7,904 PickyPlanes Comments

  • R6 Siege Drone 4.8 years ago

    I couldn’t make it work. I’m bad at building functional things @Guess6666thatsme

  • Type-1 Armoured Gunboat 5.6 years ago

    https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/767005/Advanced-Targeting This mod helps to aim the guns, as it shows where the shell will hit. The rest of the controls are in the vehicle description. @cblxxwxn

  • Type-1 Armoured Gunboat 5.6 years ago

    The chaff still works? I thought I disabled it. Oh well, I guess if it works as a smokescreen it isn’t a total oof. @PointBlank2000

  • Type-1 Armoured Gunboat 5.6 years ago

    The chaff still works? I thought I disabled it. Oh well, I guess if it works as a smokescreen it isn’t a total oof. @PointBlank2000

  • Type-1 Armoured Gunboat 5.6 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid Yeah. I was going for a kind of whacky look for this. And it was built in a day anyway. Definitely not my best.

  • A Boat 5.8 years ago

    Nice boat. I love the name too. Very creative!

  • HMS Pacific Sunrise 5.8 years ago

    @Hawkeye156 I suck at building ships like this. I spend ages building them, then they just turn out awful. Guess I just need more practice.

  • ZNS Silverfield Class Battleship (Fixed) 5.8 years ago

    Really nice ship. I love the turret layout, with that turret placed in the middle of the ship. If you use the overload mod to add the property damperMultiplier to the rotators on the turrets and set the value really high, the turrets will stop wobbling and move much more smoothly.

  • Conqueror Class Battleship 5.8 years ago

    @SakuraSaku Thanks. I don't really know what to build next. I was thinking about maybe doing something smaller, like a corvette. Do you have ant suggestions?

  • Pearl Diver 5.8 years ago

    Works very well against the Pearl. It is also very fun to fly and blast things with. I made the USS Beast levitate up into the air and start sinking through the air as if it were water. Very interesting plane...

  • TU 22B Blinder A 5.8 years ago

    @Trainzo No problem. A great plane like this deserves upvotes.

  • Higgins Landing craft 5.8 years ago

    @Beepbeepsheep No problem. A good craft like this deserves upvotes.

  • HMS Pacific Sunrise 5.8 years ago

    Nice ship. Simpleplanes needs more people building things like this.

  • Flying Fortress Moby Dick 5.8 years ago

    @Marine I know I sound stupid here, but how do I work the Shock Cannon, it just doesn't seem to do anything. It fires but does no damage. The shots just go straight through everything. Sorry if i am being annoying.

    Edit: Nevermind, it is working now. I was just flying too close to the target. I think you have to be quite high up or nothing happens.

  • Flying Fortress Moby Dick 5.8 years ago

    Awesome creation. It is really fun to fly something this big. Just one question : Can the shock cannon actually hit anything or is it just for decoration? It doesn't seem to damage anything.

  • Conqueror Class Battleship 5.8 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick @BlazeInfinity Thanks for the advice. I will keep that in mind when I build my next ship.

  • Conqueror Class Battleship 5.8 years ago

    @BlazeInfinity Thanks for the spotlight.

  • Conqueror Class Battleship 5.8 years ago

    @SodiumChloride Thanks for the spotlight.

  • Artillery Barge 5.9 years ago

    @BlitzBombers You may use the cannon if you want. Just credit me for the cannon.

  • Indomitable Class Dreadnought 6.0 years ago

    @JamesBoA Well done. You predicted the future :)

  • CVN-71 6.3 years ago

    Wow, this is amazing. I really must build a modern carrier someday. My current one sucks.

  • Ironclad Warship 6.3 years ago

    @Aarons123 Thanks for the advice. Now that I have done a bit more research I think you're right. Some very early ironclads still did use cannonballs, but i'm pretty sure this ship (which resembles later ironclads) would have used shells. Thank you for pointing this out. I always do appreciate critisism on my designs as it helps me to improve and make better designs. I have plans to build another (and more historically accurate) ironclad, and I will consider your good advice while doing so.

