8,069 Ryn176 Comments

  • Axis 3.4 years ago


  • Hmm... In the SPVR trailer 3.6 years ago

    my guess is that it's a free-moving rotator that the player can grab

  • SR2 - Procedural Landing Gear 5.7 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot I agree, the devs maybe should consider adding a couple of those sweet features.

  • so about that new 'linear color space' 3.5 years ago

    Things having different color may have been the result of it, but a white missile trail shouldn't be black, at worst it should be gray.

  • I'm starting to HATE THIS PLACE!! 4.5 years ago

    One of the stuff that AWESOMUR pointed out is the fact that you mentioned a lot of people, in your builds... Even though there's no teaser thing?
    Or did they ask to be tagged on every of your new build, cause tbh, I'm really confused why.

  • website suggestion 3.5 years ago

    no re-uploading of built-in ai planes without any substantial modification has to be one of them.
    also whats with the honda?

  • On recent issues 4.5 years ago

    @EternalDarkness but we can still mass-tag people who are requesting to be tagged right?

  • SPVR Update - Control Base 3.5 years ago

    does this mean that any test relating to how the joystick handles when being grabbed have to be done in vr?

  • New Part Idea: Cloth [plz read] 3.5 years ago

    it would probably be very very very very resource intensive. reacting to changes in AoA and winds might be light, but reacting to to mesh collision and such is going to be very heavy. not to mention the fact that you need a "resolution" to work with (how much the cloth is going to be subdivided, more subdivision will result in it being smoother, but it will take up more processing power). i suggest try playing around with blender's cloth simulation to get a basic idea of it.

  • WWI Balloon v1.0 - Can you shoot it down? 5.9 years ago

    Nice! So, we're playing a game inside a game, right?

  • Bomber versus fighter... who would win? 5.9 years ago

    You should use the Advanced Targe-- Oh wait, you're on iOS.

  • Vickers Vanguard cockpit functional systems showcase 3.5 years ago

    also, does the lights light up the surrounding or are those achieved with reshade?

  • Ignore this post. 3.5 years ago

    not ignoring

  • P51 Mustang!!! 5.6 years ago

    I'm not against your opinion or anything. But, I think this site has enough P-51 Mustangs to make a whole tag just for Mustangs.

  • What's your favorite song 5.7 years ago

    Uamee - IL-76
    Gas Gas Gas, Running in the 90s, Deja Vu
    Cheeki Breeki Hardbass anthem
    DJ Blyatman - Gopnik

  • You must stop 5.7 years ago

    R- Just
    E- Stop
    D- or get fined
    Y- Look around
    E- Slowly accelerate
    L- Once you have passed the Zebra Cross
    L- FLOOR IT!

  • Cessna Citation X 5.8 years ago

    I want to upvote, but...
    I want to keep that 69

  • 5.8 years ago

    error 404 - title not found

  • IKEA Box Van Ford E-350 5.9 years ago

    @CrashFighter05 Instructions unclear ended up with Fiat Multipla

  • MIK Airbase Designer 7.1 years ago

    @Genterprizes install this, activate this, and play sandbox, your designer should change, except if you are on iOS, you can't get any mods on iOS

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.5 years ago

    Will this update be available in 32-bit or will it be 64-bit only?

  • Am I the only one who wants this? 3.5 years ago

    I think the angle should be smaller to reduce the risk of clipping your wings to the side of the mountain

  • Aeralis Dart Jet 3.5 years ago

    *some assembly may be required

  • If only there were more ground targets 3.6 years ago

    another thing i'd love is being able to tag a creation as a "ground vehicle"
    that way i don't have to use an AA missile to target my tanks

  • HOW TO AVOID UPVOTES 4.6 years ago

    If step nr. 1 doesn't work and it backfires instead.
    i would recommend zooooooom in real close, like REAAAAL close. If your entire screen gets covered by a single color
    then you've been following this instruction well >:)

