@Bellcat For bio I know what is possible, but I did not know how, and now I know how(To be more precise, I knew before 😏)
In general, I have other plans, but the thoughts were to make it)))
@SteamPunkPilot Well, here it takes time to get used to more less, and start building, so since I myself am not very pros in this, And I'm unlikely to write something new for you, but at one time I was helped by the guides, below is one of them https://youtu.be/6o7jVJUgxuo
Here are some of the new ones, I think they will help you))
It's as genius, as it's too lags! In principle, it only hangs during certain loads, and in general, it does not hang.
P.S. I had a little different ideas for stickers, but not so genius. 🤔 Brilliant works 👍
Looks great, perfectly controlled, but there is a main disadvantage,she wants to constantly take off, on straight beautifully, in equal turns is also beautiful, but with small irregularities she takes off, it is still normal on the speedway, but when she wants one wheel leaves the track, she also takes off... So 6.5/10🤔
For diligence
Not bad
Bruh 🗿
Perfect 👌 🗿
@xNotDumb ))
@Bellcat For bio I know what is possible, but I did not know how, and now I know how(To be more precise, I knew before 😏)
In general, I have other plans, but the thoughts were to make it)))
@Clutch Yes, it's Basic Cat
Okay, it's works 👍 👌
What the hell is that magic?
@SteamPunkPilot )))
Ah yes... Guide
@SteamPunkPilot Well, here it takes time to get used to more less, and start building, so since I myself am not very pros in this, And I'm unlikely to write something new for you, but at one time I was helped by the guides, below is one of them https://youtu.be/6o7jVJUgxuo
Here are some of the new ones, I think they will help you))
Maybe, but only with text(parts "Label")
His appearance, or his flight?
@xNotDumb Thanks))
It's as genius, as it's too lags! In principle, it only hangs during certain loads, and in general, it does not hang.
P.S. I had a little different ideas for stickers, but not so genius. 🤔 Brilliant works 👍
@Sergio666 Why did you do it?
I like this design! Nice!
@Nerfaddict 😄 yeah...
@xNotDumb No
Looks interesting
Foking Finally!!!
Holy shit, it's genius! Where have you been before?
How? Bruh...
Edit: I understood how it works, by the way the "sound" can still try to stabilize with pistons, and rotators🤔... Maybe 🤷♂️🤔
😂 😂 😂
Not bad 🤔
Looks great, perfectly controlled, but there is a main disadvantage,she wants to constantly take off, on straight beautifully, in equal turns is also beautiful, but with small irregularities she takes off, it is still normal on the speedway, but when she wants one wheel leaves the track, she also takes off... So 6.5/10🤔
Looks good, is controlled perfectly, but too much downforce on the rear wing
P. S. Why?
@MVC Thanks))
@MVC There is a working concept with pushrod suspension, but he's at a very early stage, and pretty cumbersome, but I have plans for the future.
@UsualPiooneer Thanks))
@JumpingSpider ))
@tsampoy Thanks))
@Gluck Thanks))
Hell yes!!!
@Destroyerz117 Thanks