2,723 RasucitNemilos Comments

  • Screens (Read Description) 6.0 years ago

    Built on iOS but not mobile friendly XD awesome!!!

  • XML drag help 6.1 years ago

    Do you have the XML modding tool Overload? If so, there is a value in the "Part" section labeled "dragScale" and you can change this to be higher. The default setting is 1 so depending on how much drag you want set it to maybe 3.

  • Mod suggestions. 5.2 years ago

    A much larger version of current railroad mods, same rail gauge but with more scenery and smoother, wider curves, and possibly more than one track. Preferably with a long stretch of straight track at the beginning so that it’d be possible to start a train of considerable length. I think it’d be a great place for rail fans to properly test their engines.

  • RN700 Steam Locomotive - Rail Version 5.4 years ago

    @Tums Thanks!!!

  • Pennsylvania RR T-1 6.1 years ago

    I’m going to publish that within 2 weeks @Stormfur

  • Nemilos 4-8-4 Steam Locomotive 6.1 years ago

    Thanks man! @MailboxIsMyGender

  • XML drag help 6.1 years ago

    Np @Hayhayjam664

  • RasucitNemilos' Chat Forum 6.1 years ago

    To pull the bomb up I mean @Natedog120705

  • Ultra Colossus Steam Train 6.2 years ago

    @Natedog120705 I posted just the locomotive and tender. It's unlisted so only people with the link can get to it. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Tx3ZLm/Steam-Train-Tutorial-for-Natedog120705

  • Blimp Fuselage 6.2 years ago

    Will do, thanks! @randomusername

  • Blimp Fuselage 6.2 years ago

    Have to admit you kinda have a point @randomusername

  • New Ideas 6.3 years ago

    The ICBM actually works okay. As I predicted, the weight keeps the speed down. I'm going to need to use some powerful VTOL engines for steering because that thing might as well be sitting on the ground, the stability it has. I still need to add fins :) @randomusername

  • New Ideas 6.3 years ago

    I’ve completed the basic body of the ICBM. It is massive, weighing almost 400,000 pounds. I decided to use VTOL for steering and a modded BFE150, but due to the extreme weight, it will still keep slower than a million MPH. The missile is extremely stable but it is hard to lift the nose, understandably. @randomusername

  • New Ideas 6.3 years ago

    I’ll be sure to do that. I’ll also have some for steering. I won’t have control surfaces, but I’ll still have fins for stability. @randomusername

  • New Ideas 6.3 years ago

    Oh, and I’m also watching That 70s Show, so I’ll get some laughs even if I fail dramatically :) @randomusername

  • New Ideas 6.3 years ago

    I’m thinking about hiding the VTOL engines inside the fuselage, which will be circular and 6 across. The nozzles/RCNs can be placed either on the main BFE150s at the base or hidden inside the body. I’m praying it works @randomusername

  • New Ideas 6.3 years ago

    The idea behind the RCN is actually the nozzles that steer spacecraft.

  • New Ideas 6.3 years ago

    I found out that VTOL works anywhere. @randomusername

  • New Ideas 6.3 years ago

    I’m currently building an ICBM, and I’ve learned how to make a primary set of engines for low stratospheric flight, then a secondary set of engines for thermospheric flight. I’m still working on tweaking it, plus arming it. I’m using the same small cleaver design I used in my missile earlier today. Thanks for the suggestions! @randomusername

  • New Ideas 6.3 years ago

    I suppose I could try to make an ICBM. The thing about an ICBM is that it goes up into space to conserve fuel, and most engines lose power at 90,000 feet, leaving about 210,000 feet to go. There’s also the problem of powerful engines and holding enough fuel while also having a powerful explosive onboard.

    If you can find a super fast and insensitive cleaver, I’d like to know so I can use it for the engine. If there’s a very powerful explosive, I’d also like to know so I can use it for the nuclear bomb. I’d prefer they were lightweight. I’ll be searching :)

    Thanks for the idea! @randomusername

  • So... whaddaya listen to while building? 6.3 years ago

    "Believer" by Imagine Dragons. That’s mostly because my five year old sister has been playing it almost nonstop for two days.

  • Mini cleaver missle 6.3 years ago

    Hi there! I wanted you to know that I used your design to make a relatively lightweight nuclear missile. I must say, I am thankful you decided to release this. If you want to check it out, here’s the link:


    Thanks again! I made sure to give you credit in my description.

