3,770 Sheppard118 Comments

  • Tiny Tank DCA 3.9 years ago

    Salut, merci pour l’invitation, mais la je ne suis vraiment plus trop présent sur simpleplanes, je n’ai plus rien crée depuis des années! Donc je ne sais pas si cela vaut la peine! @GlargiBoo @GlargiBoo

  • Tiny Tank DCA 4.0 years ago

    Salut oui... ça ce vois tant que ça? ;-) @GlargiBoo @GlargiBoo @GlargiBoo

  • The speed glitched aircraft 9.0 years ago

    This is juste a copy... check the new version here :

  • X-wing: The Force Awakens(Full interior) 9.1 years ago

    @AquaDynamixx you are jealous! This X-Wing is Awsome!

  • BELL-BOEING V-22 Osprey Mk2 9.2 years ago

    @Kevan Look here : https://www.simpleplanes.com/Airplanes/Best?d=0&tags=Parts

  • Blohm & Voss Bv 141 (prototype Mk2) 9.2 years ago

    @Warhog626 I found a funny VOUGHT V-173 FLYING PANCAKE!

  • Blohm & Voss Bv 141 (prototype Mk2) 9.2 years ago

    @Warhog626 with wings or fuselages moded. but I do not master this technical totally...

  • Bob on his Minion Plane 9.2 years ago

    Thanks for the featuring! and Thanks everybody for your upvote!

  • Terran VTOL Stryker 9.2 years ago

    Cool concept!

  • Blohm & Voss Bv 141 (prototype Mk2) 9.2 years ago

    @Leopard Thanks!

    @Warhog626 Here is the prototype Mk2 it is a difficult challenge! but I progress ;-)

  • BELL-BOEING V-22 Osprey Mk2 9.2 years ago

    Thank you everyone for your comments and upvote ! you made me exceed 2000pts !

  • F1 Updated wheels 9.2 years ago

    I really like the dashboard!

  • Blohm & Voss Bv 141 (prototype) 9.2 years ago

    @Warhog626 Here is the prototype, there are still a lot of work , but it can already fly

  • BELL-BOEING V-22 Osprey Mk2 9.2 years ago

    @Delphinus Thanks!

    @Warhog626 Truly an interssant plane this BV 141! I had never seen before ... I'll try to do it

  • BELL-BOEING V-22 Osprey Mk2 9.2 years ago

    @Warhog626 I watched a lot of photos , and there are really a lot of paint or camouflage for this aircraft. I chose this paint because it was the my Favorite... but it is true that the camouflaged version is really nice too! feel free to repaint it! ;-)

  • BELL-BOEING V-22 Osprey Mk2 9.2 years ago

    WOW thanks for the featuring!

  • Tilt Roter 9.2 years ago

    It is unfortunate that this is the predecessor of AC- 130 while it is 90% my plane...


    But thx to credit me!

  • BELL-BOEING V-22 Osprey 9.2 years ago

    Thx man, I spent hours in the regulation of balancing...

  • BELL-BOEING V-22 Osprey (Prototype) 9.2 years ago

    @slimetech Hello, i finally find it! https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/kA7LK8/100-Blades

  • BELL-BOEING V-22 Osprey (Prototype) 9.3 years ago

    @slimetech sorry I don't note it and a can't refind it... But I have heard you can modifi the save of your plane on windows to do this kind of thing, but i don't know how...

  • BELL-BOEING V-22 Osprey (Prototype) 9.3 years ago

    I know it is possible to put on a hundred blades engine, but it is possibe to expand even more the blades with a glitch or something?

  • STARWARS / Lambda Shuttle Mk2 9.3 years ago

    @Johawks1976 I see what you mean ... I made the head a little too big too

  • STARWARS / Lambda Shuttle Mk2 9.3 years ago

    @Johawks1976 sorry, what do you mean?

  • Muscle Car 9.3 years ago

    @Puredeath Thank you , but the glory back to you! your desing is incredible!

  • All Terrain Vehicle (Land,Water and Air) 9.3 years ago

    why do you have put those ugly block on the side? You can take off on the water with the wing a little bit forvard vtol 10%

  • AH-64 Apache 9.9 years ago

    Juste for the look I give you 5 star!

  • Cargo + Glider Mk2 9.9 years ago

    @Planebuilder ha ha oups... but I hope it will be tasty! ;-)

  • HSHM 10000 (mph) 9.9 years ago

    @Fasterthanu Hello, try this one : https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/3Kc7mA/Glitch-Plane-20000-mph-and-more It is smaller and faster!

  • SR-71 (Modifier) 1000mph + weapons 10.0 years ago

    I tested on my phone its working well you have to push to 100% reactor. and go until the end of the track

  • SR-71 (Modifier) 1000mph + weapons 10.0 years ago

    Play you on a mobile device? because on a PC it work good...

  • SR 71 Mk3 - High Performance 10.0 years ago

    Realy a cool plane! I have just a little change its aesthetics, but the base was really good. Nice Job!