@ThomasRoderick well i mean transfer the design that i made on another game xDD
i played quite a lot of vehicle building games and i plan to get them all into SP
btw thanks for the updoot
@soldier289 i took them around Here in Maywar, find some shallow lookin water and that will do the trick
and for the third screenshot, there is this nice place on Krakabloa that emits greenish water around Here
@210100 sounds interesting, dont know if i can help though, also might be available in a few hours, hit me up on discord if you are ready
@SpartanDelta1 TargetSelected ? TargetDistance / (X - rate(TargetDistance)) : Y
changeX to the cannon's projectile Velocity
example you got a cannon with 800m/s Projectile
soo it will be Target Selected ? TargetDistance / (800 - rate(targetDistance)) : Y
and for the Y if you dont have any target selected, it determines when will the bullet explode, just set it to 60 or 600 or something if you are unsure what to put there.
@FabioGalvao5679 i deleted that because of complaints in Multiplayer....
but thank you for your concern, i also have a backup folder for all my SP creations soo i will never lose them.
@spefyjerbf thanks xDD
+1its inspired by your builds
+1thank you for the upvote man, also when is the next build comin? 👀👀
thanks.... for always upvoting my stuff :')
thank you for upvoting :)
thanks for upvoting homies :)
thank you for the upvote!!
@Totallyaname to make sure everyone can enjoy :D
+1@ThomasRoderick well i mean transfer the design that i made on another game xDD
+1i played quite a lot of vehicle building games and i plan to get them all into SP
btw thanks for the updoot
@soldier289 i took them around Here in Maywar, find some shallow lookin water and that will do the trick
+1and for the third screenshot, there is this nice place on Krakabloa that emits greenish water around Here
@210100 sounds interesting, dont know if i can help though, also might be available in a few hours, hit me up on discord if you are ready
@210100 aye homie sounds good, also good luck with the other versions!
+1@Alpha6 everybody gangsta until the C-130 shoots
+1TargetSelected ? TargetDistance / (X - rate(TargetDistance)) : Y
to the cannon's projectile Velocityexample you got a cannon with 800m/s Projectile
soo it will be
Target Selected ? TargetDistance / (800 - rate(targetDistance)) : Y
and for the
if you dont have any target selected, it determines when will the bullet explode, just set it to 60 or 600 or something if you are unsure what to put there.@AtlasMilitaryIndustries what in tarnation.....
@Snazzu np man, i upvote everything that looks cool to me lmao 😂👌
+1@gingerbreadman thanks!! :D
+1@AtlasMilitaryIndustries np homie! epic as always, specially this monochromatic one
+1@FabioGalvao5679 i deleted that because of complaints in Multiplayer....
+1but thank you for your concern, i also have a backup folder for all my SP creations soo i will never lose them.
i gotchu homie
+1YOOOO now this is a new sight to see
+1@confusion ahh yes a Reconnaissance, i do have one in mind, il prioritize it in the build queue
+1@snekpilot wow thank you very much for this information!!
+1the game sounds pretty solid ngl 🔥🔥🔥
Reiner Braun Drip Shop!
+1nice work nice work!
@SemedianIndustries im sorry i always missed your incredible builds :'(
+1i thought i was already following you xD
@danylgrey put a thruster facing upwards then put in the Input : AltitudeAgl < X
change the X to the desired floating altitude ex : AltitudeAgl < 15
make the thruster more responsive by increasing its power and reducing its Max
+1, preferably Max : 0.01 and Power : 10000
@snekpilot damn homie is SR2 good?
+1@spefyjerbf and once again i thank you for your patronage xD
+1@Ruskiwaffle1991 np! i believe that efforts should always be upvoted, soo i upvoted :D
+1@JaeBeansS looks nice already to me :V
+1@JaeBeansS damn...
+1what you workin on homie?
also thanks :D
+1thanks homie!
oh god 😭
+1Magnificent creation!
+1@2DillPickleS im not worthy of your words T_T
+1and yes im a BIIG fan of Destiny :P
@Simpleplaneplayer aight il work on the weapons, give me some time, also do you want a turret version or just static fixed guns?
+1magnificeNT!!! 😭🔥
+1@Abhishek700 a thruster facing upwards with an AlitudeAgl < (x) input
+1i also used PID controller to make it more accurate and less bouncy
nice! exactly 100
+1@Simpleplaneplayer sure i think il try making a weapons pack, i havent really made much weapons yet though xd
+1this is much more HD than rl
+1@Buricorp ayyo whats poppin!! xD
+1@UgandaKnuckles Y E S
+1@MrAdhmGamer thanks man, your builds are also very great
+1@Mage2IsTriggered i got my hands full with finding out how to make better cars lmao
+1@Mage2IsTriggered it just looks super epic, way different from your other builds O_o
+1lovin this style! extremely beautiful 😭😤