351 SirduckingsonIV Comments

  • BT-7274 3.6 years ago

    Protocol 1: link to pilot

    Protocol 2: uphold the mission

    Protocol 3: protect the pilot

  • FIAT CR-32 2.9 years ago


    Real talk this plane is really cool

  • JH-21 3.5 years ago

    Its really cool but in flight it is rather wobbly

  • It's Bond, Hydrogen Bond 4.1 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick yes it would be so its also Bond, Covalent Bond

  • framecopter 4.5 years ago

    I love how it controls like a plane still

  • Dive Bomber-Fighter FD-3 3.6 years ago

    @Sharkexen nah its great its a decently fast single engine bomber a little sluggish on the handling but thats okay because its a prop plane

  • A65 Ground Screamer 3.6 years ago

    Two things i noticed when you pitch up it does not like to go up its very heavy in the front but after its in the air its a stable flight but using roll pitch or yaw while flying makes it wobbly but its a great start

  • Dive Bomber-Fighter FD-3 3.6 years ago

    This thing flys like a garbage bag in the wind which makes it a perfect ww2 bomber

  • Violent cat_ 3.8 years ago

    Looks nice does 1 activate some sort of suspension by any chance cause it seems like it does

  • Lead Zeplin 3.8 years ago

    @RandomUser09 thats the point it was supposed to not fly at all but i could've tried to put a bit more effort into looks

  • XFWB-DCLXVI ''World Ender'' 4.6 years ago

    Absolute unit