Instead of airplane fuel they put vodka
U make the instruments for the cockpit
Thx @tylerdeveneuxmusic
That’s a very big not mentioning
Because its more expensive to convert it than to just buy something new
Thank u @ThomasRoderick
E @IngenerMakogon2007
Joke or not joke if not joke April fools and if is joke then i just got r/whoosh’d
Yes @Bearclaw189
Dude it’s April 1st @ChisP
Thx @Sm10684
Yes @SemedianIndustries
Thx @edensk
E @Omel
thx @yoshicraze
Thx @SemedianIndustries
Thx @Omel
Where i am the rarest thing is hand soap
Lol it was interesting @Gameboi14
It’s not yellow so now i cant say we all live in a yellow submarine
Some old engine block | the propeller @AgentofFortune
‘[]’ @AgentofFortune
Np @Axartar
Np @XAircraftManufacturer
1st-Click new post 2nd-pick the category eg”teaser” 3rd-new post @XAircraftManufacturer
Thx @grizzlitn
Forum u mean? @XAircraftManufacturer
Thx @KerlonceauxIndustries
What I like about SimplePlanes is how un-simple the planes are
Thx @DeGebra
What’s the input for the wipers? @WIZARD2017
Problem the none @SemedianIndustries
It’s funky like the trees @asteroidbook345
Ello Governor @Gameboi14
Thank u that has fixed it @ACEPILOT109 @edensk
Oh ok I thought it was to do with the piston @edensk
U have missed a lot of stuff lol
Yeah I’ve done that before @Lorileni
You’ve uploaded this twice
(My reply to u from earlier) @BuiltBionixInd10
Lol BBC says u cant get it more than once @TheMachinist
Ok thank u @edensk
Prob by December there going to run soapboxes @Adityo0502
I’m to dumb to have 1 rotor with multiple inputs so i have 3 rotors @jamesPLANESii
Thx @AircraftoftheRedStar
Instead of airplane fuel they put vodka
+1U make the instruments for the cockpit
+1Thx @tylerdeveneuxmusic
+1That’s a very big not mentioning
+1Because its more expensive to convert it than to just buy something new
+1Thank u @ThomasRoderick
+1E @IngenerMakogon2007
+1Joke or not joke if not joke April fools and if is joke then i just got r/whoosh’d
+1Yes @Bearclaw189
+1Dude it’s April 1st @ChisP
+1Thx @Sm10684
+1Yes @SemedianIndustries
+1Thx @edensk
+1E @Omel
+1thx @yoshicraze
+1Thx @SemedianIndustries
+1Thx @Omel
+1Where i am the rarest thing is hand soap
+1Lol it was interesting @Gameboi14
+1It’s not yellow so now i cant say we all live in a yellow submarine
+1Some old engine block | the propeller
‘[]’ @AgentofFortune
+1Np @Axartar
+1Np @XAircraftManufacturer
+11st-Click new post
+12nd-pick the category eg”teaser”
3rd-new post @XAircraftManufacturer
Thx @grizzlitn
+1Forum u mean? @XAircraftManufacturer
+1Thx @KerlonceauxIndustries
+1Thx @edensk
+1What I like about SimplePlanes is how un-simple the planes are
+1Thx @DeGebra
+1What’s the input for the wipers? @WIZARD2017
+1Problem the none @SemedianIndustries
+1It’s funky like the trees @asteroidbook345
+1Ello Governor @Gameboi14
+1Thank u that has fixed it @ACEPILOT109 @edensk
+1Oh ok I thought it was to do with the piston @edensk
+1U have missed a lot of stuff lol
+1Yeah I’ve done that before @Lorileni
+1You’ve uploaded this twice
+1(My reply to u from earlier) @BuiltBionixInd10
+1Lol BBC says u cant get it more than once @TheMachinist
+1Ok thank u @edensk
+1Prob by December there going to run soapboxes @Adityo0502
+1I’m to dumb to have 1 rotor with multiple inputs so i have 3 rotors @jamesPLANESii
+1Thx @AircraftoftheRedStar
+1Thx @edensk