1,929 Sketchy1945 Comments

  • Banks Peninsula, New Zealand 3.5 years ago

    I loved seeing this and flying over Quail Island in a custom fighter, wish fulfilment for sure! just need the rest of Chch so I could fly over my own house and clusterbomb my worksite haha

  • Stellar Raider 01 6.9 years ago

    @SomeFox Thanks, this one was inspired by the P-38, the F4U, and the TIE Fighter :D

  • Vangaard A-1 6.9 years ago

    @SomeFox Cheers :)

  • Vangaard VGB-01b 'Keep' 7.1 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot was a mod I was using to get an accurate 3-view for another plane, called "Orthographic grid", I think...

  • Vangaard VGB-01 'Keep' 7.2 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Thanks :) I really enjoy designing aircraft like this

  • Vangaard VGB-01 'Keep' 7.2 years ago

    @Mostly Cheers man! :D this is actually the first challenge I've competed in, and I hope to compete more once the deadline passes so I can see the results. this is also the first plane I've made to get more than 7 upvotes (the last one to get that high was a halo 4 Pelican gunship)

  • Thruster 7.2 years ago

    @AnOlympicWalnut Cheers ^_^

  • Vangaard VGB-01 'Keep' 7.2 years ago

    @F4f879 :) pretty much immediately after uploading this one I upgraded it with and elongated bomb-bay and more powerful engines, turrets are more modern on the "Production version" too. If I can wait until the end of the challenge to post it I will, But I don't think I have the patience for that hahaha

  • Vangaard VGB-01 'Keep' 7.2 years ago

    Thank you everyone! :D with your attention this has become my most liked aircraft so far, I hope to produce more for you guys in the near future, including an upgraded version of this same aircraft if you're interested @KidKromosone @WaffleCakes @F4f879 @Mostly @yoshicraze @ShiptyCo @MEERKAT978 @Tang0five @poopatron71 @JohnnyBoythePilot

  • 1935 Bomber challenge (CLOSED) 7.2 years ago

    I'm keen to smash both the minimum speed and bomb-load!

  • B-24 Liberator(need your cobstruvtive criticism 7.3 years ago

    a Good start, maybe a little large though? My suggestion would be starting off with the basic shape using a 3-view diagram from the B-24 Wikipedia page as a guide (it gives mostly-accurate dimensions and wingspan in the specifications section), and adding details from there until you're satisfied? Still a very good job :)

  • JXP-13 Privateer (Updated) 7.3 years ago

    @LusKa Cheers, the F4U was the original base for the concept, with added parts from the P-47 and Bf109, It's basically an amalgamate of planes I liked when I was 14 with an OP engine lol

  • TIE Interceptor 7.4 years ago

    @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing Hell yeah :D

  • TIE Interceptor 7.4 years ago

    @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing the Ai is in control in the dogfight, I use my own WW2-inspired heavy-fighter, so that's why I'm slower. I enjoy the challenge of trying to hit it and might make an X-wing someday to match it :)

  • TIE Interceptor 7.4 years ago

    @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing You've earned every upvote man, great work :) realistic maneuverability and speed, it's brilliant. I've been putting it against my propeller-aircraft, and whilst I can get behind it easy enough, I can't hit it with it's speed. this makes it the best Challenge I've got from a downloaded aircraft thus far. keep up the good work :)

  • SimplePlanes Update 1.7 - Damage Control 7.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison now all we need is AI Turrets for scale Bombers :D Maybe a cockpit setting "Secondary" that Can be selected after the "Primary" setting, and "Secondary" settings on rotators that give a turret AI control of them? then the flying AI in a dogfight would be more defensive than offensive, and the Turrets could do some work. Maybe even a WW2 interceptor mission attacking a squadron He111s and their escourt? That would complete the game for me :D

