74 SirmGG

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joined 2.7 years ago

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Hello all, I’m Sirm and I’m new to this community. This is definitely not a new account for an old player or anything.

Please note that everything is fictional and not 100% accurate.

All planes made & posted here are part of a fictional lore I’m working on. Here are the details:

April 11, 1989: Tensions between Wright Island and Krakabaloa archipelago are high, due to territorial disputes between the two concerning the northern Wright Isles, which has a large amount of natural oil beneath it. It was on this day that construction of a small runway was started on that island, and just a month later that it was completed.

June 23, 1989: Krakabloa declares war on the Wright Isles, due to them using materials from the island whilst it was technically Krakabloa land.

June 29, 1989: a battle has begun for the island.

July 7, 1989: After a dogfight and some ground resistance, the northern Wright island was taken over by Krakabloa. The main determining factor was the older technology due to the smaller budget of Wright’s. Hopefully their resistance and retaliation is enough to regain control, or else they are weak to a full mainland invasion.