  • SP and SR2 graphics. 5.5 years ago

    I would say so. I just hope it doesn't raises the minimum requirements, cause if so, RIP me

  • This internet speed is gonna kill me 5.6 years ago

    Activate Windows
    Go to settings to activate Windows

  • This is the coolest thing that I have ever done! 5.8 years ago

    (using the drake format)
    No | Using blueprints to make an accurate replica
    Yes| Visiting the real thing and carrying your Laptop with you

  • Oil refinery[ground target] 5.9 years ago

    O I L

  • RAF semi feature 7.0 years ago

    wh..wh.. what?! MY FAVORITE GAME IS USED ON A MILITARY MUSEUM?! AMAZING!! Gotta tag @tylerdeveneuxmusic

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 7.3 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot I know right!

  • Can't wait for the beta test of Ver. 1.11. I think I'm going crazy. 3.5 years ago

    don't depend your life on a single video game update
    that said, i'm very excited for the beta too

  • Secret in SimplePlanes xml files (storage) 3.5 years ago

    @V @scratch @BMilan I tried and the results are disappointing. Everytime the game launches, it would reset all of the values back to how it was. Though, I haven't tried swapping out the file with the modified one mid-game. I'm a little busy at the moment so if you'd like to try it out, then feel free to do so.
    Edit: the file you are looking for is located at C:\Users\ [your current username] \AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes

  • Secret in SimplePlanes xml files (storage) 3.5 years ago

    @BMilan hmmm, that makes me wonder, if that's truly the case then i'm going to try and modify it to show a different color. though i'll have to keep a back up of the original in case something bad happens.

  • Where did the time go? 3.5 years ago

    ikr, some of my highlighted planes are 2-3 years old. i know they're old, but i didn't think it would be that old

  • In works. 3.5 years ago

    are you by any chance inspired by mustard's video?

  • Ballance in SP (mod map) 3.5 years ago

    probably gonna use this as a skatepark

  • I HATE WAR THUNDER 3.6 years ago

    The British Rail Class 373 or TGV TMST, sometimes referred to as Eurostar e300, is a French designed and built electric multiple unit train that is used for Eurostar international high-speed rail services from the United Kingdom to France and Belgium through the Channel Tunnel. Part of the TGV family, it was built with a smaller cross-section to fit the smaller loading gauge in Britain, was originally capable of operating on the UK third rail network, and has extensive fireproofing in case of fire in the tunnel. It is both the second longest—387 metres (1,270 ft)—and second fastest train in regular UK passenger service, operating at speeds of up to 300 kilometres per hour (186 mph).

  • Simpleplanes or Stormworks? 4.4 years ago


  • I'm starting to HATE THIS PLACE!! 4.5 years ago

    @An2k be active on forums
    Advertise your builds on forums aswell
    Add great and compelling screenshots

  • VTOL Spitfire 4.9 years ago

    everyone: Noo! You can't just make the engine face upwards and expect it to fly fine!
    this pic: hahahahaha vtolfire go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • Decade almost gone by. 5.6 years ago

    Am I the only one who used to play OG Angry Birds back in 2012/13?

  • Microsoft is Returning to Flight Simulation!!! (NOT CLICK BAIT) 5.8 years ago

    and let's just hope
    there's no Hot Air Baloon going 400 Knots @1000FT
    AFP95 subscribers can relate

  • Control Surface bug 5.8 years ago

    @Mmdben war thunder intensifies

  • Soviet Tribute: SimplePlanes 5.8 years ago

    I just love the tune of the Soviet/Russian anthem.

  • Bf-109F-2 Custom 5.9 years ago

    No Photo, No Parts, No Tags, No Description, No Weight, No Drag, No Wing, No Length, No Height, No Wingspan

  • Tank Test Map 6.8 years ago

    dis is epik

  • Since you can upvote comments... 7.2 years ago

    @GermanWarMachine Uhhh....Yourself Vs. Yourself?

  • Desert Flags Mission 7.2 years ago

    Yeay, Android version on your mods :)