  • Vanguard Industries SB-01 [LSARS] 7.5 years ago

    @Stellarlabs Go ahead and give them a look :D The SL-02 Mk2 and the SM-02 Are My faves, And in a while I'll be uploading a Dutch Alt-WW2 variant of the SM-02 called the "Sleipnir". The SL-02 has an all-purpose "Export" variant I would love see field mods of :D

  • Vanguard Industries SB-01 [LSARS] 7.5 years ago

    @Stellarlabs Been messing around in the Dogfight Arena with these being attacked by captured "Rainmaker" fighters, they can defend a drop-zone after dropping their loadouts as well :) the updates have made it a far more interesting experience pitting my aircraft against each other. they also double as target-drones, at least until I upload one for that purpose :P

  • SimplePlanes Update 1.7 - Damage Control 7.5 years ago

    I can't wait to test this stuff out :D
    Cheers for the hard work guys ^_^

  • Vanguard Industries 21' Sidewinder 7.7 years ago

    @theww2lover For specifics, since I designed these from scratch imagining how each part might be made....

    Electricity: basic Copper-Acid , the Acid is refined from lemons first, then other sources as innovation runs it's course (I'm not gonna give myself credit for inventing everything, there are other people making discoveries in this world)

    Iron-source: black-sand beaches on New Zealand (the main Islands are the basis for the fictional kingdom of "New Sundaland"), as the kingdom grows trade is set up with Indian Kingdoms for their resources too

    Engines: My first engine design (not used in Simple planes as it's physics don't allow it without the rocket-mod) is basically Hero's Aeolipile using fuel instead of steam, with internal combustion introduced once factories are made capable of such measurement specific-machines. The proto-jet in some of my models is basically akin to a radial engine with a huge Supercharger built around it, but a weakened and re-scaled J-15 does the trick for now

    Fuel: coal for ships, naphtha from Egypt and the middle-east for Cars and planes.

    Rubber: trees Taken from areas bellow the Mayan Kingdom and replanted in the pacific specifically for renewable harvesting, with other ingredients traded or mined as necessary.

    I even attempted to make a rudimentary BVR (Beyond visual range) device for a night-fighter in this timeline (detected electromagnetic interference from aircraft-engines, using copper coils was my rationale, but it would take a lot of work to actually make happen, and I suspect in real-life the host-planes engines would cause too much interference)

    I've never really had to write it all down before lol, but that sums up pretty much all I remember :) There's more info on the overall storyline on my other posts, and please feel free to message me any ideas for vehicles/inventions adhering to the story while advancing it, I love to receive inspiration :D

  • Vanguard Industries 21' Sidewinder 7.7 years ago

    @theww2lover Answer:
    A- it's part of a little what-if I made up a while back whilst fantasizing about traveling to ancient Rome (New Sundaland is the kingdom I kick-start, but I'm not much of a leader so I make government to do that while I invent) I have a reasonable knowledge of engineering and history, especially with regards to mid-WW2 aircraft and where to get resources I'd need to make these things in a pre-industrial environment so I design these aircraft based on that premise as both a backdrop and inspiration for my designs.
    B- the story takes place from around 300AD, well within the iron age where inventors have already proven concepts we use today, including magnetism, electricity, and the first rudimentary engines.
    C- it's a fictional vehicle so I could say "magic" and it would have the same weight.

  • PBY5a Catalina (NZ) 7.7 years ago

    @GINGER01 Cheers, the gear was probably the most difficult part to get working lol. that, and getting it to fly after all the crap I put on it hahaha

  • Vanguard Industries SB-01 [MSAR] 7.7 years ago

    @ESIOTROT121 for a real-life example of this idea, Google Image search "SB-29" it's the main inspiration :)

  • Vanguard Industries SL-02 Trumpeter [DIVE BOMBER] 7.7 years ago

    @TheOwlAce The added dihedral is mainly a result of it's inspiration, it's a mix of Ju88,I-153, and Hs123. So far in my test-flights I haven't encountered any roll/yaw problems, as long as the bombs are dropped (with AG1) and the flaps are up (Gear). my only issue is with the "sirens" (those little propellers on the spats) over-speeding in unpowered dives (which occurs at around 170MPH), if they keep overspeeding they explode, causing the wheels to rip off (although a skilled pilot can land the plane in this condition without destroying the propeller, it's still inconvenient)

