25.9k Rymanx03 Comments

  • t-40 (Sorokovka) 3.3 years ago

    Hey, should the trailer and tractor be spawned separately or together? (Looks quite nice, so good job)

  • MRM-Toaster Defense System 3.4 years ago

    Congratulations, your toaster has surpassed mine in power and strength, as well as community support

  • Trailer Design Contest Winner! 3.6 years ago

    @DEN12345 Hey, I thought 10 was fair for an interesting challenge. Anyways, hope you enjoy your winnings!

  • A question for the Devs 3.6 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii @BeastHunter

    In all fairness, it is not often I check the forums, plus I haven't been the most active lately. But thanks!

  • 1991 D-250 Hillclimb Edition 3.6 years ago

    @2008abdupro I find custom/fictional builds don't do so well for those who have a lower point score. However, I'm glad you could be the first!

  • 1991 D-250 Adventurer 3.6 years ago

    @DEN12345 ah, I see. Heh, that makes a lot of sense now. My whole plan with the trailer/truck releasing side by side was to spawn it in as an AI vehicle, then hook up from there. It allows you to pick up one, drop it off, and grab another one. But hey, either way works, and it's pretty funny when it coincides like that

  • 1991 D-250 Adventurer 3.6 years ago


  • Design this caravan - Rymanx03 trailer challenge 3.6 years ago

    @P7VDS Hey, I'll let it slide. It's a fun challenge afterall, so thanks!

  • Trailer Design Challenge (closed) 3.6 years ago

    @DEN12345 man, I didn't know that. Thanks!

  • Trailer Design Challenge (closed) 3.6 years ago

    @Nanta02 That is all correct, thanks for asking!

  • Mosquito Swatter 3.7 years ago

    @Thunderhawk it seems to be rather good at the latter, and maybe I could perhaps make a flying version...

  • WSV LTF-80 Series v12 (Logging Truck) 3.7 years ago

    2 questions:

    1- What's the map in the screenshots?

    2- Is it available for steam users? (Still on the map)

    3 that is another question- looks real nice and rugged, mind if I throw it off a cliff for extreme testing?

    Edit: Guess it's still a question.

  • Motorcycle 9 3.8 years ago

    L O N G T H Y

  • 1991 Welmade Guardian Troop Carrier 3.9 years ago

    @TheRealJBerry thank you, I really appreciate it!

  • SeaTraffic 3.9 years ago

    @Jester sweet, thanks!

  • Messerschmitt BF-109 G-2 3.9 years ago

    NGL, it was hard to tell if those were real photos or in game for the most part. Good job, to both you and the photographer!

  • Walking Freddy Fazbear 4.3 years ago

    @Ormalawayo If anything, it may have changed with the recent game updates, as there were multiple big ones since the release.

  • Weirdest Thing I've made by accident 4.3 years ago

    @SpenzeroInternational same, try listening to music when it moves.

  • Tonk 300¥ Basic Package 4.5 years ago

    ...could there perhaps be a preview of the premium tonk?

  • Saunders Roe Princess 4.5 years ago

    Oddly enough, I was just watching a documentary on this exact plane, and why it was unique, but still a failure in the end. For a while, there were 6 of these giants sitting in storage in the UK, collecting dust because no one wanted em. They got used for scrap in the end. Tis a shame.

  • P-51 Mustang 2.0 4.5 years ago

    There better be 51 P-51s.

  • Trash Can 4.6 years ago

    @MemeLordMASTERMEMES It is done.

  • Welmade GoldHowzer (Drift Build) 4.6 years ago

    @Eiro Thank you kindly my good man. You aren't too far from it yourself!

  • Morgan 3-Wheeler 4.7 years ago

    @TakicraftCorporation that's what I aim for, every time. Thanks for the feedback!

  • Welmade Shir Race Truck (and a bonus announcement) 4.8 years ago

    @Strucker thank you kindly for both, my good fellow

  • Simple, Custom Autowalker 4.8 years ago

    @Strucker compared to others, you could say that.

