25.9k Rymanx03 Comments

  • New Feature ? 4.6 years ago

    Am I seeing neon blocks, which have the possibility of becoming neon strips? Tron bike, here I come!

  • Carbon Fiber 3.0 years ago

    T e x t u r e d C o m m e n t

  • T-64A (9th May Special) 2.9 years ago

    @Krikkit42 ...dude, there's nothing political about this, they made this to celebrate an important day in history. Not saying this or that, it's just a Soviet tank. Hold your gunfire a little, this is meant to be a friendly place.

    But legit tho on the mobile friendly, lol

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    What about toggle-able speed limiters for wheels? That, or a snorkel for shallow rivers

  • (THEY CANT BUTTER!) RyanAir Airbus A340-600 2.1 years ago

    @ThatRandomCouchPotato It's a timing thing when you're posting. You have to hit "Take Screenshot" then immediately hit the new screenshots button before the game realizes that it's been duped

  • ArtiElf Type I 2.7 years ago

    ...this is God tier programming, you legit turned simpleplanes into a third-person shooter... all I can say is DAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMNNNN

  • T-64A (9th May Special) 2.9 years ago

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE true. It sucks that this is the situation we're in, but it's happening and we aren't able to change it. The best we can do right now is to try not to tear each other apart at home, especially over a design game.

    And in all fairness, I probably could've picked better wording at the end there, but I stand by what I said.

  • AMD Wraith Spire 3.0 years ago

    Definitely a fan of this

  • The entire Star Wars Opening Crawl 3.2 years ago

    @TheBlueRobotProduct He's including the spoiled milk that they keep putting out today and calling Star Wars I think

  • Welmade XLT 750+ Hybrid Tractor 8 months ago

    @DatFiat126Fan19 Gotta sell it somehow lol

  • 1976 Ford Escort RS2000 1.5 years ago

    @Kerbango Lol, was definitely an interesting sight to see 30+ notifications when I started my lunch break

  • Volkswagen Tiguan 2.3 years ago

    See you in the Monthly vid, good grief that's detailed

  • Mustard Bottle 2.9 years ago

    Never thought I'd say it here, but username checks out

  • The Wok 3.3 years ago

    No longer a wok in progress I hope?

  • Trailer Design Contest Winner! 3.6 years ago

    @DEN12345 @TheDesignate @skyy @JJcoolRamos @P7VDS @TheMiC

  • A3 3.9 years ago

    @realSavageMan don't feel bad about effortless builds, my highest upvoted build was a trash can

  • Bean 4.6 years ago

    I did what I had to do. 69 upvotes for a B E A N

  • 1967 Chevy Impala Update 5.6 years ago

    @tylerdeveneuxmusic it all depends on the build style. I'm used to having to build with a smaller part count. @Kerbango OOOF

  • Pinewood Derby Challenge 6.1 years ago

    Random question: when will the contesting vehicles be tested/raced? And if they've already won, when will we find out?

  • Eagle 5 (from spaceballs) 6.4 years ago

    The Radar... It's been Jammed!
    Raspberry. Only one person would give ME the raspberry... LONE STAR!!

  • Cold war winners 6 months ago

    I'll take 6th, seems fair. Definitely should've went with the turret on er

  • M&M Mcflurry (dont crash ;D) 6 months ago

    So it's a regular M&M McFlurry?

  • Nvm 7 months ago

    Same here, said the game updated last night and now it won't open for me either.

  • 1991 Welmade Hera Hatch GTse one year ago

    @DatTrainGuy19 is this what you were expecting out of it?

  • 1991 Welmade Hera Hatch GTse one year ago


  • Tatra 805 1.2 years ago

    As usual, if there are any issues, please let me know so I can fix them.

    On a funny note, I just realized that the part count came to 603...

  • Build A Replica Car Challenge (Closed) 1.6 years ago

    @Kerbango Thanks, at least this way I don't have to put another 6 hours in one night and still be way late

  • Build A Replica Car Challenge (Closed) 1.6 years ago

    @Kerbango Heh, not quite. It's still fairly legendary, and I hope people agree. Don't want to spoil too much tho

    Edit- a remaster could definitely be plausible with all the tools we got from the devs this past lil bit

  • Build A Replica Car Challenge (Closed) 1.6 years ago

    Can mine be a day late? I ran outta time but it's going so good...

