288 Qui11iamSurLaFeui11e Comments

  • USS Beast Pre 1.8 (1:1 Scale Replica) 6.7 years ago

    It's been a week; how has no-one put wings on it yet?

  • Suggestions For Upcoming SP Updates 6.8 years ago

    Could we have a way to weld parallel wings together? That would let us build wings with multiple attachment points, or make our own dihedrals and foil shapes. Basically, the way wing guns attach to wings, but on both ends.

    Also cool would be a propeller-shaft mechanism, so you could have two props powered by one engine, or a mid-engined prop plane like the Airacobra.

    And as always, pyramids (which you can technically make but are absolutely painful), tunnels/holes, re-sizable landing gear, and re-sizable cockpits.

  • Spinny Twirly Whirly Thing of Death mk. III 7.0 years ago

    @Bife (belatedly) Thank you.

  • New "Going the Distance" Record - No Mods. 5.6 years ago

    Fair enough. I'll call it the furthest distance by an un-modded plane that runs on fuel.

  • New "Going the Distance" Record - No Mods. 5.6 years ago

    @plane918273645 No Mods?

  • Going the Distance - How far have you gotten? 5.6 years ago

    Can anyone beat 263,908 without mods?

  • Heli Tail Rotors as Props 5.6 years ago

    Well, if they figure it out, let me know. I posted the craft last night, if you wanna try it out for yourself. I believe my final solution was turning Gyro Gain and Gyro Speed all the way down, putting the rotor in Manual mode, and mapping Tail Input to VTOL and Tail Trim to pitch. It's not perfect, but with VTOL and Trim at the first notch down each, it works okay.

  • Heli Tail Rotors as Props 5.6 years ago

    Okay. Turns out tail rotors assume they'll need to counter extra torque (or something) when pitch signals. It's been tricky keeping the rotors pushing both when pitching up AND when not. Temporary solution: map "tail input" to pitch. Works okay, but still problems.

  • Heli Tail Rotors as Props 5.6 years ago

    Interesting problem though: apparently pitch triggers some kind of blade angle, because when I try to pitch down I go in reverse. Very odd.

  • Heli Tail Rotors as Props 5.6 years ago

    Never mind. Sometimes, I'm just dumb and forget to put fuel in.

  • Guys this is the most beautiful thing I have found 6.7 years ago

    I like both this and the fact that the upvote bar is a golden sword.

  • Non standard fuselage shapes. 6.7 years ago

    Protip too: if you wanna build a flying wing, embed an actual wing part inside. Otherwise, it won't catch the air properly.

  • USS Beast Pre 1.8 (1:1 Scale Replica) 6.7 years ago

    @Dexa, you brave brave soul.
    If you have a Chromebook, I'll be posting a guide to get SP running on Chromebooks, for those with issues downloading planes there. They usually have more processing power, for those XXL builds.

  • USS Beast Pre 1.8 (1:1 Scale Replica) 6.7 years ago

    @BMilan hee hee hee...we'll see if my computer can handle it.

  • Suggestions For Upcoming SP Updates 6.8 years ago

    Also, an option for fuselage blocks to act as wing surfaces. I don't want to have to nudge wing parts into my flying wings and lifting bodies for them to work.

  • JET ENGINE IDEA 6.8 years ago

    I think the idea is that they'll blend into fuselages (e.g. behind cockpits) more smoothly, and they contain circular engines inside those rectangles.
    That said, I think we'd all appreciate fuselage-reshapeable engines/cockpits. I'm tired of beautifully tapering my planes' tails end then either having to stick an engine out from the back or to nudge it into the fuselage and hoping I don't have to adjust the fuselage ever again.

  • What do you think about having new features added to SimplePlanes? 6.8 years ago

    Could we get triangles? Or custom cockpits/windows? And wing struts/cables? I wanna make massive monoplanes without sideways fuselages. Or lifting bodies! That would be cool.
    I'd also like to see a mission based around defending airspace (especially from bombers), a "turret" part for WWII bombers, and a trans-oceanic race to test the all-out speed of our planes. Like a "Wright Airport to Krakabloa and Back" kinda thing.

  • A Carrier Challenge from the Past 6.8 years ago

    New records! Upping himself twice in succession, Zuikaku has landed his plane at 160,088.75 lbs and fully loaded at 161, 263 lbs, and then taking off from there! Can anyone even touch that?

    @Zuikaku you are a crazy dude, my dude. Well done.

  • A Carrier Challenge from the Past 6.8 years ago

    @Zuikaku not that I want to bother you, but would that plane take off from the carrier, too? Obviously not from where it stopped, but from the discovered location?

  • A Carrier Challenge from the Past 6.8 years ago

    Our first record is set by @Zuikaku! Here's the stats.
    Weight of the plane (unloaded): 73, 389 lbs.
    Weight of fuel carried: 87 875 lbs. 98% (85, 817.5 lbs) remaining at landing.
    Total weight at landing: 159, 206.5 lbs.

  • A Carrier Challenge from the Past 6.8 years ago

    @Zuikaku Bro... Props to you, dude. That was fantastic. How many attempts did that take you?

