Prize for weirdest thing who i see in the day
Builded to die
while sprint,the right foot is obstructed (o como se diga en ingles "obstruido") in the floor,maybe is for the angle of the foot.
@MrCOPTY rishy fish
@WolfHunter9111 shotgun choke
@BeastHunter ok,thank you :)
@BeastHunter :v
@Tookan yeeting apparatus 1999 is best
that plane teached me how to use VTOL
If you don't move,he will get more far
this is an abstract build,and i don't know what the fuck is this
Che bl
@GrFrog 25 upvotes for you,25 for Sm10684
@GrFrog ok bro,ear,your car it's perfect for the challenge,but no in visual form,it's a good car for the road,i tested it,now,the car of your "opponent" got te style of the cars of S-TC2000 but the control is poor,soo,the prize it's a 50-50
@ZHUAREVONI y esto esta en ys-halcones,lo ultimo que se subio:
@ZHUAREVONI jugai YSFlight :0 (ok no xd)
@ZHUAREVONI mi sentido del humor raro =D
looks like a Leopard ae
congrats =D
@ZHUAREVONI el GR.3 estaria bueno :u
que pasaria si hubiera un Sea Harrier de blanco y negro xd? te mareas xd
@tsampoy sus
Yeah,an a-4 skyhawk can participate?
@ZHUAREVONI jaja,seguramente se lo toman frios los muy c4g0n3s
@ZHUAREVONI por eso,no dicen ni pio xd
@ZHUAREVONI hay VAAAAAAAARIOS piratas pero con que estemos aca se callan xd
@ZHUAREVONI <:0 un chileno y un argentino en este terreno......que raro :v
@GrFrog and 2:yes.
1:no problem
Oh go again....
idk Rick...
you are on mi sights piece of sh"t
@IdnManufacturer d e n a d a x D
n i i i i i c e
dINE,you can make me a favor?
Im gonna download some car in this place and im gonna make a TC2000 livery (?) here you got it
desde arriba parece un Vulcan pero por abajo es otra historia xD
Prize for weirdest thing who i see in the day
+2Builded to die
+2while sprint,the right foot is obstructed (o como se diga en ingles "obstruido") in the floor,maybe is for the angle of the foot.
+2@MrCOPTY rishy fish
+1@WolfHunter9111 shotgun choke
+1@BeastHunter ok,thank you :)
+1@BeastHunter :v
+1@Tookan yeeting apparatus 1999 is best
+1that plane teached me how to use VTOL
+1ready for the war
+1If you don't move,he will get more far
+1this is an abstract build,and i don't know what the fuck is this
+1Che bl
+1@GrFrog 25 upvotes for you,25 for Sm10684
+1@GrFrog ok bro,ear,your car it's perfect for the challenge,but no in visual form,it's a good car for the road,i tested it,now,the car of your "opponent" got te style of the cars of S-TC2000 but the control is poor,soo,the prize it's a 50-50
+1@ZHUAREVONI y esto esta en ys-halcones,lo ultimo que se subio:
+1@ZHUAREVONI jugai YSFlight :0 (ok no xd)
+1@ZHUAREVONI mi sentido del humor raro =D
+1looks like a Leopard ae
+1congrats =D
+1@ZHUAREVONI el GR.3 estaria bueno :u
+1que pasaria si hubiera un Sea Harrier de blanco y negro xd? te mareas xd
+1@tsampoy sus
+1Yeah,an a-4 skyhawk can participate?
+1@ZHUAREVONI jaja,seguramente se lo toman frios los muy c4g0n3s
+1@ZHUAREVONI por eso,no dicen ni pio xd
+1@ZHUAREVONI hay VAAAAAAAARIOS piratas pero con que estemos aca se callan xd
+1@ZHUAREVONI <:0 un chileno y un argentino en este terreno......que raro :v
+1actually a pampa for the Armada
+1@GrFrog and 2:yes.
+11:no problem
+1Oh go again....
+1idk Rick...
+1you are on mi sights piece of sh"t
+1@IdnManufacturer d e n a d a x D
+1n i i i i i c e
+1dINE,you can make me a favor?
+1Im gonna download some car in this place and im gonna make a TC2000 livery (?)
+1 here you got it
+1desde arriba parece un Vulcan pero por abajo es otra historia xD