  • Build A Replica Car Challenge (Closed) 1.7 years ago

    Definitely in.

  • 1991 Welmade Hera Al-4 Rally 1.9 years ago

    @alexJgameYTukraine000000 Conveniently enough, I'm doing that already to build the police variant. I'll make sure you're tagged, and probably release them both at the same time.

  • Welmade Alaskan 1.9 years ago

    @alexJgameYTukraine000000 ...see pinned comment from 1.3 years ago. I only have one of those pictures left, but the others are still viewable through the links.

  • Welmade Gremlin 2.1 years ago

    @alexJgameYTukraine000000 Perhaps. What sort of alliance and what for?

  • Cross-Line Heavy Wrecker 2.1 years ago

    @Sm10684 fair enough. It's hard to find that balance between drivability and on-road performance

  • Cross-Line Heavy Wrecker 2.1 years ago

    @Venena Hey, that sounds cool by me. I looked into your forum post a little, so I've got no issues with it. Good luck with your story!

  • Cross-Line Heavy Wrecker 2.1 years ago

    @Sm10684 Heh, thanks. I wasn't quite sure where I was going with it once I had the frame done, but I'm glad I went where I did. It was fun, thanks for posting the challenge!

  • Modern Russian soldier (Reload model) 2.2 years ago

    @Tohu They're making a joke about how under-equipped the Russian military is...
    (Still not political)

  • Need Advice Regarding Replicas. 2.3 years ago

    Another good idea is to find pictures, either online or pre-downloaded of what you want to build, and get as many angles as you can.

    Works even better if you have a model of what you're wanting to build.

    Lastly, if you can find the blueprint, abuse that feature to high heavens as it can give you a rough outline of whatever aircraft you're building.

    Good luck!

  • Welmade PowerGlide 2.4 years ago

    @OkaNieba Hmmm... maybe. It would definitely be a neat concept.

  • One Tooth Wonder Custom Battle Bot 2.7 years ago

    @XWorks minotaur? There's a few like that, so a couple of wild guesses can be made there

  • Egga chad 2.9 years ago

    @CRATE52PART2 If you want it in the egg challenge, take the cockpit part off of this one, save it as a subassembly, re-download the egg challenge, and install the holy Egga Chad onto that cockpit instead.

  • Oblivion Ocopter 2.9 years ago

    O my

  • The multi turreted tank challenge! (CLOSED - awaiting judgement) 3.0 years ago

    I may not be a usual tank builder, but I think I like this. Time to see what I can do, who knows what'll happen?

  • GT Challenge Subaru Impreza 3.1 years ago

    @EchoWhiskey11 oh? You have my interest for certain

  • GT Challenge Subaru Impreza 3.1 years ago

    Hey, would you mind if I built an 07 wagon off of this? It was my first car and I've wanted to make a model of it ever since it met a tree at speed not long ago...

  • Walking Freddy Fazbear 3.1 years ago

    We're forced to be still and play
    The same songs we've known since that day
    An Impostor took our life away
    Now we're stuck here to decay

  • Why are physics acting different in slow motion? Especially with suspensions. 3.1 years ago

    @Phoebe ...you know this is a questions-based forum, right? @Bummer Also- on the slow-motion thing, the function gives the codes and physics of the game more time to react and simulate. So, the sudden switch to better and more realistic simulations seems to cause a "bounce" in most shock systems as they suddenly become a lot stronger. At least, that's the understanding I have of it, I didn't make the coding.

    Edit- this is also why most builds don't disintegrate on slow-motion, but do in real time.

  • Delta Explorer 3.2 years ago

    Hey, don't know if there was an issue with me downloading or something, but none of the wheels are connected to any engines... anyone else getting this?

    Also- the screeching thing would most likely be due to a grip-power ratio. The wheels may be spinning, but they're spinning at max speed while your truck is slowly getting up there. It always happens at high horses, regardless of grip settings for me.

    Lastly, love the design, and don't worry about what everyone else thinks on this site. You might not get as many doots to get up to speed, but I don't see that being too much an issue with your skill lol. Plus, I don't see much people saying that things are copy-pasted or stolen, as long as there's something different and you say who you took inspiration from.

  • Bread Tag 3.3 years ago

    @Chaka shhhhhhh...

  • Bread Tag 3.3 years ago

    @PyroFizz you can never really guess what you'll find next on SimplePlanes, and that's a fact.
