New Features & changes:
- A Vapor Cone now appears when near the sound barrier.
- Engine startup noises.
- Improved flight model, V2.
- Slightly larger front landing gear.
True Thrust/Weight Ratio: 1.5
Top Speed: approx. Mach 3 at 30,000ft.
Known Issues:
- The HUD still has some issues displaying things properly, but works mostly fine.
- VTOL is enabled by default, it should be off though... yes, I want y'all starting from "cold and dark!" xD
@LUPIN Another user did the interior design. I just made the flight characteristics more realistic to the real life version, and added MK 79 Napalm Bombs complete with a delayed release for a nice bombing run.
My "Murder Hornet" version features nuclear weapons, as the real Skyhawk was capable of carrying them. :)
@ReturnOfJeffChandler Well in the grand scheme of things (this game not having completely realistic physics), I think this game has way too much drag... so to overcome the drag you either need to jack up the engine power... or reduce drag. Increasing the engine power is the easiest and quickest way.
Though in real life, 30,000 pounds of thrust is quite a bit and it's a realistic number.
I find engines are generally underpowered in this game.
To get realistic speed you have to increase the power multiplier by a ton (but it has the side effect of giving your aircraft unrealistic acceleration). It does however allow for shorter takeoffs (oh well lol).
The other option may be to reduce the drag on every part of your aircraft (I have not tested this, so IDK if this would work better... if at all). That would be a lot more work though.
This needs to be updated. Everything is just overexposed/blown out. Too bright!
+3congrats :)
+2I guess it's time for a cursed meme video. xD
+2@TheTomatoLover lol true asf for most of us
Those missile videos are just fking hilarious. xD
+1@Petx09 lol I've already made some nuclear weapons... perhaps I'll release them soon
+1interesting mod.
now i just need some nice nuclear missiles to tuck in there xD
+1New Features & changes:
- A Vapor Cone now appears when near the sound barrier.
- Engine startup noises.
- Improved flight model, V2.
- Slightly larger front landing gear.
True Thrust/Weight Ratio: 1.5
Top Speed: approx. Mach 3 at 30,000ft.
Known Issues:
- The HUD still has some issues displaying things properly, but works mostly fine.
- VTOL is enabled by default, it should be off though... yes, I want y'all starting from "cold and dark!" xD
Updated flight model.
The HUD still has some issues displaying things properly, but works mostly fine.
More hardpoints + Upgraded Missiles + New Avionics + Some fixes = more fun!
The new HUD has a little issue displaying the wrong pitch angle though, but is mostly functional.
Upgraded airframe, more hardpoints, cannon has been fixed (aircraft would exploded when firing while in a turn), more guns.
@LUPIN Another user did the interior design. I just made the flight characteristics more realistic to the real life version, and added MK 79 Napalm Bombs complete with a delayed release for a nice bombing run.
My "Murder Hornet" version features nuclear weapons, as the real Skyhawk was capable of carrying them. :)
Don't forget to upvote, if you love the smell of napalm in the morning!
Be sure to read the instructions before using the MK 79 Napalm Bombs.
@HelloThisIsVSauce Takes forever, just like DCS!
lol hi!
i saw you spotlighted my aircraft about 15 minutes ago... but i just released another quick update to tweak the cannon. :)
Tweaked the cannon.
Increased ROF to 6000 round per minute.
Increased recoil, the plane now slows down when firing the cannon (the slowdown is much more noticeable at low speed than at high speed).
Great job!
Pretty realistic, and nice cockpit!
I hope we will be able to use more activation groups in the future with an update, then we could replicate even more functionality.
The A-10 and F-16 should be afraid... very afraid.
How much? xD
very fast birb
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 Next level bird poop! (^v^)/
Hummingbird Fight! Slow Motion Compilation
...or shall I say plumage? xD
Anna's Hummingbird Livery
@ReturnOfJeffChandler Well in the grand scheme of things (this game not having completely realistic physics), I think this game has way too much drag... so to overcome the drag you either need to jack up the engine power... or reduce drag. Increasing the engine power is the easiest and quickest way.
Though in real life, 30,000 pounds of thrust is quite a bit and it's a realistic number.
Cool looking plane with a nice digital cockpit. :)
Hard to fly with my old joystick though.
If anyone asks, the mach speed has been tested and verified. lol
I find engines are generally underpowered in this game.
To get realistic speed you have to increase the power multiplier by a ton (but it has the side effect of giving your aircraft unrealistic acceleration). It does however allow for shorter takeoffs (oh well lol).
The other option may be to reduce the drag on every part of your aircraft (I have not tested this, so IDK if this would work better... if at all). That would be a lot more work though.
Hanger mod definitely needs updated. Everything is just too bright! (Hence ruined screenshots)
@ShocK69 laughs in nuclear weapons
Better than Windows 11. xD
@Jaxonguthrie2012 It's a fictional aircraft. lol
That's no B-17, B-29, etc.
Not much of a jet, it's prop powered. (^_^)/
"DCS"impleplanes lol
SU-25 Frogfoot :)