@MAHADI bhai dhaka ei ki je brishti
@AviownCorp ami dosto
Why is this a successor of the Vertigo
@Franticmatty thx
@Franticmatty @Tully2001 's coment
@Franticmatty pls let us know what was the comment
@Visify nice man i can't use it but stilll preety cool
same thing is happening in Bangladesh we're having alot of big storm and we're in a tornado hotspot FML
@PointlessWhyshouldi its ok we all make mistakes
@Franticmatty ok
re uploaded why?
baba re 10 upvotes? ba[re ai drone ki speciaal paise shoodoo joodi jantum
@FgFg thx man/woman
i can"t do this
bhai aita aunek josh hoise
@MAHADI ar dost ato gula plane e upvote er jonno thank you
@MAHADI android e gloss , flat aishob choose kora jaina
@MAHADI Bangubandhu Areonautic Limited
@MAHADI josh hoise
@MAHADI shhhh kao ke boilo na
nice idea
@Franticmatty now this is my highest upvoted plane
@LukeDaDuke thx man
@JettStorm thx
@BogdanX @hopotumon @grizzltin thank you
nice plane, watching the PUBG stream atm
@EternalDarkness @rubbishcraft thx for upvoting
@EternalDarkness its just a asthetics thing to make it pointy
@MAHADI ar upvote er jonno dhonno badh
@MAHADI biam labatory school ar ami shoodo akjon bangali na amar ak bondhoo khele kinto upload korena
nice work
@Seonor @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @LukeDaDuke thank you
@DuckMintnewprofile thx for the upvote
@BroAeronautics Matty's Channel
Mother Of all F*cking Bombs i like it
@grizzlitn np
@EternalDarkness thx i know i wont win but thats the fun bit
any one here played jurassic park operation genesis?
Instructions not clear D*ck stuck in inlet
nice plane tho
Let the Judging Begin!
the next version T-3 Pup AWACS Edition with a giant Radar disc
link to @mightyscab
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation thx
@Sgtk np m8
here's the full wikipediaPage
@EternalDarkness judgement day is near
─────────────────────────▄▀▄ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─▀█▀█▄ ─────────────────────────█──█──█ ─────────────────────────█▄▄█──▀█ ────────────────────────▄█──▄█▄─▀█ ────────────────────────█─▄█─█─█─█ ────────────────────────█──█─█─█─█ ────────────────────────█──█─█─█─█ ────▄█▄──▄█▄────────────█──▀▀█─█─█ ──▄█████████────────────▀█───█─█▄▀ ─▄███████████────────────██──▀▀─█ ▄█████████████────────────█─────█ ██████████───▀▀█▄─────────▀█────█ ████████───▀▀▀──█──────────█────█ ██████───────██─▀█─────────█────█ ████──▄──────────▀█────────█────█ Look Son! ███──█──────▀▀█───▀█───────█────█ A Really Good Plane! ███─▀─██──────█────▀█──────█────█ ███─────────────────▀█─────█────█ ███──────────────────█─────█────█ ███─────────────▄▀───█─────█────█ ████─────────▄▄██────█▄────█────█ ████────────██████────█────█────█ █████────█──███████▀──█───▄█▄▄▄▄█ ██▀▀██────▀─██▄──▄█───█───█─────█ ██▄──────────██████───█───█─────█ ─██▄────────────▄▄────█───█─────█ ─███████─────────────▄█───█─────█ ──██████─────────────█───█▀─────█ ──▄███████▄─────────▄█──█▀──────█ ─▄█─────▄▀▀▀█───────█───█───────█ ▄█────────█──█────▄███▀▀▀▀──────█ █──▄▀▀────────█──▄▀──█──────────█ █────█─────────█─────█──────────█ █────────▀█────█─────█─────────██ █───────────────█──▄█▀─────────█ █──────────██───█▀▀▀───────────█ █───────────────█──────────────█ █▄─────────────██──────────────█ ─█▄────────────█───────────────█ ──██▄────────▄███▀▀▀▀▀▄────────█ ─█▀─▀█▄────────▀█──────▀▄──────█ ─█────▀▀▀▀▄─────█────────▀─────█ ─█─────────▀▄──▀───────────────█
@EternalDarkness you fell for it?
@ShiptyCo here's the working Link
@MAHADI bhai dhaka ei ki je brishti
@AviownCorp ami dosto
Why is this a successor of the Vertigo
@Franticmatty thx
@Franticmatty @Tully2001 's coment
@Franticmatty pls let us know what was the comment
@Visify nice man i can't use it but stilll preety cool
same thing is happening in Bangladesh we're having alot of big storm and we're in a tornado hotspot FML
@PointlessWhyshouldi its ok we all make mistakes
@Franticmatty ok
re uploaded why?
baba re 10 upvotes? ba[re ai drone ki speciaal paise shoodoo joodi jantum
@FgFg thx man/woman
i can"t do this
bhai aita aunek josh hoise
@MAHADI ar dost ato gula plane e upvote er jonno thank you
@MAHADI android e gloss , flat aishob choose kora jaina
@MAHADI Bangubandhu Areonautic Limited
@MAHADI josh hoise
@MAHADI shhhh kao ke boilo na
nice idea
@Franticmatty now this is my highest upvoted plane
@LukeDaDuke thx man
@JettStorm thx
@BogdanX @hopotumon @grizzltin thank you
nice plane, watching the PUBG stream atm
@EternalDarkness @rubbishcraft thx for upvoting
@EternalDarkness its just a asthetics thing to make it pointy
@MAHADI ar upvote er jonno dhonno badh
@MAHADI biam labatory school ar ami shoodo akjon bangali na amar ak bondhoo khele kinto upload korena
nice work
@Seonor @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @LukeDaDuke thank you
@DuckMintnewprofile thx for the upvote
@BroAeronautics Matty's Channel
Mother Of all F*cking Bombs i like it
@grizzlitn np
@EternalDarkness thx i know i wont win but thats the fun bit
any one here played jurassic park operation genesis?
Instructions not clear D*ck stuck in inlet
nice plane tho
Let the Judging Begin!
the next version T-3 Pup AWACS Edition with a giant Radar disc
link to @mightyscab
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation thx
@Sgtk np m8
here's the full wikipediaPage
@EternalDarkness judgement day is near
████──▄──────────▀█────────█────█ Look Son!
███──█──────▀▀█───▀█───────█────█ A Really Good Plane!
@EternalDarkness you fell for it?
@ShiptyCo here's the working Link