. I fixed it by completely rebuilding the entire thing @FlOu

  • Type 18 IFV 8.7 years ago


  • Type 18 IFV Armament and protection kit 8.7 years ago

    Missing parts from the Type 18 hull uploaded:
    -Track guards (fore and rear)
    -Hull Side stand off plate
    -Manned Turret
    -Hull roof over turret mount
    -Amphibious drive

    Type 18 Hull:

  • Type 18 IFV 8.7 years ago

    Yes! I finally downsized it enough for upload! I'll upload the rest of it's build in the next upload. Deck part 1, frontal track guard, track guard rear, manned turret, and side screens.


  • space fighter with micro-missile hive 8.7 years ago

    @FlOu Can you please help me with my Type 18 IFV? The right side of the suspension broke itself somehow and I don't want to re-assemble the entire thing again.

  • Tornado v1.0 with Glass Cockpit 8.7 years ago

    Hey SR. I know you're a great user at this game, so I ponder the possibility of you fixing a problem involving the engine of one of the Type 27C concept updates.
    The link is here:

    You see, it works fine until you try to pull a turn. Then the engine proceeds to slice apart the entire aircraft. In the meantime I must desperately find a way to increase the roll rate :P

    If possible, would you kindly give it a WW2 era cockpit thing for good measure?

  • Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate Revamp 8.8 years ago

    Well, good thing I never posted my revamp to your Ki 84 did I (mine would be an embarrassment)? Hint, I tore half the plane apart and it flew better.
    But of course, it was aesthetically better than anything else I've ever made so I don't think I should talk.

  • Me262 8.8 years ago

    @KurtTank I am so sorry, it seems I missed the upvote button, in the sense that I did not click on it while I intended to. This is just a mistake, please forgive such

  • Me262 8.8 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr That's not the thing I'm talking about mein bekannter, I speak of the wings.
    No I'm not German and certainly can't speak/write it fluently. I just stick it in for... Diversity?

  • Me262 8.8 years ago


    just a suggestion; don't use fuselage for skinning the wing, I think that the "structural" wing thing works better if you want to keep handling

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    @SimpleTechAndResearch I tried to umm... "resolve" the problem in the Type 3J S... But stuck on enough VTOL engines the same thing happened.

  • Type 3J S 8.8 years ago

    Oh my... Did I really have such a fanatical adherence to a p/w of 3.6?

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    @SimpleTechAndResearch While you're here. Do you agree that I probably should have used smaller engines on this plane? It kinda has a p/w of 3.6+...

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    @SimpleTechAndResearch Did I go over the line? My apologies.

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    I'm sorry "Glaceon" but how much do you think the Chinese army copies? I mean aside from the QBZ bullpup assault rifle, the "looks like a frankenstein T-72 Ural" Type 90-II and the "resembles the Type 90-II" Type 99, the J-8 which is some sort of spliced Mig-21, the domestic DF-21, the J-20, and a huge host of other weapons that I (currently) cannot go into detail over. Tell me again what the weapons are copies of? Because I could claim the Panther is then a T-34 76 copy. Because mate, your proposition is at best, ludicrous. That China "cannot" design it's own weapons. Not like the J-20 is original right? Where's that fictional airplane it's based on? Oh wait a second. THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST. Grow a brain son. Grow a brain. If you have ANY intelligence at ALL whatsoever you will give up now and walk away.
    "Can't create anything original"
    Haha, dream on r*tard.

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    Right. You've got two options:
    Either accept the Type 99 is a pure chinese tank
    That the FT17 is the only original "tank" of the world.

    Otherwise, I'm going to report you for racism again.

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    @TheLatentImage I sort of whupped his rear here. Claiming China can't create anything original. By that same concept the FT17 is "original" and everything else that came after it are not.
    But then, by the conventional definition, Chinese tanks follow their own evolution. Russian inspired hull with the exact same weaknesses (literally) and western turrets. What could possibly go wrong? And then the Type 99; a freaking turbine engine that we never needed.

  • MA-F 07 Platinum Falcon 8.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness I drew one for fun one day... And then that started a host of fantasies resulting in the "Type 77E Tenshi" which was a flying cranked arrow wing with some sort of F-22/Mig nose thing. Of course, the fact you couldn't fit engines into a narrow wing without adding bulges clearly didn't occur to me at the time. Don't mind me though, still trying to make my fantasies work... I think the Type 77 concept has gone... Above and beyond... Regular time consuming failures...

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    @Glaceon No. Seriously. The Mark 1 was a armored box with a gun. The FT 17 has a turret, engine in the rear, and a conventional layout still used (loosely)

  • MA-F 07 Platinum Falcon 8.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Kinda like a Mig/F-22 nose, nice and smooth, long. A length width ratio of perhaps 4-1 at it's peak. A pair of engines with a sort of "mini manta" tail inbetween. Air intakes flush with the wings, area ruling, with really thin outer wings for speed performance.

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    @Glaceon Yes. If you want to be more lax, the FT17 is the worlds first "true" tank

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    M1 Abrams is not "original" because it is an evolution of the MBT-70
    Unless the Type 99 is original because it is an evolution of molding together western tech and Russian hulls.

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago




    Form something vs Bring it into existence. By that concept NOTHING we have made has been "created" because it ALREADY existed.

  • MA-F 07 Platinum Falcon 8.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness I was just wondering, would you like to take a shot at a flying cranked arrow with a nose piece?

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    @Glaceon You cannot define China's military. Again, what is your criteria for original.

  • Type 3J 8.8 years ago

    @Glaceon define original.

    This here plane is a physical "rip off" of Wangxidefei's aircraft for an example. Or is it? How much did I take? I took the center of the aircraft. And stopped there.

    By that concept, the Leopard 2 isn't original, because it passively resembles the MBT-70 in concept.