2,467 QContinuum Comments

  • Release of STL to XML model converter 8.1 years ago

    The program read stl triangle faces and convert them to fuselage blocks. There's something wrong with the code reading stl files I think but I am not sure what is wrong yet. Sometimes it works sometimes it won't work. I think it is possible that ascii stl files have different types and the program has limit reading different stl files. May I have a sample facet loop from the stl file you are using to see if it is a file reading problem?@Gestour

  • Release of STL to XML model converter 8.1 years ago

    Zip file: https://mega.nz/#!Jp11wbhD!g5DsHmC6yYj28z9dULYeSueYITqoto0ro8gSLrj2HQ
    Installation file

  • Release of STL to XML model converter 6.7 years ago

    @Hayhayjam664 Nah.... That probably won't happen. Since the XML file only specify the key properties of the parts instead of the model, it would be really hard for me to make such program. If such program can only convert fuselage blocks, it would be easier, however if we need to convert other parts, theoretically we need to reverse-engineering part of the game which would probably have some copyright issue.

  • Release of STL to XML model converter 8.1 years ago

    This will definitely work:

  • Rainbow Dash 8.1 years ago

    Why it seems that not much people care about the software I wrote creating the model.

  • Rainbow Dash 8.1 years ago

    The STL to XML converter that I wrote to make this plane is released in the forum.

  • Release of STL to XML model converter 8.1 years ago

    I think it shouldn't count as a mod since it can't directly associate with the game so I put it here@Gestour

  • Release of STL to XML model converter 8.1 years ago


  • Release of STL to XML model converter 8.1 years ago

    .m file: https://mega.nz/#!JwtSnAJT!89-2CWt6XzVJ7krislH2kgze5g4dtjhBLYVqmfQK_GU

  • Rainbow Dash 8.1 years ago

    you gonna need a low poly model. I spent an hour on optimizing the STL file@Liyicheng

  • Rainbow Dash 8.2 years ago

    @QContinuum I meant 10:00pm MDT

  • Rainbow Dash 8.2 years ago

    I'm going to announce something at 10:00 pm Oct 30th

  • Captain's Yacht 8.5 years ago

    @TheJohnnyMan Did you mean yaw? I can't use yaw control at high speed but the pitch control works fine when I tested the plane

  • STL-XML frame generator 8.5 years ago

    Here is an example:http://www.disqord.com/Simpleplanes/framegenerator/20160529234818_1.jpg (the color is painted manually)@MasterManufacturingCo

  • Light Tactical Attack Bomber 8.6 years ago

    Encountering technical issues, will explode while firing missiles.