Hey dude, i just read that you don't have 1.6, you can get it for free at Apptoko, search it on google, and search for simpleplanes!! that's where i got 1.6 from, you can also check aptoide, but it's not safe, and did i mention that the one on apptoko are clear from virus, i just downloaded the version around 2-4 days ago, so go ahead!! download it!!
And change the language from indonesia to english, it's made by indonesian programmer (toko = shop so apptoko is appshop, but search apptoko instead,ok?)
@evilbadger34 Me too i guess... Hey, any ideas of my next creation? i'm currently working on a Simple Propeller Plane, but this one isn't gonna look bad, so stick around (btw 1 question, are you following me? #justcurious).
@evilbadger34 did you know i like tanks when i was on 1st grade, on 2nd grade, i like trains, on 2,5 grade, i like airlines, on 3rd grade, i like trucks, on 4th grade, i like military, on 5th grade, I LIKE AIRPLANES!!!!
@evilbadger34 ammo stack? The edge of the cannon where you load the ammo? commander seat? gunner seat? driver seat? steering wheel? joystic to control the turret and cannon? take a look inside the m1a2 abrams or the t14 armata.
Where are the commander's seat, Gunner's seat, Loader's seat (If necessary), Sry just gettin' to excited ;) (Cuz, In the old days... I looooovveee Tanks) and also ammo stacks, Put some AP, HEAT, HE
Hi FranticMatty, still streaming?
@evilbadger34 Yes, I just use a crosswind, and then fly, well..... it's not exactly like you would expected.
@evilbadger34 doesn't make sense to me
Do you know i'm an SP drift master at flying?
@evilbadger34 do you think you don't need aerodynamic? Yes you do! Except if you want to make a ww1 tank.
@evilbadger34 Yayayyayayayayyayayayayya... (do you know that yesterday was my birthday?)
i don't understand the description.
@evilbadger34 No Problem! I'm glad you got the1.6.10
@Swinly Np!
and 1 thing i know, it must have been stressfull
freaked out by how many parts there are Btw, super cool!, maybe on the next one, increase the aerodaenamic, the front looks blocky
Hey dude, i just read that you don't have 1.6, you can get it for free at Apptoko, search it on google, and search for simpleplanes!! that's where i got 1.6 from, you can also check aptoide, but it's not safe, and did i mention that the one on apptoko are clear from virus, i just downloaded the version around 2-4 days ago, so go ahead!! download it!!
And change the language from indonesia to english, it's made by indonesian programmer (toko = shop so apptoko is appshop, but search apptoko instead,ok?)
@AstleyIndustries Yeah
This is an akward idea, add a banner that says the pilot 04 onto one of your aircraft.
@Deadly8Nightshade Cool! I know this tank, it's one of my main battle tank in wot
your name is kinda like AFP95's Steam ID
you really reminded me of TF5 TLK :)
@Rugpeersdude what i'm thinking of humans pilot in the future, is a Supersonic plane, and i would love to work on it :)
Wow! This is amazing!
@calred that'll be cool!
@Rugpeersdude oh, are you reffering to NG's series "Mars"?
@Killzone96553 probably change the power multiplier on xml, or adding GAZZILLION of Jets and fuels
+258 Download? this is great!
@evilbadger34 Me too i guess... Hey, any ideas of my next creation? i'm currently working on a Simple Propeller Plane, but this one isn't gonna look bad, so stick around (btw 1 question, are you following me? #justcurious).
60 Parts only? Cool!
@evilbadger34 did you know i like tanks when i was on 1st grade, on 2nd grade, i like trains, on 2,5 grade, i like airlines, on 3rd grade, i like trucks, on 4th grade, i like military, on 5th grade, I LIKE AIRPLANES!!!!
@evilbadger34 can you give me suggestion of the tank i should make next?.
@evilbadger34 okay, then i guess make a tube to hold them, oh yeah.. 1 question..Are you lagging when you're making it?
@evilbadger34 #sosad
@evilbadger34 sadly we're both android... too much part means.. DYING ANDROID!!!
@evilbadger34 ammo stack? The edge of the cannon where you load the ammo? commander seat? gunner seat? driver seat? steering wheel? joystic to control the turret and cannon? take a look inside the m1a2 abrams or the t14 armata.
@evilbadger34 EvilBadger Tank - 450
@Ryn176 I Mean, i just don't have the time and skills
From the Photo, I can identify what parts that's on the plane, I don't have the skills and time
@Matty797 i guess... Kinda looks like a T-64
@evilbadger34 Any progress on your tank? i recommend naming it EBT-450 ;)
Thanks @destroyerP
Cool!!! I did drive this train on a game, so i recognize it
It's amazing!
@Ryn176 Was*
@KLMS Heh... Let me guesss... Most of your time wzs taken because parts doesn't go how you wanted?
@KLMS I just realized... these planes looks kind of simple, but so detailed
Kinda looks like a Gripen
So Detailed
@Bladeguy57 true
Wow!!! THAT'S AMAZING (Hopefully more youtubers gonna play this game, cuz i'm desperate of SP Youtuberrzzz)
@evilbadger34 y so l8? ( why so late )
Where are the commander's seat, Gunner's seat, Loader's seat (If necessary), Sry just gettin' to excited ;) (Cuz, In the old days... I looooovveee Tanks) and also ammo stacks, Put some AP, HEAT, HE