@FireFast212 its litterally a plane with tumors
@Random40 aight thanks
I see you are a man of culture as well
The russians didnt realise how stupid this thing looked
@logandarnell3807 I did say I based it off the P51 in game in my description
@IgaoBrHueHue Thanks!
@logandarnell3807 gonna re-angle the wings to be accurate to life
@FireFast212 its litterally a plane with tumors
@Random40 aight thanks
I see you are a man of culture as well
The russians didnt realise how stupid this thing looked
@logandarnell3807 I did say I based it off the P51 in game in my description
@IgaoBrHueHue Thanks!
@logandarnell3807 gonna re-angle the wings to be accurate to life