  • More Availability on iOS 2.9 years ago

    Just took another long ass break lmao I’m probably not coming on here again but if you wanna reach me the snap is idiot_king05 and discord is 1969Boss429#5832 it’d be great to hear from ya @Natedoge

  • More Availability on iOS 3.2 years ago

    Always, old friend. Quite happy to see you are as well. Not active on here anymore though, can have the snap if you want @Natedoge

  • Pere Marquette 1225 4.1 years ago

    Original creator of the base model here — I actually posted a UP Big Boy, Wyztt only chopped off the front half and then called it the Pere Marquette. @Mikey101234

  • Lms 798 Class 4.3 years ago

    Hello there! I'm the original creator of this locomotive. While I appreciate the attention, I would appreciate it if you would build your own custom locomotives instead of just making small adjustments to mine and reposting. You are free to use my techniques as long as you build the locomotives yourself!

  • The Southern Pacific Daylight (No Rails or SmokeTrails) 4.4 years ago

    Thanks! Personally I think you'd like my RN700 better. Oh, and I’ve also got a new SP 4449 in the works — one far more detailed and powerful @MinecraftKidGuy

  • Polar Express and 4449 Whistles 4.8 years ago

    Maybe you should build the polar express. Or the Coast Daylight. @Shaini

  • Polar Express and 4449 Whistles 4.8 years ago

    They don't actually. They use a similar design and make of whistle but the tone and smoothness is vastly different. @Shaini

  • Southern Pacific GS-4 Daylight 4449 Coming Soon 4.9 years ago

    At the moment no, I wanted the entirety of the custom wheels to be visible so for the moment it can only run on flat maps. I will release a version where it can go on the railway though. @RailfanEthan

  • Tsar Bomba 4.9 years ago

    Yeah, I remember when this happened. No need to be embarrassed about it. I’m still going to work on the train and possibly others, I’ve just been really busy with school and everything. I’ll also definitely test this new stuff out @Natedog120705

  • cruise missile 4.9 years ago

    Looks awesome. Well done!

  • RN700 with 2nd Tender - Rail Version 5.2 years ago

    Nice! @Natedog120705

  • RN700 with 2nd Tender - Rail Version 5.2 years ago

    Yeah, I’m still on here. Been busy with school and also working on some stuff @Natedog120705

  • RN700 Steam Locomotive - Rail Version 5.4 years ago

    @Tums Also, thanks for the compliment, I really appreciate it!!!

  • RN700 Steam Locomotive - Rail Version 5.4 years ago

    @Tums I put three very small VTOL engines in each cylinder and gave them an output of -37.5 -- basically they wound up negatively. I've experimented with this and found that it makes the windup way quieter and higher-pitched, so with a high amount like that on six engines, you'll hear the quiet-ish hissing sound of the cylinder cocks. I used a similar method on the whistle but added a few positively powered engines as well to give it a bit of a low, loud sound.

  • Huge Quad-Engine Jet Bomber 5.5 years ago

    Thanks!!! @Natedog120705

  • Huge Quad-Engine Jet Bomber 5.5 years ago

    Lol thanks @Giantwhale

  • Huge Quad-Engine Jet Bomber 5.5 years ago

    Thanks!!! I tried to make it stable but not unreasonably stable @Aarons123

  • Thermonuclear Hydrogen Bomb 5.5 years ago

    LOL If only more explosives made the explosion bigger instead of more dense @Tank6376

  • Thermonuclear Hydrogen Bomb 5.5 years ago

    This one didn’t even use any fully-sized explosives @L3dg3ndary

  • Thermonuclear Hydrogen Bomb 5.5 years ago

    Yup and I’ve got ones twice as big. @L3dg3ndary

  • Thermonuclear Hydrogen Bomb 5.5 years ago

    It’s 81 cleavers and about 100 other explosives lol @L3dg3ndary

  • Thermonuclear Hydrogen Bomb 5.5 years ago

    Lol, told ya @Natedog120705

  • Massive Resized Arsenal 5.5 years ago

    @Natedog120705 Posted one of the bombs

  • Massive Resized Arsenal 5.5 years ago

    When accounts get deleted the stuff goes too. But I’m glad to be back, and I’ve been building new bombs behind the scenes. Also worked on that steam locomotive with the working drive arms and drive wheels @Natedog120705

  • Massive Resized Arsenal 5.5 years ago

    @Natedog120705 Yup, and not a moment too soon, that's for sure. Btw, congrats on finishing up that rifle! I tested it out, it's pretty cool!

  • RasucitNemilos' Chat Forum 5.7 years ago

    Okay I’ve finished it up, I adjusted the aim a little and I gave it something to shoot at.... you’ll never guess before you read it :) @Natedog120705

  • RasucitNemilos' Chat Forum 5.7 years ago

    Alrighty then. Where’s the post and whatcha need? @Natedog120705

  • RasucitNemilos' Chat Forum 5.7 years ago

    I’ve been trying, I had an idea to improve on my brother's rifle thing and also on my bus and I’m also making a new train for the railway with the custom wheels. Also I might make a semi truck. And I’ll also try my best to make another UP Big Boy @Natedog120705