Ilyushin director be like: - Иван, what kind of fucking vodka did you sniff to make this shit?! - It's not me, in the Monarchiis— - Wait, чё за хуйня—
@ThomasRoderick cuz the snow base would make some war crimes)))))
@LunarEclipseSP yay, thnx
@LunarEclipseSP yo, sup, is it based from a country or its like... absolute imagination? Cuz I'm making a lore for it but for a custom police version of it, so if it has any country wich it comes from...
You cooked brutha
Why tf this build.has only 5 upvotes
Huhhhhh, J-11A "Flanker".... mixed with Su-27.... dayum
@Rjenteissussy Imma do this fr
Bro that shi is legendary lmao
bruh missiles just launch and falls
@Yourlocalhuman thats a modification of the ak-630, but its shishing powerful
@Graingy so sorry for you man.....whish u luck and patience!
@SchmoovestoftheSchmoove why tf this comment has only 2 upvotes lmaoooo
Bruh I tjought it was from Aldnoah.Zero fr
@Graingy welp, fug da shit, I guess I'm doomed with that barge...
@Graingy hol'on, I guess "EXACTLY" is what you did say or wut?
@Graingy huh...?
@Monarchii ooooh yeah, right
@Graingy you mean its very alike to the "Москва" Helicarrier?
Looks like a roundier european version of a SU-25 lol
110th upvote!!!
For Russian its Зенитная Самоходная Установка ЗСУ-57-2
@Supermarinethespitfire 30th
brooo i modified your plane, can you just upvote it pls?
pleeeeeeease upvote! That will motivate to modify more planes! thx:)
bruh how does that work i got killed lmao
did you know that korova (корова) is cow in russian?
@BRNavyPilot yep, dat works perfectly
Ilyushin director be like:
+3- Иван, what kind of fucking vodka did you sniff to make this shit?!
- It's not me, in the Monarchiis—
- Wait, чё за хуйня—
@ThomasRoderick cuz the snow base would make some war crimes)))))
+2@LunarEclipseSP yay, thnx
+1@LunarEclipseSP yo, sup, is it based from a country or its like... absolute imagination? Cuz I'm making a lore for it but for a custom police version of it, so if it has any country wich it comes from...
+1You cooked brutha
+1Why tf this build.has only 5 upvotes
+1Huhhhhh, J-11A "Flanker".... mixed with Su-27.... dayum
+1@Rjenteissussy Imma do this fr
+1Bro that shi is legendary lmao
+1bruh missiles just launch and falls
+1@Yourlocalhuman thats a modification of the ak-630, but its shishing powerful
+1@Graingy so sorry for you man.....whish u luck and patience!
+1@SchmoovestoftheSchmoove why tf this comment has only 2 upvotes lmaoooo
Bruh I tjought it was from Aldnoah.Zero fr
@Graingy welp, fug da shit, I guess I'm doomed with that barge...
@Graingy hol'on, I guess "EXACTLY" is what you did say or wut?
@Graingy huh...?
@Monarchii ooooh yeah, right
@Graingy you mean its very alike to the "Москва" Helicarrier?
Looks like a roundier european version of a SU-25 lol
110th upvote!!!
For Russian its Зенитная Самоходная Установка ЗСУ-57-2
@Supermarinethespitfire 30th
brooo i modified your plane, can you just upvote it pls?
pleeeeeeease upvote! That will motivate to modify more planes! thx:)
bruh how does that work i got killed lmao
did you know that korova (корова) is cow in russian?
@BRNavyPilot yep, dat works perfectly