19.4k QuitePossiblyMangled Comments

  • Andrew Garrison Figurine 3.1 years ago

    40,000 years of human evolution and we’ve barely even tapped the vastness of human potential

  • People Come And Go 4.3 years ago

    The honest truth is that very few people care about your leaving. To them you are just another user to which will be quickly replaced by new blood. To the few who do care, they will come to your bio. That's where people should put your goodbyes, not the forums.

  • Drama on Forums 4.4 years ago

    Would it be against the rules to post the entire bee movie script onto the sp website?

  • Dark theme script 5.0 years ago

    Carefully, he is a hero

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 5.0 years ago

    People who constantly post 3 post of the same build

  • Bayrakatar TB2 Ukrainian Air Force 2.9 years ago

    Cope @Obama179

  • Aircraft 3.8 years ago

    @Madmaximus Where you fail to achieve starts with how you look at it.It's not just the new aircraft sub assembly, it's modern art displaying both the nostalgic moment when an user first clicks start a new plane and serving as a reminder that even though we are different, we all started at the same place. When combined with how they manage to do it in three parts, it's no wonder why it manage to achieve 16 upvotes.

  • Making a reposted build eligible 4.3 years ago

    By change, the rules mean modifying the build through parts, not recoloring. You must change the build to make it unique to you by adding your own ideas to it. Lets say you found this nice airliner, you can recolor it and add more engines, some bombs, remove the windows, and other things to make it yours. That is what they mean by changing.

  • SimplePlanes has fallen. 10 months ago

    Its never been so over

  • Kaboom 3.2 years ago

    Yes Rico, kaboom

  • All my unpublished mods 3.5 years ago

    This dude has more storage space than the internet

  • sun 4.0 years ago

    Disappointed, it only has a circumference of 386.42 ft, not a circumference of 14,366,770,000 ft.

  • Comment upvote logic 4.2 years ago

    Us low level builders must unite and rebel against the establishment to secure point equality for all

  • Gender reveal for reaching silver 4.3 years ago

    Alright boys, you heard her, time to simp

  • Squidward's Art 3.8 years ago

    Bold and brash? More like belongs in the trash!

  • Stop spending money on vehicles spend it on cat girls 3.8 years ago

    The devs don't want you to know this but the white users in the newest section are free and you can take them home. I have 428 white users.

  • race block super race_ 3.8 years ago

    Like it or not, this is what a peak male specimen looks like

  • Simple Planes Movie 3.2 years ago

    If you guys give me 100 dollars I will make a feature length so film. I did this before but on another game so you know I’m legit

  • Android Map 4.2 years ago

    "iOS and Nintendo versions at 10000 upvotes"

    What about Gameboy Advanced versions?

  • Spin Mustang 4.4 years ago

    Beyblades! Let it rip!

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    Let people upvote what they want, it doesn’t really matter in the end

  • My Mechanical Calculator 2 4.9 years ago

    Finally, I can do my math with a calculator without my teacher finding out

  • Patches and Infographics in SPRP 4 months ago

    Remember Tequila Dog Beach

  • Nahash 1A4 1.1 years ago

    Yes very cool but can it destroy my depression?

  • Titanic Virtual Museum 1.9 years ago

    Man 25 dollars for a shirt is a bit much, would an upvote do?

  • Su-25T (racist puffs racist puffs eat it up eat it up) 3.0 years ago

    Looks fast, clearly designed for those who are most racist

  • Why do you crave for upvotes so much? 3.3 years ago

    Idk I like shiny number next to my name

  • REVENGE OF THE 5TH 3.8 years ago

    @PapaKernels Jar Jar Binks

  • Anyone here play on an Oculus? 4.3 years ago

    I have tape and a screen, does that count?

  • Vought V-173 (Flying Pancake) 4.3 years ago

    It's missing one thing....

    Butter and syrup

  • How do i change profile pic? (SOLVED) 4.3 years ago

    I don't know

  • I am 3 4.3 years ago

    Laughs in 3.8

  • How to grow SP Drama in 3 easy steps 4.3 years ago

    @AustralianBoi No, you aren't. You just are ignorant, which is okay. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge, Stupidity is the refusal to learn.

  • Our reputation, and your thoughts on our system 4.3 years ago

    Seeing how I explain SP through the lens of an economist, group accounts represent large corporations who can out preform smaller companies (aka individual users). Is it fair? No. Would banning them fix the issue? No. By removing or limiting group accounts, the devs and moderators would limit the free market of SP. This could lead to issues such as the ones seen in the USA economy.

