Don't take ban him. It's my fault that this started and I'm sorry. If anyone deserves to be banned it's me... Btw you could of just told me it was a account with friends instead of saying who are you to judge but that's just my opinion on 1 way we could of prevented this. The main one being be never asking that question... @MediocrePlanes @CenturionKing
I'm going by my promise and I'm No longer arguing. I think that it's quite well done and I'm not sure how's it's spelt I had it that way originally but now your saying it's the other way so idk... @CenturionKing
Spotlight done :P
Ha, yay and I only suggested it so I'd take the stress off of some mods. @EternalDarkness
Yes @Swiftsure
Lol okay...@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
You live in the Middle East? @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Yay and feuturing. So basically everything but planes XD@Thomasj041
Lol yup. I'm coming back but I'm not making planes instead I think I'm gonna do a news type deal again. @Thomasj041
Not as long as me :P @Thomasj041
Long time no see XD
That's a big update my friend... I think that there is other things that the devs are more worried about.
1st @Cipher
2nd @Stadlles
No worries @Cipher I'm went inactive because I'm leaving this account but I will be doing the challenges tonight@toastatub
Cool @osama404
Ah... @ilovemylittlepony
I know but my point is it's encouraged to change people's designs. @Harharhoman
This your new entry? @ilovemylittlepony
No just go far @Tully2001
Has to be successor @stadlles
Lol @djbanana
If you talk in first person then it's your ghost...@djbanana
No! @djbanana
Idk then... Get better wifi?@osama404
Possibly @birdsofsteel
That makes since :P shouldn't you link him btw? @HellFireKoder
What? @Mod
This see,s like a copy... But if not god job!
Okay then... @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries @Mod
What I mean is get your name known. Talk on forums, other planes, etc.@CenturionKing
Be sure to include instructions:P
No offense but didn't Gaben already do this?
It will. And a hint on how to get more upvotes is to build a big follower base. @CenturionKing
Can you link toymakers user?
Don't take ban him. It's my fault that this started and I'm sorry. If anyone deserves to be banned it's me... Btw you could of just told me it was a account with friends instead of saying who are you to judge but that's just my opinion on 1 way we could of prevented this. The main one being be never asking that question... @MediocrePlanes @CenturionKing
Your welcome and I know it was wrong for me to argue @ChaMikey
I just meant I favorited it so not the 20th I remember it's in :P I'll post the competition on everyplay though... @ThunderscreechEngineering
I've put it in the compilation:)
Congrats @Seeras @Squirrel @Cedy117
I'm going by my promise and I'm No longer arguing. I think that it's quite well done and I'm not sure how's it's spelt I had it that way originally but now your saying it's the other way so idk... @CenturionKing
I know :D it close to being done? @Upquark
XD why not @Upquark
I like the videos where a scientist is experimenting and it explodes...
I know but it's still not a copy @JShay
Reset the device's wifi connection by turning off wifi, restarting, the turning it back on. That works for me...
Their @Thetank2
Okay then I'll pretend this post never happened... @Umbreon
What? I've always had these issues where the mod's won't deal with small things... @Shino
You do know copying can get you banned?