@Magnavox20MS233S oh i almost forgot if someone ask why gun is cannot elevate ,i just figure out now so please install the old version and replace the turret/gun with the old one
@SHADOWCOMPANY sure ,you can just remove block under visor tube (camera tube)
Remember to copy input on horizontal rotator under camera and copy to turret rotator and invert
@Magnavox20MS233S oh i almost forgot if someone ask why gun is cannot elevate ,i just figure out now so please install the old version and replace the turret/gun with the old one
@SHADOWCOMPANY sure ,you can just remove block under visor tube (camera tube)
Remember to copy input on horizontal rotator under camera and copy to turret rotator and invert
@RYAviation try to use low/med physics for issue no 2
and for no 1 maybe you use wrong camera ,
there is 4 camera ,
first camera 1(i forgot to remove it), 120mm camera, driver,and MGS
+2@alann Poland have ricefield?
+1Bro ,can you give me thats UI control?
@TatsuTheOtaku how to disable drag?
+1I never do that before?
@TatsuTheOtaku thanks
+1Bro do you have water modus link?
Oh Sorry ,I used that desc
Bro can I participated with this?
I forgot to add auto credit
@Aarav what if we used jet engine for sound ,I mean like turbine engine for Abrams?
@Aarav what if we used jet engine for sound ,I mean like turbine engine for Abrams?
How to combine fireweapon with selected weapon
+2can the latest android version use it?
What is version of your simple plane?
+2@ongatame still cannot find it, can you help me? Imean the name of that creation
+1@JaphetSkie do you have link that TSF?
@Ian_Yashima yes ,i forget to chage it
@DeveloperKorzalerke hmmm.... Sad i thought we can change it
+1@Bellcat try use active 1 for rifle,
2 for bazoka ,
4 for funnel
5 for knife
@CrimsonOnigiri thanks i Will make that
+1@donkski gustav Carl
Can you add ship propeller ?
Wait why on this model have motion like orga death screen?