  • Vanguard Industries SM-02 [GROUND ATTACK] 7.7 years ago

    @ESIOTROT121 If you're curious as to my original inspiration for the SM-02, check out the Bristol 142, and my JXP-14 Tiger :) the tiger was basically a small 142 with turbo-props, and the SM-02 was my attempt to tie that into my little story :)

  • Vanguard Industries SM-02 [GROUND ATTACK] 7.8 years ago

    @ESIOTROT121 Awesome :D Cheers, have a great day ^_^

  • Vanguard Industries SM-02 [GROUND ATTACK] 7.8 years ago

    @Mostly actually, my original design was a slim Bristol Blenheim with a low-wing and turboprops, but then for this "ancient" version it's just normal engines and radiator in the spinner. now that you mention it though... I can kinda see it, you have a point :D

  • Hs 129 b-3 7.8 years ago

    @MethaManAircraft one of my fave german planes, and so well done! how could I not :D keep up the good work

  • Vanguard Industries SM-02 [GROUND ATTACK] 7.8 years ago

    @Deadly8Nightshade I'm very pleased that you enjoy my work that much :D Hope you enjoy my future work :)

  • Vanguard Industries SM-02 [GROUND ATTACK] 7.8 years ago

    @ESIOTROT121 I'm loving developing the specifics of the little what-if fiction I made plane-by-plane ^_^ I hope you enjoy the planes as much as I enjoy making them :D

  • Vanguard Industries SM-02 [GROUND ATTACK] 7.8 years ago

    @Deadly8Nightshade Cheers ^_^

  • Alternate History (Time travel contingency): Rome 7.8 years ago

    This is mainly just background for a series of vehicles I intend to post in the near future. I decided it would be better in a separate post instead of adding it to the description of every plane.

  • UF-144 Falcon (JL) 7.9 years ago

    @Omicronpriority I should keep that in mind on future builds, might even upgrade some of my old designs too if I feel they have earned it :) am working on som more movie/book vehicles too ^_^

  • V-1 guided bombe 7.9 years ago

    @grizzlitn you are welcome :)

  • Fieseler Fi 103 Reichenberg. 7.9 years ago

    @grizzlitn No problem, excelent work :)

  • UF-144 Falcon (JL) 7.9 years ago

    A beautiful addition to my airframe, I'm impressed that it can fly on the rotors alone, and glad to see it behaving better. keep up the good work, RadarJamJar's Gyros preform quite well

  • Metro-liner 8.2 years ago

    I find it much easier to make aircraft as I have been making and flying RC model planes for over a decade, it's almost too easy to make things fly, but this is only my second successful Land-vehicle attempt lol

  • MXY7 Ohka 8.3 years ago

    Extra info: for best effect you'll need and aircraft to launch from, and the rocket mod. this aircraft is equipped with a bomb so a crash will cause a realistic explosion destroying nearby targets.

  • A-10 Thunderbolt II "Warthog" 8.4 years ago

    @UltraAirForce1 Already made four WW2 Bombers including a Fw190/Ju88 "Mistel", and some bombers of my own design, just haven't posted them yet :) I noticed bombers are less effective in this game, especially when the enemy missiles lock on hahaha

  • Air Cobra 8.4 years ago

    Noticed the nose-guns! do they fire and if so, how the heck do you get them to not shoot the prop? (can never get a gun on the nose without losing the prop when I fire haha)

  • A-10 Thunderbolt II "Warthog" 8.4 years ago

    @UltraAirForce1 Cheers :) got a few on the way, hopefully they are to your liking. most of the ones I'm loading are to clean up my personal planes list and make the game less lag-y on my crappy laptop haha.