Did you just call this do realize B means bomber
This is a artificial horizon not a altimeter
I'm still waiting for the answer and also still haven't been baned so...@Hawkeye156
What sexual speech tho@Hawkeye156
Wow! Perfect scaling and amazing attention to detail I've never seen a carpathia on this site so this is an amazing start
I'll try@Tessemi
Nice let me know when and if you do it@Stormtrooper61
K thanks for the follow and I'll try to do the engine@Stormtrooper61
You should check out my profile for awesome madness
Ok I'll brb gotta go end my suffering
But those are speed breaks they just slow you down@IzzyIA
Yeah flaps are used to create more lift so your plane can fly at a lower speed so it can land easily @IzzyIA
Um you do realize flaps aren't just to slow you down
Can you build a 150 it's the first plane I ever flew
Oh thanks@Dllama4
K thanks@Ageramaster595
Dang looks cool wish I could download it but I'm on IOS
What the actual...
Just build a plane and spawn in the plane and make the AI spawn in it
Yeah idk see why darn I'll have to think of another approach @FarrowAirlines
Ayyye 2199
Will I be able to get this on iOS
Yeah That's why I said "thing"@Maximum777
I accidentally crashed game
Cool plane I wish It didn't have mods so I could actually use it
This works much better thanks
It's cool I'll go check out the improved one@danman12
To takeoff pull back on pitch@CALVIN232
I activated the engines and it's doesn't go up
It doesn't fly
My phone didn't last at all it froze and wouldn't even turn off ;-;
But I'll keep that in mind@bjac0
Oh whoops, it's been a while since I got the subassembly I don't even remember who made it@bjac0
I just used a subassembly@bjac0
I didn't break any rules@bjac0
I asked for a glass of juice not gas the Jews
Hmmm I guess this is one way to beat the p-51 in upvotes
Someone gave me a request to make a flying car engine so I put a car engine and a plane engine together@DeezDucks
Oh no is it what I think it is gasp the worm apocalypse!!!@Carsong1017
Worm class destroyer... I've seen it all
Your request has been complete@BlueCobraCreations
Do you have brain aids
I'll upload it by tomorrow @BlueCobraCreations
K I'll try that now@BlueCobraCreations
Also if you want you can take the wheels off and make it a sub assembly
Why does it dance when you spawn it
Did you just call this do realize B means bomber
This is a artificial horizon not a altimeter
+1I'm still waiting for the answer and also still haven't been baned so...@Hawkeye156
What sexual speech tho@Hawkeye156
Wow! Perfect scaling and amazing attention to detail I've never seen a carpathia on this site so this is an amazing start
I'll try@Tessemi
Nice let me know when and if you do it@Stormtrooper61
K thanks for the follow and I'll try to do the engine@Stormtrooper61
You should check out my profile for awesome madness
Ok I'll brb gotta go end my suffering
But those are speed breaks they just slow you down@IzzyIA
Yeah flaps are used to create more lift so your plane can fly at a lower speed so it can land easily @IzzyIA
Um you do realize flaps aren't just to slow you down
Can you build a 150 it's the first plane I ever flew
Oh thanks@Dllama4
K thanks@Ageramaster595
Dang looks cool wish I could download it but I'm on IOS
What the actual...
Just build a plane and spawn in the plane and make the AI spawn in it
Yeah idk see why darn I'll have to think of another approach @FarrowAirlines
Ayyye 2199
Will I be able to get this on iOS
Yeah That's why I said "thing"@Maximum777
I accidentally crashed game
Cool plane I wish It didn't have mods so I could actually use it
This works much better thanks
It's cool I'll go check out the improved one@danman12
To takeoff pull back on pitch@CALVIN232
I activated the engines and it's doesn't go up
It doesn't fly
My phone didn't last at all it froze and wouldn't even turn off ;-;
But I'll keep that in mind@bjac0
Oh whoops, it's been a while since I got the subassembly I don't even remember who made it@bjac0
I just used a subassembly@bjac0
I didn't break any rules@bjac0
I asked for a glass of juice not gas the Jews
Hmmm I guess this is one way to beat the p-51 in upvotes
Someone gave me a request to make a flying car engine so I put a car engine and a plane engine together@DeezDucks
Oh no is it what I think it is gasp the worm apocalypse!!!@Carsong1017
Worm class destroyer... I've seen it all
Your request has been complete@BlueCobraCreations
Do you have brain aids
I'll upload it by tomorrow @BlueCobraCreations
K I'll try that now@BlueCobraCreations
Also if you want you can take the wheels off and make it a sub assembly
Why does it dance when you spawn it