  • A Carrier Challenge from the Past 6.9 years ago

    @Zuikaku Not bad, but you haven't quite read the post, I think. The challenge isn't a 16,000 lb plane. It's not even a 25,000 lb plane. Your challenge is to beat the weight of a fully-loaded KC-130, at 150,000 lbs. Nice video, though. The plane even matches my color scheme.

  • meet my brother... 7.0 years ago

    @dogb23boy come say hi.

  • a GeeBee flew over me 7.0 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot probably true, but to be fair, the GeeBee is a bit overboard for a 1930s-era plane.

  • A Carrier Challenge from the Past 7.0 years ago

    @Fluffysheep Upvote for being quick off the mark. Wow.

  • Important question for mobile players 7.0 years ago

    I am late to this forum but if we could have (a) re-shapeable pyramids and (b) a little more flexiblility with cockpit shapes, that'd be great.

  • Mulbre 7.0 years ago

    Just to illustrate how well it flies, I added two flares and landed it in Ice Base, on mobile, unscathed. It's a good plane.

  • Swalican 7.0 years ago

    @Treadmill103 (Belatedly) Thank you. It was the closest I could get to the traditional boat-like hull. I think it looks good, though.

  • Blue Swan T 7.0 years ago

    @Wolfieboy1555 "This is a game about airplanes. While we do allow off-topic conversations in the forums, we draw the line at political topics. Please, have your political conversations elsewhere." - The Rules.
    Let's not have this conversation.

  • Poweeer 7.0 years ago

    @breitling It's a stupid drone with about 15,000,000 lbs of thrust. To take off: switch to camera 2, side view. Press Act 4. Swing VTOL to full forwards. Throttle up to 1%. Press Act 1. Steer upwards. Carefully add power. Comment if it works.

  • How To Play Darts In Simple Planes 7.4 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld Tsk. Size doesn't matter. Just how you use it.

  • Gee Bee 8.8 years ago

    Trust me, it's not a patch on the original.

  • Albatross Mk. I 8.8 years ago

    Honestly, this is just a prototype, but it actually works really well.

  • Bandit Run 9.0 years ago

    Here's a laugh. I'm so confident in my plane's ability that I'm entering it without testing it! This'll be great.
    Edit: I tested it. It crashed. Never mind.

  • Gyrfalcon Mk. I 9.0 years ago

    Dude, you tripled my score. Of course I will. This is just a prototype btw.

  • Goshawk Mk. IIA/B 9.0 years ago

    @salvador3031 i haven't even posted the description yet! Thanks!

  • 11 Piece Tournament 9.1 years ago

    I haven't been on the forums very much, and actually I had no idea the 10-part challenge was a thing. I'd been thinking about how simple a simple plane could be, and I figured it would be 10 parts, plus cockpit (i.e. 11). Then I logged on and saw a 10-part plane, and felt rather inspired. Great minds, and all that. I kind of did this on a whim, mostly because I wanted to see how people tune their planes.

  • Lifeplane Mk. I 9.1 years ago

    I can't believe someone actually downloaded this.

  • Dragonfly Mk . IIT 9.1 years ago

    I like this one. Tell me what you think! But this is probably my best so far. Also, it's really easy to land. Just max the brakes and keep the nose up and you float down really nicely.

  • Dove Mk . IIP 9.1 years ago

    Advice & criticism welcome! Definitely feel like this could be better.

  • Lifeplane Mk. IIE 9.1 years ago

    Criticism welcome! I know there's stuff here that can be improved, but y'all can help.

  • Butterfly Mk . IIT 9.1 years ago

    Thanks to those who downloaded this & especially @ronyseptian17 for the upvote! Please, feel free to post constructive criticism.

  • Any Requests? 9.1 years ago

    @ElGatoVolador Yay! I can't wait!

  • Any Requests? 9.1 years ago

    If you can build the plane below, I'll be highly impressed. I've posted about the Budd BB-1 Pioneer before, but it ain't happened yet. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/BuddBB-1Pioneer.JPG

  • Budd BB-1 Pioneer 9.1 years ago

    @dsr1aviation Thanks, man.

  • Budd BB-1 Pioneer 9.1 years ago

    Oh, and I based my proportions off the pixel count of a profile on Google images (like, how far back the wing was). That could be improved.

  • Budd BB-1 Pioneer 9.1 years ago

    Never mind again. After checking the stats, my version is about right in terms of weight. I'd recommend going for 20x14 blocks, though. My version was actually probably 21x15.

  • Budd BB-1 Pioneer 9.1 years ago

    Never mind. Found it, uploaded it. It ain't great. I only built mine to 25x15, and eyeballed the height. A rush job, to be sure.

  • Budd BB-1 Pioneer 9.1 years ago

    I made an attempt today. It failed so badly I deleted it.
    Weight: my model was 3,500lbs, dry.
    Power: the engine in the Budd BB-1 was the Kinner C-5, which maxed out at 245hp. The prop wasn't that big, either.
    Balance: The engine pushed the nose down quite badly under full throttle. It could be controlled with the elevators, but only with great care.
    Also, I can't figure out the diameter of the prop. Probably ~100in, which would be good, but it's hard to say.

  • can someone give me something to build 9.1 years ago

    Build a plane using only a single 250hp prop with all the settings turned as low as possible. Then swap that motor for a big turbofan. Post the top speeds for both.
    Build a flying lawnmower, as large as you can. Points for every ton it weighs.