I almost thought the part count would exceed 600, turns out its only 429! And even though doubling my b-12's part count, the performance cost is actually lower by a bit
As an wec fans i approve this build, the 499p is my pfp also this is an illegal wec LMH car as its only 900kg, while the minimum required weight is 1,030kg 😄
Note : the 2 switches (that are lower) on the main centre console are not connected to the console, so please connect it before saving, this is just a silly tiny mistake of not checking before upload 😂😂
Oh nvm
So technically?
Lmao my b-12 is literally one
Cops in heat (you're using a regera and are cruising at 400+) :
@LunarEclipseSP just like mine lol
+1Holy moly, but could you tilt the windshield a bit less so it doesnt look like front engined?
Basuri ahhh type of shi
+1@Loslavproductions try using a fuselage instead of blocks so you can make the shape smoother and more streamlined
I almost thought the part count would exceed 600, turns out its only 429! And even though doubling my b-12's part count, the performance cost is actually lower by a bit
+1@Rayquaza4590 basically
+1"Life is a highway
+1I wanna ride it all night long
If you're goin' my way
Well, I wanna drive it all night long"
The nose shape is kinda wrong lol but great job man
+1Tf is this 😂😂
@SPTNR @dussts @0FWcompany0
+1@SPTNR ig we both requested
+1@SPTNR lol
@Kingclarvinx20 also please upbote bro, it will help very much
@Kingclarvinx20 i will try
@SPTNR cool
@Dodgechallengers nah bro aint doing that 😭😭
+1As an wec fans i approve this build, the 499p is my pfp also this is an illegal wec LMH car as its only 900kg, while the minimum required weight is 1,030kg 😄
+1Haram brother 😂
+1When the droop snoot droops the droop snoot wil droop because the pilot droop the snoot
@SPTNR yeah only difference is mo powah headlight desing and better door
+1@KSB24 after that can you make my rt015 ai racer version? Prob gonna be the laggiest ai car racer
+1Audi r8, nice
+1Why do i spam @'s lmao
@KSB24 can you make an ai racer of this
+1Now this the right one @SPTNR
+1@SPTNR please review this one my mannn
+1@RealMicroZackSP true 👌👌 but this looks like something in naval warfarr but great job man
Naval warfare roblox ahhh airplane 🤣🤣
Dang it has been a while now since i last seen your post
+1@Lwillswith2sentryguns nah he should wait til i dropped the v.2 (fixed connections)
Note : the 2 switches (that are lower) on the main centre console are not connected to the console, so please connect it before saving, this is just a silly tiny mistake of not checking before upload 😂😂
@TheSPTuner me deadass making trucks cause making cars=hard
+1Ground maneuveribility = goofy
Bro is quicker than me closing the phub as soon as my crush walks in 💀💀
+1@TheSPTuner thx
@TheSPTuner great!
+1Good job! Maybe fix the front bumper a little bit to look more like the gte irl and thats it!!
+1@TheSPTuner no worry my bud
+1@TheSPTuner please keep this comment section respectful 🙏
@TheSPTuner and?
@dussts Fine, i'll do it myself
You actually made my request!
+1@Rayquaza4590 is a bit confusing is it? (Talks in mexican accent)