1,208 Pilot2659 Comments

  • MG709-MAGPIE (CN) 2.0 years ago


    +1 = Named after animal
    +2 = Flies well
    +2 = Very fast
    x1 = Animal chosen is a bird

    TOTAL = 5

  • Alternate History Challenge [ Closed ] 2.2 years ago

    @F14Tomcat1974 ok thanks :)

  • Alternate History Challenge [ Closed ] 2.2 years ago

    Does it have to be a real aircraft or can it be fictional?

  • F4-1 (Standard Package) 11 months ago

    Thank you to

  • Grumman F-75 Shark 1.6 years ago


    +10 carrier capable
    +10 looks good
    +5 gyroscopic aid
    -10 not very maneuverable

    Total: 15 points

  • Grumman F-75 Shark 1.6 years ago

    Thank you for submitting your design, it will be marked soon.

  • Animal Challenge - Read description [CLOSED] 2.0 years ago

    @Observer404 you don’t have to make a new plane, it’s recommended, but not required. Just link it and I’ll have a look at it

  • P-51-D (Red-Tails) 3.2 years ago

    @Bryan5 yes feel free it’s not mine anyways, I just added some red paint.

  • F4-1 (Standard Package) 11 months ago

    @TRS051 Wdym continue?

  • F4-1 (Standard Package) 11 months ago

    @TRS051 ??

  • Tank Engine Explained 11 months ago

    @WinsWings OK, thanks

  • Tank Engine Explained 11 months ago

    @WinsWings Does the orientation of either engine matter?

  • 'FH-1' McDonnell FH Phantom 1.6 years ago


    +10 carrier capable
    +10 looks good
    -5 wings don't fold
    -15 slow acceleration
    -10 slow top speed

    Total: -10

  • 'FH-1' McDonnell FH Phantom 1.6 years ago

    Thank you for submitting your design, it will be marked and the results submitted shortly.

  • F/A-1 (Fat One) 1.7 years ago

    Here’s your results:

    +10 carrier capable (able to land / take off from USS Beast)
    +5 Fast
    +5 Manoeuvrable
    +5 Simple VR cockpit

    -10 not fast enough to escape nuclear detonation
    -5 No Trim capabilities

    10 Points

  • F/A-1 (Fat One) 1.7 years ago

    Thank you @marsianere for submitting your aircraft.

  • Animal Challenge - Read description [CLOSED] 1.9 years ago

    @Theplanedude57 since you don’t have 15+ builds, I have awarded 10 upvotes and 2 spotlights instead

  • Early Cold War fighters Challenge (CLOSED) 1.9 years ago

    @BeeEngineer I’ve got a plane ready, can it have missiles?

    Link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/5s3VlH/RPR-1360a-Navy

  • MG709-MAGPIE (CN) 2.0 years ago

    Is this the aircraft you want me to test and score?

  • Animal Challenge - Read description [CLOSED] 2.0 years ago

    @GorillaGuerrilla yes it would count as an insect (so a X3 multiplier)

  • american alligator fly 2.0 years ago

    @Planebuilder2122 ok, it won't add to your score however, as it is final

  • Animal Challenge - Read description [CLOSED] 2.0 years ago

    @FOXG I'm afraid not

  • american alligator fly 2.0 years ago


    +1 = Named after animal
    +5 = Looks like animal
    x3 = Land animal
    +5 = files well

    TOTAL = 21

  • Bartholomew the tactical giraffe 2.0 years ago


  • Bartholomew the tactical giraffe 2.0 years ago

    +1 = Named after animal
    +5 = Looks like animal
    +5 = Animal themed weapons
    +4 = Hilarious
    X3 = Land animal chosen
    -3 = Failed to fly

    TOTAL = 36 Points

  • american alligator 2.0 years ago

    @Planebuilder2122 that’s fine, as long as it’s up by the end of 2022.

  • american alligator 2.0 years ago

    I’m afraid this won’t count as it’s not an aircraft. I apologise, I forgot to add it in the RULES Section.

    Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    P.S: it’ll count if you can make it fly

  • Animal Challenge - Read description [CLOSED] 2.0 years ago


    I forgot to add it in the RULES section, but it must be an aircraft (Plane, Helicopter, or both)

    Apologies for any inconveniences caused.

  • Animal Challenge - Read description [CLOSED] 2.0 years ago

    @Planebuilder2122 No. Frogs, Crocodiles, and other amphibians will be classed as insect or land animal, so will just get the 3x multiplier. Multipliers don’t stack

  • Animal Challenge - Read description [CLOSED] 2.0 years ago

    @Planebuilder2122 if you can make it into a plane, then it counts

  • Animal Challenge - Read description [CLOSED] 2.0 years ago

    @FirstFish83828 yes


    Note: all Upvotes have been awarded

  • CT-400 D E 'Jinn' 2.4 years ago

    @JamesG771 ok, when it’s ready, just upload it, when it comes to ranking, I’ll rank on which user has the most points, and I’ll use the entry with the most points. E.G entry A gets 30/50, but entry B gets 10/50, I’ll rank based on the which aircraft has the highest point, in this case, entry A would be the one id rank so your final score would be 30/50.

  • CT-400 D E 'Jinn' 2.4 years ago

    Points from challenge:

    Speed = 3/10
    Alright, it was slow, with a top speed (IAS) of 190 knots, can be fixed by adding / upgrading the engines with more powerful ones.

    Range = 10/10
    It managed to just about complete the full flight, however the low fuel problem can be solved by adding drop tanks

    Capacity = 10/10
    The aircraft did the required 6000lbs, and has potential for more.

    Features = 3/20

    A bit lacking, cargo door is all right, if you used the XMl mod and input ‘Activate1-8’ in the input section then theres no need for the VTOL down, Flaps alright, if you used ‘smooth(round(clamp01(-VTOL) * 5) / 5, 0.45)’ in the input section, then theyll deploy only on VTOL down, not up as well. As for the cockpit, great job, the camera situation if you disable auto center then itll be less glitchy, (see any of my builds with a custom cockpit). Otherwise decent job and a very good entry

    Total points = 26/50


    Alright I’ve marked it, I’ll put the feedback in the comments section of your build


    Forgot to mention, each category is ranked out of 10 (10=good)


    @JamesG771 I’ll mark it but can’t give you a place until at least the 20th august, as this is the end date. If you want I’ll give you your results once I’ve marked it.


    @JamesG771 Yes that’s fine the engine is just a preference, and Its less than (<) 700 it’s as that’s roughly the speed of sound, and I don’t want a supersonic aircraft. When your ready, upload and I’ll rank it.


    I’d award spotlights, but I’m not sure how to spotlight a build, so credit and upvotes instead

  • WW2 Fighter Challenge - RUSH BUILD! (CLOSED) 2.6 years ago

    @20190244 I know Wyvern Is a post-war design, but it’s the first example I thought of

  • WW2 Fighter Challenge - RUSH BUILD! (CLOSED) 2.6 years ago

    I’ll see what I can do

    Also can we do contra-rotating propellers like on the western wyvern?

  • RPR-250a - Low Rank Challenge 2.8 years ago

    @DashEight no problem!

  • RAM 7F7-200 2.8 years ago

    I am fully aware of the landing gear lacking suspension, I'm working on that