    So, group accounts are a double bladed sword. If uncontrolled, they can wreck havoc on the delicate market of sp. If controlled by the mods or devs, it can lead to serious issues.

  • Untitled 4.4 years ago

    The ultimate stealth craft

  • D3A1- Fixed legs 5.0 years ago

    How many landing gear do you want?


  • Jackhammer 5.2 years ago

    [Insert comment that we won't regret 5 years later]

  • Egg Challenge, Completed! 5.2 years ago

    This is literally the best challenge I have ever seen.

  • What if a downvote button existed? 3.8 years ago

    Probably nothing until a platinum member realizes they can use their rank to get others to downvote a build into oblivion. Another issue I see is drama posts getting downvoted by opposite sides or builds being downvoted because they feature something a group does not like, example being a build with either an anime thumbnail or anime fuselage art.

    Over all I see nothing terribly wrong with downvotes. They could provide another way to punish those who copy or steal builds, as removal of points will prevent them from profiting off the build of others. However, there is no real reason to add them. The concern with drama is due to people being unable to control themselves, their emotions, and their words. If people stopped giving attention to the drama, then it will eventually die out. But because people always have to state their opinion, the drama grows.

    So, to wrap it up, nothing will happen. A few occasional cases of drama will pop up, however it would be about the same as normal drama.

  • What do you think? 4.2 years ago

    Drama is a constant cycle with the upper class of the community at fault. They lead us lower ranked users into a constant state of ignorance, ignorant of our power. They say the majority agrees with them, but we are the majority. They say drama is our fault, but it's them inflating the situations out of proportion. They believe their actions and words have deeper meaning and impact than us. They spread division and misinformation among our ranks through their actions and words. Enough is enough.

    There is only one way to fix this issue, to stop the drama.

    Us peasants must take up arms. We must stand up to their tyranny. We must break our chains of imprisonment. We must punish those responsible and we must establish point equality for all!

  • Comment upvote logic 4.2 years ago

    @BobBobTheLandia I think they are just annoyed with the constant complaints involving upvotes

  • house bomb target 4.3 years ago

    SP Community, encouraging warcrimes since 2015

  • French Alpines 4.3 years ago

    Gameboy Advanced pls

  • Ha 420 4.3 years ago

    @UltraLight Evil laugh

  • Guys I just wanted to say that the mods on this website are fat ugly lazy peices of shit, who should burn in hell 4.3 years ago

    Your Opinion: Anime is trash

    Fact: Anime is a style of animation first popular in japan, but has expanded into the markets of nations around the world.

  • Teaser: Dankcopter + MEMES 4.3 years ago

    People: No, you can't just give an upvote for controversial? memes. People might be offended by them

    Me: Ha ha upvote go brrrrrrt

  • NumbersNumbersTheMan is a Fake and Fraud! >:-( 4.4 years ago

    "And almost all of my builds have 4+ upvotes"

    You do realize how easy and accessible information is these days? 20 out of 32 of your planes have 4 or less upvotes, or just 62.5%. Sure it's a majority but it's also far from almost all.

    Not only that, some of your builds are just reposts like these two Click me & Click me. Even though you did improve the engine a bit, nothing else was changed about it. You should have at least done more major changes before posting it public, or just take down the original and upload the updated one. You could even test the aircraft before hand and see what needs to be improved, improve it, the upload the improved version.

    Now, this post that is clearly satire has flown over your head so far I think it saw the ISS fly by. You lack the basic ability to understand the simplest things and when confronted about your hypocrisy, you lash out with childish insults and vulgar language. Your claims of superiority are false and quite frankly, only serve to lower the views others have of you.

    So, this brings me to this, "Lol the 'challenge' sorry I'd only play chess with someone, well, less umm... what was that word I'd used earlier...?"
    Tbh, I will be surprised if you found anyone to play with as if anyone who do will have to try to lose against you.

  • What music do you listen to 4.4 years ago

    Literally everything except pop, country, and rap. I love folk, metal, classical, waltz, rock, metal, game music, techno, and everything in between. Especially touhou music.

  • . 4.4 years ago

    Tbh I want to make a walker from a Japanese bullet hell game called Touhou but this community is too toxic

  • Combat Bee 4.5 years ago

    As an irl beekeeper I can confirm this is what we have to deal with on a weekly basis