  • Ironclad Warship 6.3 years ago

    @Mustangflyer Yeah, I know. It's awesome lol

  • Artillery Barge 6.3 years ago

    @Boatrider Yep. I hate that SF40 thing...

  • Artillery Barge 6.3 years ago

    @destroyerP Yeah. I hate that thing. This one isn't too bad as it blows itself up every once in a while lol.

  • Artillery Barge 6.3 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid Thanks. I just don't want to change the shape too much as i want to keep it sort of historically accurate.

  • Artillery Barge 6.3 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid This is based on the shape of the SF40, which is really wide, but i do agree that it could be made a bit more combat effective if it was more compact.

  • PP-219 Voyager 6.6 years ago

    @DerekSP Yup

  • Giant Air Carrier (Full Scale) 6.6 years ago

    @RandomContent2 A coupe of hours. I used the Fine Tuner mod to make it big. The actual design is very simple.

  • VTOL Gunship - Naval 6.7 years ago

    Good suggestions. I built this with my phone so I couldn’t use mods. But I’ll definitely make some improvements when I next get access to my PC. @Texasfam04

  • VTOL Gunship - Naval 6.7 years ago

    I suck at naming things, so I just simply state what the thing is, rather than name it. Have you got any name suggestions, because I know the name sucks.@Chancey21

  • R6 Drone, THAT JUMPS 6.7 years ago

    I tried making it piston jump. It was ok for small jumps but R6 size jumps would just make
    it spazz out XD

  • Help Needed (Read description) 6.9 years ago

    @PickyPlanes There is an issue where large parts will crash mobile devives. I built this on a gaming PC so i didnt have much bother, but it always crashes on my phone

  • Help Needed (Read description) 6.9 years ago

    @MIWTheGamer rip. i hate it when it does that. are u on mobile or PC

  • Help Needed (Read description) 6.9 years ago

    @MIWTheGamer oh right. Didnt even notice

  • Help Needed (Read description) 6.9 years ago

    @MIWTheGamer thanks. i checked out youre planes. They're cool!

  • Help Needed (Read description) 6.9 years ago

    @MIWTheGamer thats ok. The plane sucks anyway. only took about an hour to build

  • R6 Siege Drone 6.9 years ago

    @Tkdmlg It’s still very popular. You will always find a match, but it is very hard to get good at. It’s a lot more tactical than your typical shooter.

  • AlienIndustries Skyrim 6.9 years ago

    FUS RO DAH!!!

  • P38-lightning(updated glover mk 4) 7.0 years ago

    Cool. Needs more upvotes

  • Messerschmitt Me-410 A-1 U-2 7.2 years ago

    4 upvotes, 1 download...?

  • Gotha G.IV 7.2 years ago

    just blows up? looks cool though

  • Deep Space Research Cruiser 7.2 years ago

    It does a bit. Lol🙉@BusterShortWolf

  • Deep Space Research Cruiser 7.2 years ago

    @Stellarlabs ok. thanks for upvote

  • Deep Space Research Cruiser 7.2 years ago

    should i make a smaller one. what are ur pc specs. my mid-end gaming pc can handle it ok @Stellarlabs

  • Cruiser Aurora--The symbol of the Octorber Revolution 7.2 years ago

    Looks like a ship I made. But a lot better

  • Light Patrol Cruiser 7.3 years ago

    @Stellarlabs Thanks for the feedback

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.3 years ago

    This thing is the size of a human and yet weighs 3.4 tons. Interesting...

  • C-141 Starlifter 7.4 years ago

    Thanks for the comment. It is a bit basic but I think I got the general shape mostly right. @Liquidfox

  • Bell UH-1 (Huey) - Vietnam era 7.4 years ago

    @Rodrigo110 Yes i know. My graphics card is even worse. It is AMD Radeon 8610G integrated graphics. Getting a pc with GTX 1060 graphics an intel i5 processor soon. I should be able to build and fly better planes then.