19.8k RocketLL Comments

  • How do I delete a post? 9.1 years ago

    Click on the box with the inverted triangle.

  • is it possible to upload planes on mobile 9.5 years ago

    Tap top right button(with 3 lines)then press "Share Aircraft".

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 9.2 years ago

    And you forgot that you can put 3 dashes under a string of text to make it larger.

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 9.2 years ago

    @Skua It's cool! Can't wait to see what the community does with this...

    By the way, I'm trying to mod a little on OSX. Whenever I try to save it via the SP Mod Builder, it gives me this error:

    An error occurred building the mod: (21:41:39): Building a player for 'Win' (5) target is not supported in this Unity build.

    Any idea why this is happening?

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 9.2 years ago

    Oh dear, did you have to share the inline images...


  • Mac Mod Support??? 9.2 years ago

    All mods in the form of .spmod support Macs.

    Go into your game directory(/Users/YourName/Library/Application Support/unity.Jundroo.SimplePlanes) and drop your mod(.spmod file) into the "mod" folder. Then activate it inside the game.

  • [QUESTION] How to build detailed planes with low drag points? 9.2 years ago

    I usually ignore drag when I build, they don't seem to have that much of an impact.

  • I Need Moderator Help 9.2 years ago

    User Permbanned, show's over guys

    EDIT: For the record, user was banned for Offensive Lanuage, Stealing Designs and Harrassment.

  • Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning 7.6 years ago

    @Simpleplanes5585 Thanks, but it is pretty crap :P

  • Kicking Fish 8.2 years ago

    Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here

  • Jell plane 8.6 years ago

    Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes for YouTubers.

    We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!

  • Angelfish 8.6 years ago

    @DatsunEngineeringCompany I'm merely a moderator, have no idea.

    But judging from previous releases I guess it'll be a few weeks after the steam release?

  • [Build Request] Beta Designs 8.6 years ago

    Quick and dirty work: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/yRLOt2/Angelfish

  • [Build Request] Beta Designs 8.6 years ago

    @joeysellers How nice, I'll make sure to include some nonbiodegradable peanut butter too.

  • [Build Request] Beta Designs 8.6 years ago

    @joeysellers Yes, the biodegradable packing peanuts are protected by nonbiodegradable ones.

  • [Build Request] Beta Designs 8.6 years ago

    How about all of them in a single package >:)

  • We need a new tag! 8.7 years ago


  • I'm Sorry, but I don't think it's right. 8.7 years ago

    I, for one, am neutral about all of the users, but this post and the comments that follow it are not right. All of you guys are calling out a single user and saying negative things about him.

    If you don't like someone's actions, ignore him or block him. If you like someone, give him an upvote and a nice comment. There is no need to call out people publicly and defend your friends. Also I don't think it's appropriate to call someone out for his building style.

  • PLEASE answer THIS 8.7 years ago

    You are /u/Striker11, and you joined 2 months ago.

    Also from all I can tell, you have not been "talked down to".

  • t.t..s 8.7 years ago

    Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here

  • About Simple Rockets 2 8.7 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 well, you didn't answer me. Can I have it for free?

  • =AAAt 8.7 years ago

    Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
    Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.

  • About Simple Rockets 2 8.7 years ago

    I have SR, can I get it for free?

  • Reminding what happened to Djbanana 8.7 years ago

    @MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Reminding what happened to Djbanana 8.7 years ago

    @MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation No cursing.

  • CUSTOM PAINT JOBS 8.7 years ago

    Do not spam on other user's posts/planes, and do not ask for upvotes in return. Upvotes aren't a currency.

    Please delete your spammy comments.

  • Distinguishing Between Vanilla and Modded Creations 8.7 years ago

    I personally think it's fair as [XML] modding isn't a one-click thing, it actually involves skill and time. Also iOS users can use XML modded parts using subassemblies.

    And there is a XML Modded tag.

  • Happy Idul Fitri to all muslim 8.7 years ago

    @Brields95 This is a global site, respect other people's cultural heritage and religions.

  • I'm leaving for good 8.7 years ago

    Hate to see you wanting to leave. This game isn't a competition, it's about testng your creativity.

    If you want to leave, you can delete your account yourself by going into Manage Account.

  • Is there any way to export a plane into a blender friendly file? 8.7 years ago

    My educated guess would be yes and no.

    You would need a .stl(or similar) for exporting to blender or a 3D printer. However, since the game stores all plane data in plain .xml documents with only the location/size/part/etc of the individual parts, it's impossible to do it directly.

    However, with the new addition of EUCL3D 3D printing, the parts have to get converted to 3D printable formats somehow, so it may be possible.

  • Don't worry guys 8.7 years ago

    If this indeed is ccooper, yay.

    If it's not, we'll have to permanently ban the user who is imposting him.

  • How do you post a picture on a form 8.7 years ago

    So you'll have to upload it to imgur.com and then do as @arcues said. @fishheads88

  • core i7 ? 8.7 years ago

    4 cores not 8. @AmerigoB

  • core i7 ? 8.7 years ago

    Yes, it will run fantastically.

  • fighter jest s145 bloodlust 8.8 years ago

    @cmj3008 come on, at least try to change the wing shapes and stuff.

  • Iphone6 plus 8.8 years ago

    @KingDeadshot There is no need to, that's what the successor system is for.

  • Flying boat challenge 8.8 years ago

    Sorry, we don't allow challenges with just a cockpit/block/etc.

    Try to make a creative piece of art or example creation for your challenge in the post.

  • fighter jest s145 bloodlust 8.8 years ago

    All you're doing is recoloring and adding guns to other people's aircraft.

    Please make more substantial changes to other people's aircrafts.

  • fighter jest s145 bloodlust 8.8 years ago

    Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
    Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.

  • fighter K907S Ghost Blade 8.8 years ago

    Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
    Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.

  • Flying jjeellllyy 8.8 years ago

    Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes for YouTubers.

    We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!

  • Boom baby 8.8 years ago

    Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
    Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.

  • Quitting SimplePlanes 8.8 years ago

    I am banning this account now.

    If you want to be unbanned, you can send a photo of Legal ID(Passport, etc) with your date of birth, along with a piece of paper with your username on it. Censor out name or SSN, etc.

    Send it to Jundroo.

  • Please give me back my account 8.8 years ago


    ...why are you here?

    I was quoting his comment from a while ago, and you happened to be in said quote :p

  • Please give me back my account 8.8 years ago

    @Johndfg ...no? He posted 6 planes.

  • Please give me back my account 8.8 years ago

    TheTekkit101 said:

    @KingDeadshot 12

    You claimed that you were 12, therefore you were banned.

    Now this account will be banned too for circumventing a ban, and if you make any more, you will be IP banned.

    Unless you can formally prove to us that you are indeed over 13 years of legal age.

  • JELLY 8.8 years ago

    Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes for YouTubers.

    We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!

  • Jelly plane 8.8 years ago

    Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes for YouTubers.

    We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!

  • Jelly plane 8.8 years ago

    Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes for YouTubers.

    We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!