I uploaded a war rig it's not the one with your truck yet I'm working on that one now but if you want to check out the other one it's there@FasterThanLight
It won't be done tonight it's gonna take a few days cause I am working on 2 war rigs and some other cars then there's some things I have to do to your truck to be able to make it a war rig@FasterThanLight
I'll upload it by tomorrow @BlueCobraCreations
K I'll try that now@BlueCobraCreations
Also if you want you can take the wheels off and make it a sub assembly
Why does it dance when you spawn it
I feel strangely turned on...........
Jk wtf is this
I saw this title and I wondered "how did he make me fly"
The wheels on the bus go round and round...,yes you in the back with your hand raised-we are on water the wheels aren't turning
Did you know this plane was made out of wood
There goes my childhood.....
Nice I could see the other planes but the 262 stood out the most to me@Showtime
This is amazing and also is it just me or does it looks roughly based off an ME-262
Can't wait to see the rest of the car!
Oml I'll never sleep the same.........
I like drugs
Good jobπ@Multidimensional
The left one
Um m8 you do realize you can get banned for this@Verterium
How good it looks and how well it flys@EliteIndustries1
I've seen high school of the dead
If you go to bandit final approach and slightly turn left and fly straight for a while you should spot it@Multidimensional
I completely agree @Leonelarminrocks7
Np @FasterThanLight
Yeah I really like your Duke O Death it's really good@FasterThanLight
I uploaded a new mad max car if you want to check it out@FasterThanLight
This was a trainer not a fighter
K sounds good@OverclockAircrafts
So traveling I guess@OverclockAircrafts
To fly around for fun@OverclockAircrafts
Yes thank you@OverclockAircrafts
Ok the war rig I made with your peter built is uploaded @FasterThanLight
I just uploaded another design if you want to check it out@FasterThanLight
I uploaded a war rig it's not the one with your truck yet I'm working on that one now but if you want to check out the other one it's there@FasterThanLight
It won't be done tonight it's gonna take a few days cause I am working on 2 war rigs and some other cars then there's some things I have to do to your truck to be able to make it a war rig@FasterThanLight
K thanks@FasterThanLight
Hey can I use one of your peter builds for a war rig@FasterThanLight
Ok it's up just look on my post@FasterThanLight
K I will@FasterThanLight
That's cool thanks@Joco80