@Graingy bro thinks "not posting daily" equals "not posting at all" 🗿🗿🗿
bruh, you make posts like someone is pointing a crossbow at your head 💀 you should just slow down a little, no one will think you are dead just because you don't make any forum shitposts for 2-3 days. 😺
@Randomplayer no, you said "you felt (past tense) addicted to the website" and that you "feel better now". I simply pointed it out that you are still very much addicted because having not even a full day between two posts is not a hiatus bro 💀 you need to touch some grass 💀
@DatFiat126Fan19 what, dont you see that this is a very high effort PEA build? I spent so much time perfecting it, its the most efficient PEA plane you'll ever see 🏆
no you don't understand, it is essential that we all learn what a user's breakfast was this morning, or to know that they just came back from the toilet. These are all very important information that we all must know! 😺
@Majakalona but you still listened to my comment. before that, you posted a hundred forum posts and one plane a week and now you're finally posting more planes (which is the main purpose of this website, not to post about roblox or whatever shit). I'm so proud of you son 😸
@TheSPTuner What do you mean? I have spent so much time on making this plane very part efficient. It's 100% PEA on purpose and totally not a lazily built garbage that was made in 2 minutes while using PEA as an excuse for bad quality, trust me bro, it's real 💀
How to get to platinum:
1 get simpleplanes
2 start posting low effort planes that take like 5 mins to build
3 post three of these every day
4 get some "friends" by complimenting a few of their posts and then adding their names to your bio
5 make sure to tag them on each one of your posts
6 post a billion off-topic, nonsense forum posts every day too
7 congratulations, you just reached platinum in under a month
@TheCommentaryGuy No reverse psychology here, just making fun of all the unskilled users who reached platinum by spamming forum posts about their breakfast, or roblox or whatever that has nothing to do with simpleplanes 😺
@DatFiat126Fan19 maybe I do idk, but this is not why I'm here for, and we are spamming this fellow's forum post. So, good talk sir, adieu
(P.S. if I were to really imitate zaniman, I would have to post a billion forum posts and videos of random offtopic cringe things)
@ChaseRacliot allow the paper rank to teach you something: the little arrow on your comment can be used to edit it, so you don't have to post a trillion new comments after every typo. S 😺
ok bye
bro is making busines on sp ☠️
imma steal 🍿🗿
ok bye
@Fiat133 That's my hamster, Fifi, its his birthday!
+1Omg bro, I never seen this joke before bro, I was prankeddd so baaad, so fresh n original 💀💀
+1Bro put irish flag on italia tank 💀
+1@Graingy bro thinks "not posting daily" equals "not posting at all" 🗿🗿🗿
+1bruh, you make posts like someone is pointing a crossbow at your head 💀 you should just slow down a little, no one will think you are dead just because you don't make any forum shitposts for 2-3 days. 😺
@Graingy bruh, your other posts are like that too tho 💀 and why is there a forum every day? is bro suffering from addiction? 🙀💀💀
@Graingy bro is playing rp again, now he brings alt to support himself and send white rank level plane that he posted 50 forums ago 🗿
@Graingy what is bro yapping about? he almost never made actual craft in the first place, only forums 🤡
"In other words, the chances I'd spend time playing SP may go down further still." oh no, bro might post less brainrot forums then ☠️☠️
gragy posting brainrot forums 24/7 again, bro hasn't touched grass in years 💀
+3ok bye
@Randomplayer no, you said "you felt (past tense) addicted to the website" and that you "feel better now". I simply pointed it out that you are still very much addicted because having not even a full day between two posts is not a hiatus bro 💀 you need to touch some grass 💀
+1looks like you are still addicted to the website bro, you can't stay away from it for more than a day and you are making new forums every two days 💀
+1@Graingy bro really thinks I'm believing his roleplay ☠️
@126 he roleplayin with an alternate personality
Gragy trying not to make a new forum post every 10 minutes Challenge IMPOSSIBLE 💀
+1@DatFiat126Fan19 what, dont you see that this is a very high effort PEA build? I spent so much time perfecting it, its the most efficient PEA plane you'll ever see 🏆
no you don't understand, it is essential that we all learn what a user's breakfast was this morning, or to know that they just came back from the toilet. These are all very important information that we all must know! 😺
+3@Majakalona ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@SamTheUncle he is chronically online and has nothing better to do than change his pfp every 2 seconds and make new posts
+1bro is spamming the website with posts 24/7 💀
ok bye
+1"I'm the first user to have an nene amano pfp"
+1The list of people who care:
@Majakalona but you still listened to my comment. before that, you posted a hundred forum posts and one plane a week and now you're finally posting more planes (which is the main purpose of this website, not to post about roblox or whatever shit). I'm so proud of you son 😸
@TheNewSPplayer looks like bro (mojitokoala) is pissed because you said the truth 💀
@TheSPTuner Im sure about everything
+1@TheSPTuner What do you mean? I have spent so much time on making this plane very part efficient. It's 100% PEA on purpose and totally not a lazily built garbage that was made in 2 minutes while using PEA as an excuse for bad quality, trust me bro, it's real 💀
+1How to get to platinum:
+21 get simpleplanes
2 start posting low effort planes that take like 5 mins to build
3 post three of these every day
4 get some "friends" by complimenting a few of their posts and then adding their names to your bio
5 make sure to tag them on each one of your posts
6 post a billion off-topic, nonsense forum posts every day too
7 congratulations, you just reached platinum in under a month
@TheCommentaryGuy No reverse psychology here, just making fun of all the unskilled users who reached platinum by spamming forum posts about their breakfast, or roblox or whatever that has nothing to do with simpleplanes 😺
+1@KevPlayzz yes and all those comments were actually from my grandchildren, trust me bro it's real 💀
I am literally 50 years old ☠️
@KevPlayzz oh no, the convenient lil bro again 💀
@KevPlayzz why did you announce leaving then? are you a liar?
@ChaseRacliot hurray!
@DatFiat126Fan19 maybe I do idk, but this is not why I'm here for, and we are spamming this fellow's forum post. So, good talk sir, adieu
(P.S. if I were to really imitate zaniman, I would have to post a billion forum posts and videos of random offtopic cringe things)
@DatFiat126Fan19 Me? no waaaay. S 🙀
@ChaseRacliot allow the paper rank to teach you something: the little arrow on your comment can be used to edit it, so you don't have to post a trillion new comments after every typo. S 😺
@DatFiat126Fan19 he prolly got a noti about my comment. why tag him on his own post
@DatFiat126Fan19 a person, and you? 😺
bro is pissed 💀
+1@DatFiat126Fan19 I just did, can you read?
oh btw, Im a new player, will I get a welcome?
imagine posting this on sp forums instead of war thunder forums 😱
+1@A380lover800 the list of people who asked:
+1ok bye
bro has a convenient little brother who can always be used as an excuse when bro says something that people don't like 💀