@randomusername wouldn't that be nice? unfortunately though, I'm trying to simulate the powerband and physics as best I can in an imperfect simulator. If there were electric engines in this game I wouldn't have to XML to reduce noise, increase power and reduce spool time, etc.
I just look at fuel as battery remaining.
Alternative modus operandi Challenge: Unconventional wings/bodies, control systems, propulsion, etc. Basically abandon current aerospace and flight standards and find an alternative that also works. The further you can push the envelope and create something non conventional and yet retain stability and control response, the better your score. Prototype civilian, military, enthusiast, black budget, alien, whatever. Get outside the box, further the better.
@asteroidbook345 maybe, sort of. I play sp here and there and after a few months might have made a thing or two. I don't publish much though. Might even end up getting rid of this one because it has a slight roll now which drives my ocd crazy.
@FlyingEAGLE Thanks! I was trying to balance it so it felt realistic, it did develop a slight roll at some point in the build and I don't really know how to find out what's causing it but if I do manage to fix that I'll attach a link to an unlisted fix.
I haven't even downloaded this yet but I want it implemented in stock SP. This is my biggest peeve in SP is having to 'cheat' and hide miniature wings just so you can make fake ones out of fuselage structures... So annoying and time consuming. If you don't figure out how to skin fake wings you're not likely to even get Upvotes on your build, cool concept or not it looks cheap by comparison which doesn't say good things about the designer. This appears to be a huge leap forward and I hope it becomes the standard.
@JelloAircraftCorporation I deleted my old accounts in a rage quit. Won't do you any good to know the name unless you're overly familiar with what I had built before. Keep the guesses coming and I'll out myself when someone's correct.
@CustomAircraftMods Thanks, as others have pointed out, this is a first post, not a first build. They're playing guess the platinum right now XD I've been gone for quite some time.
@Chancey21 I use stylistic elements and techniques that I think they use as well. Also I agree, it is STOL but there's a lot of room for improvement.
I had considered reducing fuel weight (barely burns anyways with "electric" engine) and maybe increasing wing surface area but I felt that would kind of be cheating. Not that there's rules or anything but OCD said no.
@jamesPLANESii Not Mikoyanster but flattered if it's reminiscent. I'm not sure if there's a specific stall speed req to be STOL but it takes off pretty quick if you throttle up with the brakes on and then release the brakes when it tips up on two wheels. It also stops within the square at the end of the runway so it felt STOL as close as I could manage without shrinking down really really big wings and breaking the physics... I probably should have looked up a relative stall speed and tried to match but I let the builder dictate its abilities.
@randomusername Yeah I'm a little triggered that there's no electric motors in this game. I cranked up the horsepower and reduced the output for instant toqrue and power and to run quiet like an electric. Best I could do to replicate. I put 600 lbs of fuel because batteries are heavy af.
@asteroidbook345 XML is where the detail comes from, you can download FineTuner and Overload for Android (Follow tutorials online to find correct folder) If you're on iPhone then I don't think there's a workaround unfortunately, you'll be stuck with what you've got.
@asteroidbook345 Oh and the flexibility is from having two "fixed" or immobile rotators (Input: None, AG9, range 0,0 disableBaseMesh= "True") connected in between fuselage pieces then massScale= "2" to improve strength (Should probably have put it up to about 5 though, to prevent breaking but the springy effect was so nice at 2 that I kept it.)
@asteroidbook345 Never use the mirror all feature, just mirror parts, always connect things so that they only touch what you're intending to connect. So I might build a flap or something, I'll separate the hinge rotator by coordinate shifting it away from the wing, connecting the flap then coordinate shifting the rotator and flap back to where the rotator was set. Then fine tune the flap to exactly where it needs to be (disable collisions on all moving/rotating parts). By not drag connecting, the flap doesn't grab the surrounding parts and is free to move. Also, massScale "0" any duplicate parts you use for paint or details and make the wings you want with regular wings that are close to the scale of the wing skins, then shrink them down and out of sight, their mass and physics is all calculated at full scale so if you build a wing skin, you can massScale "0" all of that as well, it's already calculated when you put the blocky wings on.
