1,707 Phoenix95 Comments

  • Artillery with wings 1.9 years ago

    I downloaded it only the propeller shows up lol

  • Russia Flag 1991-2000 2.8 years ago


  • PTA-03 ELANG 1.8 years ago

    Reminds me of the French Altus U

  • Fighter Jet vs. Dragon! 1.8 years ago

    Can you test my newer EF-2023H Mad Duck VIII to see how well she performs.

  • Jundroo turns 10 years old today 2.7 years ago

    Happy 10thaversary

  • Ai Enemy Boss - Andrey Cherlinski 2.7 years ago

    RESPECT, this PLANE IS A REAL CHALLENGE, thee only plane of the three I have used is my MB 2b, which I had to make with more powerful engines just to outrun the missiles. I'm still convenient amazing playing friend amazing plane.

  • Tank XC-18A 2.8 years ago

    Still a great tank, I have a B variant

  • Nano FishBed 1.8 years ago

    @Walker92369 but fights well and can avoid missiles easily as an ai opponent, assuming you boost the speed of course too.

  • Nano FishBed 1.8 years ago

    People Talk about anti-drone counter measures here's one. And then using this little plane the fight drones in my game, It works So effectively, and outmaneuvers missiles so well.

  • UAV reaper 1.8 years ago

    But great plane altogether

  • EF-2023h Mad Duck VIII 1.8 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming I just uploaded the EF-2023I Mad Duck IX test this one instead. Ty

  • EF-2023h Mad Duck VIII 1.8 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming ty, I just finished the 9th version. This one is the 8th

  • Gry-2c Trainer 1.8 years ago

    @Lostpurse uploaded a new version with throttle and secondary functions added to grip of throttle

  • Torpedo Powered Glass Sub 1.8 years ago

    Love it, SS Jonah

  • MiG - 29 Ghost of Kyiv 1.8 years ago

    @IamSage artistic my bad

  • Metal bug 1.8 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming sorry HYPNO TOAD HUHUHUHUHU HI U

  • Metal bug 1.8 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming hypnosis toad happened

  • PD-21 Eradicator 1.8 years ago


  • EF-2023a Mad Duck 1.8 years ago

    @Lostpurse And specifically hovering your mouse cursor or your finger over the button so you can see what it is.

  • Spy Balloon with 6,250 kltn blast 1.8 years ago

    @BiliBiliXMBGDS lol

  • TSB-90 Galaxy 1.9 years ago

    Do I have your permission to download and to make some of these to my own news? And be allowed to repost it as long as it auto credits to you of course?

  • ST-2a Bank Swallow 1.9 years ago

    @Thorne ty

  • Juno: New Origins - Officially Launched 1.9 years ago

    From SimpleRockets 2, to Juno New Origine. ABSOLUTELY LOVELY NAME!

  • WW2-destroyer uwu 1.9 years ago

    Since your boat looks like bismuth why not call it the SS bismuth

  • S-232-EX 1.9 years ago

    Was a bit buggy but it worked one missile just kept flying straight up in pieces and a couple of times the missile bounced off came right back and hit it oddly other than that really cool concept.

  • Hornet 271 lakia by GIGACHAD FOR A FREIND 2.7 years ago

    @gigachad Nice Surprise, When you're so good at flying who needs wings lol

  • Sukhoi Su33 2.7 years ago


  • F-4 Phantom AI 2.8 years ago

    Perfect for Simulated Dogfighting, Awesome

  • XT-C 02 Mother 3.6 years ago

    Way big for a ship

  • CHERNO ALPHA (Pacific rim) 3.6 years ago


  • Flying saucer sighting report 3.6 years ago

    I did exactly what Mrs puff told me not to do floor it and my game crashed amazing

  • NA-8 'Reformer' 3.7 years ago

    AF-8 'Reformer' II, I love the Vought Crusader 1,2,&3 designs Ty for making this beautiful bird.

  • M-1 mosquito 4.2 years ago

    @RusDoomer0825 I will say that if you want more engine power, like the person who originally made the aircraft I just simply modified it for a Navy fighter if you're looking for more power the person before me modified two other jet engines to fit on the wing to look more like a Nazi jet fighter design you could if you're able to modify the size of one of the larger jet engines to get more speed if you're looking but other than that it is pretty good.and specifically modifying a more powerful engine to fit the back side or even to use on the wings so that it doesn't look like a big bulky piece you can shrink the size of it and then you should be able to keep that power while in the maneuvering if you're interested.

  • Auto Cannon Turret V27 4.2 years ago

    Nevermind I was able to fix the problem, my apologies, but I gave an upvote, as it is an interesting weapon of choice.

  • Nano FishBed 1.8 years ago

    @Walker92369 I realize lol

  • Nano FishBed 1.8 years ago

    @VenusLancer nice, I reached 1500 mph and 80,000 ft

  • Wasp Woman 1.8 years ago

    @Camilla lol

  • Nano FishBed 1.8 years ago


  • Wasp Woman 1.8 years ago


  • i need speeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!!updated 1.8 years ago

    @adrian0208 That's because I made a different version with modifications and extremely powerful engines

  • UAV reaper 1.8 years ago

    After you get up to speed and Altitude the camera begins to veer off target.

  • i need speeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!!updated 1.8 years ago

    @adrian0208 With notifications of course

  • i need speeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!!updated 1.8 years ago

    @adrian0208 I was able to exceed 330000' and travel it up to a 120000 miles per hour in this plane

  • i need speeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!!updated 1.8 years ago

    Faster ok

  • Kansas City Chiefs Wasp 1.8 years ago


  • Coming soon..... 1.8 years ago

    Wonder jet the movie summer of 2024

  • Metal bug 1.8 years ago

    @Lostpurse I just use which is available I have no idea how to make them better or to angle anything. Try asking icecraftgaming, he knows how to really mod stuff, and shape.

  • Riout 102T Ornithopter 1.8 years ago

    A lot of curious designs they had back them and some even today rediscovering these aircraft and making them

  • Randomjet SR 1.8 years ago

    Slightly off from the real mic 21 but I like the way the wings are angled gives it a wider profile.