@PlaneFlightX I thought you can edit the plane file on android because i found a forum post a about that a while ago(i cant find that forum anymore :'). Apologies my freind.
@ReinMcDeer thanks for that, i will try it later. But what i realy want is to replicate the flight physics of this plane because it can do cobra manuever.
edit: btw how will this work if the button is wired in the variables. example lets name the switch ID electricalsystems and the other is Activate1 so we have an input electricalsystems+Activate1
how will this work if one of these are wired in the variable system?like i cant push the button if one of these two (electricalsystems and Activate) is deactivated. (sorry about my grammar).
@ShinyGemsBro yeah @Sparky6004 is right i cant just go to another country because earning money to buy ticket here in philippines is very hard
and i grew up on a poor family and experienced poverty.
Driving through a small town, a man stops at a gas station. While filling the tank the attendant glances into the back seat of the man's car and sees two large penguins. Visibly upset, the attendant approaches the driver: "You know we have an environmental ordinance in this town, so while you're here, you'd better take those penguins to the zoo." The man agrees and drives off.
Three days later the man is back at the gas station and the same attendant serves him. The attendant looks in the back seat again and sees the penguins are still there. Angrily he approaches the driver and says, "I thought I told you to take them to the zoo!"
"I did take them to the zoo-they loved it," replied the man. "Now they want to go to the beach!"
F-14 - The complex engineering of the Variable Swept wing design
SR-71 - goes Mach 3 while being stealth
F-35B - VTOL Feature and the looks
BF - 109 The looks
@FirstFish83828 and also the 2 c-130 i saw was in formation flight but both swaying in opposite direction. What is the purpose of that ; maybe a joyride?
i saw 2 C-130 flying above me while im at the shore relaxing; it flew so low that almost touches the coconut tree tops. My mom panicked thought its gonna crash on us. XD
@temporaryplanetester it depends how skilled is the creator. If your looking for a good plane, you need to look at the creator if he's good at designing planes. You can download high quality planes from YSDecaff; he is a skilled designer
@temporaryplanetester yeah like the flaps doesnt help when landing but its fine for me because its a very old game so its not that detailed. (sorry about my grammar).
using control base for tvc instead of rotators is a very clever idea ⟩:)
+1@PlaneFlightX I thought you can edit the plane file on android because i found a forum post a about that a while ago(i cant find that forum anymore :'). Apologies my freind.
+1@PlaneFlightX wow. Why are you so disgusted with mobile players?
@ReinMcDeer thanks for that, i will try it later. But what i realy want is to replicate the flight physics of this plane because it can do cobra manuever.
@MannedBeggur good thing i still remembered this post Mars Map here's the download link for android link
@PlaneFlightX ok it doesnt exi-.
@Zaineman, where did you download the runway extension? :O and why your right joystick is blue?
Edit: i just found out that you use gyro thats why you have a blue joysticc.
@FirstFish83828 woah. I wish you a sucessful career ahead.
@FirstFish83828 sorry im not good at english XD and thanks for pointing out.
@FirstFish83828 your still 15yrs old how did you flew a plane without pilots license? And what plane did you flown?
@ColonelCanada oh hehe sorry my brain very weak when it comes to jokes XD
+2@ColonelCanada whats the reason why mobile users aren't allowed to know?
@HoshimachiSuiseiMyBeloved im not good at making passengger planes, also im still working on my bomber but i cant finish it early because of school.
+1@ShinyGemsBro just like what @Sparky6004 said, its meant to show that we care but we have nothing we can do. (sorry about my grammar) :)
+1@ZeroRaven87 wow nice idea!!! thanks for sharing i'll definitely try this!!.
edit: btw how will this work if the button is wired in the variables. example lets name the switch ID
and the other isActivate1
so we have an inputelectricalsystems+Activate1
how will this work if one of these are wired in the variable system?like i cant push the button if one of these two (
) is deactivated. (sorry about my grammar).@hpgbproductions i dont get it :)
can you give me the sample of the code.
please make this do cobra if you can.
@ShinyGemsBro yeah @Sparky6004 is right i cant just go to another country because earning money to buy ticket here in philippines is very hard
+1and i grew up on a poor family and experienced poverty.
@ShinyGemsBro yeah i mean help them too 😅
+1function = MultiRole
in theMissile
tab using the XML editormobile player's true nemesis
fun fact: She is my aunt : )
@GuyFolk please make a low part version so we mobile players can enjoy.
+4why i can hear the f-22 coming
+1@temporaryplanetester its a new way of mass rickrolling
+1@ZeroWithSlashedO @Farewellntchii im just thinking why most of the players are guys
+1thats the reason why i cant sleep at night. jk
@32 thats what i thought. Im thinking why there are only few girl players in this site
@BeastHunter lol ofc i will start another drama. Thats what happen when im bored.
+3wait! you eat soap!?
Driving through a small town, a man stops at a gas station. While filling the tank the attendant glances into the back seat of the man's car and sees two large penguins. Visibly upset, the attendant approaches the driver: "You know we have an environmental ordinance in this town, so while you're here, you'd better take those penguins to the zoo." The man agrees and drives off.
Three days later the man is back at the gas station and the same attendant serves him. The attendant looks in the back seat again and sees the penguins are still there. Angrily he approaches the driver and says, "I thought I told you to take them to the zoo!"
"I did take them to the zoo-they loved it," replied the man. "Now they want to go to the beach!"
i dont remember where i got this joke.
+1F-14 - The complex engineering of the Variable Swept wing design
SR-71 - goes Mach 3 while being stealth
F-35B - VTOL Feature and the looks
BF - 109 The looks
F-14, SR-71, F-35B, BF-109
reason i like it: I dont know. I just love
+1the way it looks
how?! 😯
+1@SheriffHackdogMCPE lol
+1@FirstFish83828 and also the 2 c-130 i saw was in formation flight but both swaying in opposite direction. What is the purpose of that ; maybe a joyride?
@FirstFish83828 wait. C130 can land on water?!!!
@SheriffHackdogMCPE Same here in the Philippines
+1i saw 2 C-130 flying above me while im at the shore relaxing; it flew so low that almost touches the coconut tree tops. My mom panicked thought its gonna crash on us. XD
@temporaryplanetester it depends how skilled is the creator. If your looking for a good plane, you need to look at the creator if he's good at designing planes. You can download high quality planes from YSDecaff; he is a skilled designer
@Griffon1 are you one of the modders in YS cuz your name sounds familiar
+1@temporaryplanetester i think it will never get an update anymore because i heard the creator just abandoned the game. ( i dunno if its true)
@temporaryplanetester yeah like the flaps doesnt help when landing but its fine for me because its a very old game so its not that detailed. (sorry about my grammar).
@Bo1233 have you tried playing on multiplayer?
+1@TheTomatoLover go download it. It will take 15 mb of data to download the game if your on Windows. :D
+1@Bo1233 bro no waayyy, i thought i am the only one who played this game in the whole sp community
+1@SheriffHackdogMCPE its a flight sim for pc and it has multiplayer
+1@TheTomatoLover search it on google
+1TFS BABY!!!!
+1@Whills You're welcome ;)