@Falkenwut I used hinges to make the struts flexible so it isn't as strong as fuselage pieces. Maybe I'll see if I can incorporate a spring inside of the strut next time, or maybe the crossing support bars like other STOL craft have.
@Falkenwut Use full flaps and around 10% throttle until you're just over the ground, then cut throttle and pull back. Try and see if you can touch the rear wheel first. The landing gear has quite a bit of flex but doesn't really break until you hit the ground at 150 or have cut throttle too early and dropped straight down on it. It's intended to be landed at around 90-100mph.
@Gameboy21 I played on the phone alot a couple years ago, just installed all these customization mods on PC and really went in depth with ideas I couldn't pull off on the phone.
Holy crap he did it, he beat SimplePlanes
+1@randomusername wouldn't that be nice? unfortunately though, I'm trying to simulate the powerband and physics as best I can in an imperfect simulator. If there were electric engines in this game I wouldn't have to XML to reduce noise, increase power and reduce spool time, etc.
I just look at fuel as battery remaining.
Alternative modus operandi Challenge: Unconventional wings/bodies, control systems, propulsion, etc. Basically abandon current aerospace and flight standards and find an alternative that also works. The further you can push the envelope and create something non conventional and yet retain stability and control response, the better your score. Prototype civilian, military, enthusiast, black budget, alien, whatever. Get outside the box, further the better.
@asteroidbook345 maybe, sort of. I play sp here and there and after a few months might have made a thing or two. I don't publish much though. Might even end up getting rid of this one because it has a slight roll now which drives my ocd crazy.
@JamesBoA @Armyguy1534 Thanks for the spotlights!
@Strikefighter04 Thank you!
First Upvote! XD
@FlyingEAGLE Thanks! I was trying to balance it so it felt realistic, it did develop a slight roll at some point in the build and I don't really know how to find out what's causing it but if I do manage to fix that I'll attach a link to an unlisted fix.
@PlaneCreator1 Thank you!
@mikoyanster Thanks Mik! XD
@IGNikolaev Thanks for Spotlight! XD
@Tessemi Haven't seen simplewings, I'll have to take a look, thanks
I haven't even downloaded this yet but I want it implemented in stock SP. This is my biggest peeve in SP is having to 'cheat' and hide miniature wings just so you can make fake ones out of fuselage structures... So annoying and time consuming. If you don't figure out how to skin fake wings you're not likely to even get Upvotes on your build, cool concept or not it looks cheap by comparison which doesn't say good things about the designer. This appears to be a huge leap forward and I hope it becomes the standard.
@AWESOMENESS360 Nothing about SledDriver was ever friendly...
+2@Aeromen Nice, thank you for that!
I'm a Simple Man... I see a Corsair with some effort put into it, I upvote it.
+3@asteroidbook345 only missed you by 22 hours... =( lol
I really like the way you did the suspension to give the rear gear some flex, great effect and less parts than how I tried. Probably stronger too.
@WNP78 Could you have one distant WP ^ Up above the plane in the distance and moving at pace with it? Would that keep it level?
@RocketFuel Yep. It's supposed to be ambiguous.
@JelloAircraftCorporation I deleted my old accounts in a rage quit. Won't do you any good to know the name unless you're overly familiar with what I had built before. Keep the guesses coming and I'll out myself when someone's correct.
@CustomAircraftMods Thanks, as others have pointed out, this is a first post, not a first build. They're playing guess the platinum right now XD I've been gone for quite some time.
@Chancey21 I use stylistic elements and techniques that I think they use as well. Also I agree, it is STOL but there's a lot of room for improvement.
+1I had considered reducing fuel weight (barely burns anyways with "electric" engine) and maybe increasing wing surface area but I felt that would kind of be cheating. Not that there's rules or anything but OCD said no.