  • 1912 Blackburn Monoplane Update 4.9 years ago

    @SledDriver That's completely fair. Thanks for the input.

  • 2003 Ford Ranger 5.4 years ago

    @Plane66373637 well what happened was as I was building the eiro, I liked the truck, and started to build it more and more like the Ranger. So, after I posted it to your challenge, I posted it here as well. I couldn't not.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 5.5 years ago

    @Maximum777 no problem. Keep on keeping on.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 5.5 years ago

    That right there is the closest to realistic steering your gonna get for a game like this. Good Job, I honestly thought that this build would slow down my phone.

  • 1967 Chevy Impala Update 5.5 years ago

    @Kerbango Good all the way

  • Jump some king 5.8 years ago

    Nice! Can't wait to test it!

  • So, I got some bad news. 6.1 years ago

    @randomusername sorry.

  • Pinewood Derby Challenge Entry 6.1 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 Perfect. Didn't even have to make too many modifications.

  • If this gets ten upvotes, I will... 6.1 years ago

    @randomusername ok, cool.

  • If this gets ten upvotes, I will... 6.1 years ago

    @randomusername I'll try. Mobile friendly is my specialty

  • Simple Ju 87B-2 Complete Edition 6.2 years ago

    @Hyattorama like I said, if there's anything I can do to return the favour, let me know.

  • Simple Junkers Ju 87B-2 6.2 years ago

    Basically, I need the bombs to be about 75% of the current diameter, and short enough to fit in the wing, basically, while still looking like a bomb, if it's not too much to ask. P.S. I don't know what you have to do, so sorry if I sound like an idiot @Hyattorama

  • Simple Junkers Ju 87B-2 6.2 years ago

    @Hyattorama Do you think you can help me out? I need the bombs on the wings to be smaller, but I'm on IOS and can't tamper with size and stuff.

  • Eagle Speedwagon 1.2 6.2 years ago

    @Bigman someone on computer can go into the programming, and change the coding so that it lights up on brakes, throttle, or anything that can move a part. I can't do that, so I ask permission to use them from other builds. Then, I save it as a subassembly, and use them where required.

  • Eagle Speedwagon 1.2 6.2 years ago

    @Bigman Here. Everything is listed.

  • Eagle Speedwagon 6.2 years ago

    Cool. I'll get right on it with everything I did.

  • Eagle Speedwagon 6.2 years ago

    @Bigman I was driving this around, and I noticed the suspension didn't like turns at speeds faster than 70 mph. I thought that maybe I could help you out a bit and fix that. Do you want me to upload it? I didn't mess with the original design, I think it looks awesome.

  • Soap Box Derby Challenge Complete 6.3 years ago

    @Gameboy21 and @ThePrototype Today I am testing your cars. Here's how I do it: you will be given three attempts on two undisclosed hills. The best time wins the speed section. there's two other categories that I look into; how well it actually works, and looks (effort put into design, etc.). So without further ado, I will put your soap box cars to the test. My car will not compete, but there will be bonus points if you beat it's time.

  • JujuBee (finished) 6.5 years ago

    No problemo, @Hyattorama

  • JujuBee (finished) 6.5 years ago

    Man, that's a contradictory sentence. But either way, Good job. I think it turned out great, 'Realistically Cartoonish' or not. @Hyattorama

  • JujuBee (finished) 6.5 years ago

    @Hyattorama No problem. And your right, it does look less cartoonish than real life

  • JujuBee (finished) 6.5 years ago

    When I first saw the real model of this plane, I laughed so hard it hurt. good job bro. Looks REALLY close to the real thing!

  • Bulldozer 6.5 years ago

    @DiveDin thanks bro👍

  • Bulldozer 6.5 years ago

    Maybe can you upload it? I kinda wanna see what you mean @DiveDin
