Yes @SemedianIndustries
Auto turrets @TheKraken3
Very nice
Thx @edensk
My test flight is still on 1.9.0 and I don’t know how to make it change to 1.9.202
As realistic as a Biplane
Thx @Freerider2142
P-40 winning streak
Thx @JohnnyBoythePilot
Thx @yoshicraze
Thx @KerlonceauxIndustries
Thx @shunkray
Yeah @SemedianIndustries
iOS doesn’t support mods lol @NightmareCorporation
Thx @Evenstsrike333
@Saturnite @ForeverPie @Evenstsrike333
@edensk @Armyguy1534 @Adityo0502
Annie are not u ok
Thx @Zott
I see the resemblance @freedompilot98
Thx @ThomasRoderick
Thx @freedompilot98
Thx @emanuelga
Thx @SodiumChloride
Thank u @edensk
I agree
ThAnK u VeRy MuCh @Sm10684
Ello Governor Bit of a drizzle outside it is (07:02 AM)
@CrashFighter05 @edensk @Strikefighter04
We all live in a yellow submarine
My valentine is
Yes they do @Remote
When the aliens first took flight
Will be happy to help
Nothing good is free
Some day @Sm10684
Do what u think is right
I’m working on a small version @AtlasSP
I haven’t uploaded it yet I’m working on how to still have the gun on the back@Sm10684
Yes @SemedianIndustries
+1Auto turrets @TheKraken3
+1Very nice
+1Thx @edensk
+1My test flight is still on 1.9.0 and I don’t know how to make it change to 1.9.202
+1As realistic as a Biplane
+1Thx @Freerider2142
+1P-40 winning streak
+1Thx @JohnnyBoythePilot
+1Thx @yoshicraze
+1Thx @KerlonceauxIndustries
+1Thx @shunkray
+1Thx @edensk
+1Yeah @SemedianIndustries
+1iOS doesn’t support mods lol @NightmareCorporation
+1Thx @edensk
+1Thx @Evenstsrike333
Annie are not u ok
+1Thx @Zott
+1I see the resemblance @freedompilot98
+1Thx @ThomasRoderick
+1Thx @freedompilot98
+1Thx @emanuelga
+1Thx @edensk
+1Thx @Evenstsrike333
+1Thx @SodiumChloride
+1Thank u @edensk
+1Thank u @edensk
+1I agree
+1ThAnK u VeRy MuCh @Sm10684
+1Ello Governor
+1Bit of a drizzle outside it is
(07:02 AM)
We all live in a yellow submarine
+1My valentine is
+1Yes they do @Remote
+1When the aliens first took flight
+1Will be happy to help
+1Nothing good is free
+1Some day @Sm10684
+1Do what u think is right
+1I’m working on a small version @AtlasSP
+1I haven’t uploaded it yet I’m working on how to still have the gun on the back@Sm10684
+1Thx @edensk