@StallFlight nope
@BogdanX LOL long time fan, probably missing a couple hundred of my updoots from last rage quit, didn't think through
+2@BogdanX Technically accurate is accurate.
@BogdanX First "Post" XD
@jamesPLANESii Not Mikoyanster but flattered if it's reminiscent. I'm not sure if there's a specific stall speed req to be STOL but it takes off pretty quick if you throttle up with the brakes on and then release the brakes when it tips up on two wheels. It also stops within the square at the end of the runway so it felt STOL as close as I could manage without shrinking down really really big wings and breaking the physics... I probably should have looked up a relative stall speed and tried to match but I let the builder dictate its abilities.
+2@aircraftarsenal123 @Tang0five the mystery is the fun part... twilight zone theme intensifies
@MrSilverWolf Thanks Mr!
@randomusername Yeah I'm a little triggered that there's no electric motors in this game. I cranked up the horsepower and reduced the output for instant toqrue and power and to run quiet like an electric. Best I could do to replicate. I put 600 lbs of fuel because batteries are heavy af.
Very cool! Game crashed when I was trying to look at it in MP.
@asteroidbook345 XML is where the detail comes from, you can download FineTuner and Overload for Android (Follow tutorials online to find correct folder) If you're on iPhone then I don't think there's a workaround unfortunately, you'll be stuck with what you've got.
@asteroidbook345 Oh and the flexibility is from having two "fixed" or immobile rotators (Input: None, AG9, range 0,0 disableBaseMesh= "True") connected in between fuselage pieces then massScale= "2" to improve strength (Should probably have put it up to about 5 though, to prevent breaking but the springy effect was so nice at 2 that I kept it.)
@asteroidbook345 Never use the mirror all feature, just mirror parts, always connect things so that they only touch what you're intending to connect. So I might build a flap or something, I'll separate the hinge rotator by coordinate shifting it away from the wing, connecting the flap then coordinate shifting the rotator and flap back to where the rotator was set. Then fine tune the flap to exactly where it needs to be (disable collisions on all moving/rotating parts). By not drag connecting, the flap doesn't grab the surrounding parts and is free to move. Also, massScale "0" any duplicate parts you use for paint or details and make the wings you want with regular wings that are close to the scale of the wing skins, then shrink them down and out of sight, their mass and physics is all calculated at full scale so if you build a wing skin, you can massScale "0" all of that as well, it's already calculated when you put the blocky wings on.
@mikoyanster Thanks, glad you like it! Big fan of your builds, probably used some of your techniques in this haha
@asteroidbook345 Haha crazy german tech, I liked the grid of rockets on the back of that thing.
@MisterT Thanks bud! XD
@Falkenwut Here's a hard landing version if you're interested.
+1@Phoza @AWESOMENESS360 I've been on and off this game forever. Mods make it a whole new platform though. Thanks guys!
+1@grizzlitn Awesome!
That was one thing I hadn't tested was phone performance.
Wow, quick progression haha posted an hour ago.
+1@Falkenwut I used hinges to make the struts flexible so it isn't as strong as fuselage pieces. Maybe I'll see if I can incorporate a spring inside of the strut next time, or maybe the crossing support bars like other STOL craft have.
+1@Falkenwut Use full flaps and around 10% throttle until you're just over the ground, then cut throttle and pull back. Try and see if you can touch the rear wheel first. The landing gear has quite a bit of flex but doesn't really break until you hit the ground at 150 or have cut throttle too early and dropped straight down on it. It's intended to be landed at around 90-100mph.
+1@Strikefighter04 Spicy
+1@JelloAircraftCorporation Thank you very much! XD
@Gameboy21 I played on the phone alot a couple years ago, just installed all these customization mods on PC and really went in depth with ideas I couldn't pull off on the phone.
Wow! Thanks for all the spotlights and upvotes peeps! XD
@grizzlitn Thanks! I'd love to get your opinions on flight/landing etc if there's room for improvement I'd be glad to hear.