I know it's wishful thinking, but could we please get a trans/supersonic sound cue or something that acknowledges when we're performing high-speed/high-G maneuvers? Or at the least some condensation over the wings when traveling at a low enough altitude?
The sheer lack of interaction with the ambient environment is really hampering the experience on mobile, the building of aircraft is outstanding, but the actual flying leaves much to be desired.
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/hrw7ys/K-918X-Trident Hi there! Just found your channel and I'm leaving super quickly, would you mind giving some pointers on a passion project of mine?
I know it's wishful thinking, but could we please get a trans/supersonic sound cue or something that acknowledges when we're performing high-speed/high-G maneuvers? Or at the least some condensation over the wings when traveling at a low enough altitude?
+3The sheer lack of interaction with the ambient environment is really hampering the experience on mobile, the building of aircraft is outstanding, but the actual flying leaves much to be desired.
@Wi1dSk7 Thanks, I tried my best on it.
+1This is pretty damn cool
+1@Trainzo thanks (~‾▿‾)~
@Potatu 'preciate it (◡ ω ◡)
@Pilothasya137 I could try but that's a bit out of my skill range 💀
@PakPuma75 Thank you! Honestly, I wasn't sure about that decision, it's made landing kinda dicey.
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/hrw7ys/K-918X-Trident Hi there! Just found your channel and I'm leaving super quickly, would you mind giving some pointers on a passion project of mine?
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.
McTaggers my dude
This is beauty at it's core btw
@AWESOMENESS360 Trust me, AI will not be able to handle this plane ;-;, I use rotators for the pitch axis
@JaeBeansS I'm having an extremely hard time understanding your speech.
@JaeBeansS That I can do
@JaeBeansS I have no idea what all that is, I just build planes my guy
@JaeBeansS what?
@JaeBeansS so, just what exactly do you need me to build?
@JaeBeansS I did build a type of parasite fighter a few times before, so are you asking about a self guided bomb?
Whats going on with this thing, it has no stats and part count is at 0
@JaeBeansS parasite fighter, like a miniature jet?
@JaeBeansS alright then, lay it on me.
Thanks ^^ Looks great
This was a surprisingly cool plane you built here! Can't wait to see more!
@JaeBeansS if you want, I've got a discord, we can talk it over there
@JaeBeansS sure, sounds like fun. Whatcha got in mind?
Looks great, loving that wing strake
@Cathay001 Ah, I made one of those two, give it a looksie if you'd like ^^
Thanks guys ^^
Ohhh I see what you mean now @SmashGrabJr
@SmashGrabJr English isn't your first language is it?
@SmashGrabJr im from the US, i dont understand what you're referring :/
@SmashGrabJr I don't understand..
Huh? @SmashGrabJr
It looks like the birth child between the X-Wing, The A-Wing and the Delta-7 Interceptor...basically AWESOME!
Can't wait for that mobile friendly one, great job on the perfomance upgrade version owo
@WHISKY12 sure that sounds fun! ^-^
@WHISKY12 how on earth–..?
@Warhammer55 >w>
Haha yep
This is was my childhood so thank you for this masterpiece
@JawaJuice17 thanks for the vibes m8 ^^
@MEERKAT978. Oooh ok that sounds cool 😝
Done :3 @UssInvincible
@ThePrototype THANKIES ^^
@JovianPat thanks and your craft is freaking awesome!^^
@JovianPat holy crap!! I'm really sorry about that I thought this was original I'll delete this if it helps
Thanks its not finished yet :3 @RealQcan
May I use this hull for something I'm not clear on how to make a boat hull
Thanks^^ I'll see what I can do @Sunnyskies